Simplicity 2226
Saw it round the traps....Jennifer, Anna,(Anna has a sew-along tute of this too - ACE!) and Bec too, with a super cute skirt worn to latest SASE with MMQG
Had some g-or-geous linen blend fabric by Isso Ecco
Thought I would cut it up!
I am actually 3 days late for Curly Pops May Skirt Sew Along - but that's me, always trying to catch up to the popular kids...besides, I was thinking and planning in May, does that count?
I am absolutely amazed that I have 99.9% finished this skirt and it is not bad, if I say so myself....not great, not terrific, not spectacular, but not terrible too
Clothing patterns typically do my head in; the instructions never seem to match the pictures (if there are any) and the jargon is beyond me sometimes
After a few curse words with gathering (so hard to get it right and the threads always break), then unpicking the yoke 3 times, the zip was a whole other matter - I got through it on a wing and a prayer...please don't ask me how to put a zip into a skirt...I still don't know ;)
the end result I think is kinda cute and hopefully I will wearing it to Canberra this weekend - I'm going to need thick thick tights and merino singlets and my biggest cowl neck scarf I can muster
Ruby's not so sure about the 'all animals are equal' business...she definitely is more equal than others!