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Paris By Night in Korea

Picture credit to There are lots of rumors circulating around about Thuy Nga doing a show in Korea. But Thuy Nga on their forum has confirmed the rumors. In deed they are planning to do a show in Korea because it was by request from audiences and they are urging people to send in suggestions for the show and to think outside the box. You can send your suggestions for song choice as well as other creative ideas for the show to . Some forums reported that Paris By Night in Korea will be number 87, 88 and so forth but they are all false. Remembering that PBN 87 was the Talent Show Finals and 88 will be on Lam Phuong: Duong Ve Que Huong taped in Houston, Texas. There is no set number and or date posted on Thuy Nga’s website suggestion for PBN in Korea but only that the show had difficulties filming and has been postponed to until further notice. From what I know this will be a show plus a tour for a fee of $2,000. You get to watch the sh...

Los Cabos! 2007 Calendar

Ky Duyen along with 4 other singers ( Loan Chau, Thanh Ha, Truc Linh and Truc Lam ) went to Los Cabos in Mexico for a 2007 calendar shoot. In a recent interview online, Ky Duyen mentioned that in this calendar she wanted to portray Vietnamese women, Asian in general in a different way. Normally Asian women are portraying in movies for example as weak and traditional in customs clothes or really trashy and sleazy. Ky Duyen wanted to show that Asian women could be sexy without going over the top and revealing too much. There is this other side, a balance between two common typecast. If you want to buy the calendar go to * calendar pics taken from Ky Duyen House on myspace

Artist's Profile: Roni Tran

Pictures taken from Roni's myspace Basic Infos Name: Roni Tran Viet Name: Tran Binh Trong Birthdate: 6.10.87 Height: 174cm Origin: Vietnamese Birthplace: ThaiLand Raised: Hyvinkää, Finland Official Myspace: He came to fame after being in Finland Idols & Finnish Pop Idol. He appeared on Thuy Nga 84 Passport to Music & Fashion singing "Call Me." He released his debut album "Since 1987" in May. "The name of the album indicates to his year of birth but regardless his young age he is becoming a real pops star/ IDOL?" Roni is signed to Sony Records. My Thoughts: Roni has a great voice and I really like his singing. His voice is strong and the kind of music he does, is R&B, the kind I like. Paris By Night tends to find different faces from around world. The last one I remembered was Adam Ho. They took him under their wings, and now it is Roni. I'm sure we will see more of Roni on future PBN show...

Paris By Night Talent Show 2007

Oh the controversies! Yup, you know what I’m talking about. Recently Paris By Night (PBN) AKA Thuy Nga created a talent show in search some great singers I guess… Like American Idol, they had voting by phone and text and even online. It is definitely a step up in the Vietnamese entertainment industry. Surrounding everything in life are controversies and criticisms. And Paris By Night Talent Show 2007 could not be without it! The show began on , a website recently made by Thuy Nga (allowing legal downloads of music, videos, and more). People around the world gathered in to audition and the show played on live online. Viewers around the globe could watch the live show online at and vote until the show ended. Of course you could also purchase a ticket to see the show in person. The talent show consisted of two parts, semifinals and the finals. The semifinals were made up of 13 contestants: Van Phi Thong, David Meng, Huy Tam, Ngoc Loan, Huong Giang, Trieu ...

The First Step

The first post, like the first kiss is the best ever for some. This marks the birth of my blog! I will try to update as much as possible. I hope you will all show your support, and check out my blog regularly. All my posts on this blog will mostly reflect my personal opinion on the topics and or the artists. They will be leaning toward satires and so don’t get all upset if I am saying something you think is not true or bias, whatever. I’m here to try and share my thoughts on the Vietnamese entertainment industry mainly in the U.S. as well as keep people up to date with what’s going on. I try to amuse you and try to make my point along the way. I am not a comedian wannabe or plan to be. And most of the things I write about are out of my own interests. You have the rights to not read what I write and not visit this blog. So don’t get all upset when reading my blog because you’re not supposed to. I want to give a shout out to my friend MetalAZNWarrior over at TVB MUSING who inspired me la...

Truong Vu's Wedding!

Singer Truong Vu is married! Congratulations! The singer got hitched on October 27, 2005 with Anh Thu, a nurse in Orange County, California. Truong Vu's quite the romantic, singing to his wife in the photos below. The two also shared a passionate kiss. Click on the images to enlarge.