
Best Actor

I never saw – who did presenter Hillary Swank come with?

Phillip Seymour Hoffman for Capote. Eerie.

Terrance Howard for Hustle and Flow. Wow.

Heath Ledger . . . oh, stop!

Joaquin Phoenix for Walk The Line. Another frickin' wow.

David Strathairn for Good Night and Good Luck. I can't help rooting for how very solid he was. I love Murrow.

And . . .

Hoffman. Am I a bit disappointed? Of course. Am I surprised? No – because he got the IFC Best Actor award. And right now, I don't know why I'm disappointed other than because it's just so expected. The only thing that would have been more expected was Heath Ledger.

God love him, though, he's actually surprised. He really didn't expect this. You can tell that he hoped, but didn't dare dream. And his speech is so sweet, and so complimentary to his mom. You just can't find a single thing wrong with that.

Still, I wish Strathairn had gotten it.

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