Slow Blog Manifesto

Slow Bloggers salute those amazingly productive bloggers who can show a big mosaic of makes at the end of each month - we are among your most admiring and avid readers.  Slow Bloggers generally worry that they are not so good at juggling the requirements of life, households, jobs and crafting. 

Knotted Cotton

The Membership* declares:

  • There are no conditions for membership - if you're a slow blogger, you probably know it.
  • A Slow Blogger may get on a roll and be very productive, but may equally well disappear into the summer holidays and appear sporadically, if at all. 
  • The aim of the Slow Blog movement is to take the pressure off by reminding ourselves who we blog for - us! - and encouraging ourselves that we will still have some readers even if we don't blog for more than a few days.  We will blog what we do, but will not do so that we can blog.
  • With membership you are declaring your intention not to sweat about the blogging when other things take over, or to feel apologetic if you have only made one thing in a month.   
  • Membership can be temporary!  You can drop in and out. 
  • Slow Bloggers do not have to Follow other members but will support those Slow Bloggers they do follow in their attempts to be productive in the face of the many obstacles that life throws up.
  • A Slow Blogger is identified by the button below - no trouser-legs at half-mast or special handshakes!
  • A member may have had a productive month, or simply been smelling the flowers.  Having nothing to show is less important than having something to say! 
  • Nothing in the above is to be taken entirely seriously. 

*Crafting chapter (textile crafts, photography, you name it)

Read more about it here and here

Grab my button, but why not stop and say hello:-)

Knotted Cotton

Unless otherwise stated all words and pictures on this blog are my copyright. If you would like to reproduce any material, please do just ask (I'm friendly!) and then link back to me - thank you!


  1. Love the Manifesto!! And thanks so much for the shout out re. my blog today!!

  2. This is such a great idea! My productivity definitely comes in spurts.

  3. yep great idea, Im a sporadic blogger, travels and photos of stuff i like is usually what goes in, the odd birthday or pretty flowers!

  4. Ohh lovely - I'm in .. though I'm still waiting for that "productive spree"

  5. This is what I´ve been looking for - and now I´ve found it! You nailed it! This is what it´s all about - thank you! :-)

  6. Thank you so much, finally some body who understands me!

  7. I am so in!!! Me to a tee. Some weeks are productive, some....oh well.

    blessings, jill

  8. Love it too, thank you so much, it's perfect for me.

  9. Ahhhh I just added this button to my sidebar... and that is the extent of my quilt blogging activities for today:).

  10. Hooray for the last comment in your manifesto. Now that Zakka style sew along is done I think I will resume my regular pace and qualify under these terms.

  11. Really love the manifesto. I love to quilt and make cards but Mr Mojo goes walk about with all my work commitments. Love to follow other people's blogs and get alot of inspiration. Shame there arent more hours in the day.

  12. This is me to a tea! Thanks for making me feel "ok" to not post so often. hugs

  13. Hi, just found your blog through Martha @ Weekend Doings. Love this idea and I'd like to join in!

  14. Hello...I have to admit I can't blog daily(Blogtoberfest prove it). I join in as a member, this party is more suitable for me. Thanks!

  15. Hi I just found this as I was trying to draft my manifesto for my new blog - Bead it and Weep. It sounds perfect. I'm in!

  16. Right up my alley! Count me in!

  17. I would love to join in and put the gadget into my blog ---
    It simply doesn't work with the URL address. What can I do, how can I do it.You might perhaps give me a hint.

  18. I love this! lol Grabbed the button. Rather new to this. Can someone explain to me what a Link Party is?

  19. If you are a slow blogger then I am a slow slow blogger!

  20. This is brilliant! Saw the button on a site. Here's a movement I can join!

  21. Hi Catherine, I came across your site this morning while looking for slow blogger manifestos. I am writing my own manifesto for my 'slow blog' as an expat in Mumbai -

    Please do count me in for the next Linky Party! In fact, I'd really love to host it actually! I couldn't find the contact me section so hope to find a reply here :)

    1. Hi Catherine, thanks for your message, I hope you are able to reply now because I did not receive your email address to reply to for some reason. Thanks!

  22. Hi Catherine, Found your Button on Radka's blog so popped over to see what it was all about and thought WHAT A JOLLY GOOD IDEA!!! So I'm in!
    Monkey Business and Quilts.

  23. I LOVVVVVVVVVVVVE this idea!! I have been blogging for several years and always felt guilty when I did not get a post written almost daily. But what I found was that posting so often took the fun out of blogging and out of making whatever I was going to blog about. I wanted an end product I could photograph and I forgot to enjoy the process along the way!! Thank you!!

  24. ha! I love this!! I just grabbed your button and posted about it on my blog (found you from a quilting friends blog ..Life's Rich Pattern.)
    my blog is here:

  25. Thanks- you just defined me- and I needed it-grabbed your button and I feel better already:)

  26. Oh I love it thank you.:-))))))

  27. I randomly came across your blog this morning. What a great idea! Because I suffer from chronic pain without a solid pain management plan there are many times that I disappear and reappear on my blogs. This button and 'manifesto' describes many of my feelings. Thanks for creating it!

    By the way, my site is My studio blog is at

  28. Not only am I a slow blogger, but I'm not a very bright one either !!
    Can anyone please explain to me how to get the button to stick on to by blog ?
    My husband suggested Copydex and staples !!!
    There's been a couple of buttons I have wanted to put on my very slow blog, but alass I have tried in vain.


  29. Brilliant! A perfect solution :-)

  30. Splendid idea, when I work out how to grab the button, I'll add it to my blog! Thanks for your lovely comment too!

  31. What a brilliant idea - I've added the button - thank you. :-)

  32. I'm always embarrassed by the length between blog posts, despite all good intentions, because life just gets in the way. Thank you so much for doing this. I'm definately going to add this to my blog.

  33. What Wendz said I'm there/here Thank you Catherine for saying what I've been thinking

  34. I would love to join if I may. It made sigh with relief to read what you have written!

  35. Greetings from Portugal! I just loved your manifesto, and I already grab the button! Thank you for expressing what many of us have thought but had not managed to say so well. Bless you!

  36. This one is perfect for me. Thanks! Great initiative. I love it! You just made my day! Hugs!

  37. This is great! Absolutely. Love. It.

  38. Just found your blog - may I join in..........I'm a very slow blogger and crafter. I have done working under pressure
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  39. Just found you, and have proudly added the button to my blog. Yay for slow blogging! xx

    1. Hi Tina Thank you! So nice to hear from someone who "gets it"! Just to let you know I can't reply to you because your blogger profile isn't public - which also means I can't find your blog.

  40. Hello there Catherine.......very happy to declare myself a slow blogger.

  41. Hello, I just came here via Kim at tales from a handmade home - and was whooping with delight at your slow blogging manifesto - yes, yes, YES!

    I have now proudly pinched your snail for my little piece of Blogland - THANK YOU.

  42. Just found you though dreaming in stitches. I love this so much! I am sooo ready to commit to slow bloggerhood! Grabbing the badge right now.

  43. Came upon you quite by accident as I toured a new commenter's blog - Regina's Quilts ... wow ! The pressure has been lifted ... I feel so much more relaxed ! Life does get in our way and life is to be lived. I will now go out and smell the roses !
    Thank you for your badge !

  44. Hi everyone, I am now a relaxed slow blogger. I joined today and it's nice to meet you all. Thanks for the welcome Catherine.

  45. I found this and you on another blog. What a super cute idea. I am definitely a "slow blogger."

  46. Hi Catherine! I've been following you and I think it's time for join in! Grabbed the button! Excellent idea!

  47. Is that the Bass Rock from Seacliffe or John Muir? I'm not sure if I qualify as a Slow Blogger - I'm blogging my creativity daily, but only committing to 15 mins. Great blog, trying to subscribe, but Blogger don't make it easy.

  48. I love this! I feel like this describes me and I'm taking your button. Great idea. Thank you!

  49. I thought I was hopeless but now I know I'm just a Slow Blogger. I'm so glad I found you! I've grabbed your button. Thanks!

  50. Love, love, love the Slow Blog Manifesto! I have grabbed your button! What fun!!

  51. Brilliant...I am not alone!! Thank you!!

  52. The slow blogger Manifesto is Great Catherine! (Looks like Catherine the Great, in reverse, LOL)

  53. Oh wow I love this! Is it ok to point others to your movement in a wee blog post? x

  54. Oh, that's brilliant! Love it. Count me in... :-)

  55. good share, creativity needs time breaks silence read my manifesto of living slowly

  56. Great! Lovin' it! As somebody who has sporadically quilted, taking years (decades) off, I appreciate the sentiment.

  57. Hi Catherine. Found your button on another blog and was curious enough to click on it. Fantastic. Now I no longer need to feel guilty about my sporadic blog entries. Love to stitch - embroider, patchwork, quilt - anything creative, but often have no time to share through my blog regularly. Yep, I would be "a slow blogger". So thanks for your button. Find me occasionally at -

    1. Help!! How do I add your button to my blog????

  58. Yay. Thanks Catherine. Button added.

  59. I would love to blog more but, alas, it has to move over for life responsibilities. I have been in the ranks of the sporadic guilty bloggers, and your movement is freeing me up. Love the Manifesto! Thank you! And by all means, let us not take ourselves too seriously!

  60. Thanks Catherine this sums up my discovery of blogging so well as I was getting a little confused and stressed with blogging expectations and it was becoming a chore. This gives me the right to blog when I have something valuable to say, after all, this should be fun!

  61. finally something i can relate!! love this... thanks for the lovely button

  62. Yes, this is so me. I would like to blog more but I just can't seem to get around to it sometimes.Now I don't feel pressured into blogging everyday. Thanks and I have added the button.

  63. What a great idea! I sure fit in...I frequently feel like I'm being pulled apart by everything!
    I'm adding your button too.

  64. Love it!!! I realy am a Slow blogger :))

  65. love this slow blogger idea. I guess I consider myself a slow blogger too. Came your manifesto from a link from another blog. Glad there are others like me out there. Look forward to clicking through some of your other posts

  66. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. oh my gosh, I love this! I'll gladly grab your button.

  68. I've found my tribe!!!! Thanks for articulating and making this okay!

  69. Hi,
    Ran across your little snail logo over at Laura Conowitch's place. Thought I would join you as I'm a slow blogger, heck, I'm slow at all my crafts. I'll be putting your little snail, which I think is really cute, on my sidebar of my blog. Have a great day!

  70. I love this! lol Grabbed the button :-)

  71. Love this, so happy to join

  72. Just found your blog through The Endeavourers. This slow blogger manifesto is me to the T. I'm totally following and have posted your button and a link on my blog side bar. Thank you :)

  73. Bahahahaha! LOVE this! WHY have I not seen this before in all my years of blogging! You are most awesome, oh wise and wonderful Catherine! This is me to a "t"! I'm totally adding this to my blog today and will provide the link to this page, of course. I found you via "Nutbrown Cottage." Hugs and blessings to you!


I love hearing from you and always try to reply - please forgive me if I accidentally miss a comment. If you don't hear back do check you aren't a "No Reply Blogger", and look for a reply here in the Comments section.


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