Picture credit to http://community.seattleu.edu/ There are lots of rumors circulating around about Thuy Nga doing a show in Korea. But Thuy Nga on their forum has confirmed the rumors. In deed they are planning to do a show in Korea because it was by request from audiences and they are urging people to send in suggestions for the show and to think outside the box. You can send your suggestions for song choice as well as other creative ideas for the show to kavana25@hotmail.com . Some forums reported that Paris By Night in Korea will be number 87, 88 and so forth but they are all false. Remembering that PBN 87 was the Talent Show Finals and 88 will be on Lam Phuong: Duong Ve Que Huong taped in Houston, Texas. There is no set number and or date posted on Thuy Nga’s website suggestion for PBN in Korea but only that the show had difficulties filming and has been postponed to until further notice. From what I know this will be a show plus a tour for a fee of $2,000. You get to watch the sh...
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