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We Have a Winner!
I had a draw for a copy of the book Don't Make Me Come Up There!, by Kirsten at We are THAT Family. And we have a winner!

There were 42 entries, and the random number I chose through was 37, which led me to Cara of One Young Homemaker. So thanks, Cara! You'll be receiving your book in the mail!

Here's more info on Don't Make Me Come Up There, a pick me up and encourager for moms. And if you didn't win, you can always purchase it here:

Thanks so much for entering, and I'll do some more book giveaways soon!


Don't Make Me Come Up There!
I've had one of those weeks where I've been very convicted about how dark my heart is. First, I gloried far too hard when certain politicians that I don't particularly like lost in the Canadian election on Monday night. Victory dance while singing "Hey, hey, hey, good-bye" is probably not appropriate for a Christian, even if it feels good at the time.

And I was also reminded that though it is okay to rejoice in God's victory, it is not God's best to be in glee at a person's death, even an evil person. I'm not saying it's wrong; I'm just saying it's not God's best. And as much as I speak and as much as I write, I keep being reminded that I have so far to go. I hope I never give the impression to all of you that I have arrived already, because I haven't.

One of the things that bugs me about a lot of Christian speakers and writers is that they seem so, well, perfect. I'm not perfect. You should see the piles of laundry waiting to be folded right now. I yelled at my kids when they were little (not that I'm proud of that). I waste time. I'm short with my husband.

I think the Christian church would be a lot healthier if we could admit that we're not perfect. And that's why, when a blogger comes along who deliberately labels herself as "not a perfect mom", I laugh and I know I like her before I even meet her.

That's what I thought about Kristen Welch, whose blog, We are THAT Family, I started reading when she started writing it several years ago. She was quick to share about her foibles with her kids, trying to get them to behave, even though she was definitely not the ideal pastor's wife.

She shared about her struggles. She shared about how her kids didn't always behave. In a series of blog posts she even shared about her husband's battle with pornography (and subsequent healing).

And then Kristen's heart was broken when she went to Africa and saw the poverty there. I understand Kristen's heart; my heart was broken in a similar way. And so I consider Kristen a soul sister.

So when Kristen came out with her first book--Don't Make Me Come Up There--I was thrilled to receive a copy to review.

The book is written specifically for moms with kids at home. Dubbed "Quiet Moments for Busy Moms", she includes 52 2-3 page thoughts to read, each with a verse and a prayer that can help focus your mind and heart while you've locked yourself in the bathroom, praying for a few minutes to yourself. They're not onerous; they're not guilt-inducing. Instead, it's more like talking to a friend who has been where you are, and has some encouragement to offer.

You know I'll love Kristen's book when I tell you that meditation number 24 is "Turned Off", about her family's decision to turn off the TV. I've preached about that relentlessly on this blog, so it's wonderful to see I'm not alone! Kristen explains:

There is a strong pull toward the world and the things in it. Our job as parents is to dig in our heels and fight against the pull.
But lest you fear that all meditations will make you feel less than holy if you haven't achieved this yet, she also throws in "I Lost my Pride in Wal-Mart", "This is Where I Hide in the Garage", or her mortification when a friend realizes that the fcashier at a fast-food restaurant actually knows Kristen by name. (Apparently it's not normal to come to a chick-fil-a so often that you become intimate with the hired help.) The lesson she urges us to learn from this? We're not perfect moms. And please, God, don't let us be plagued by condemnation, but let us rest in Your grace.

If you need some pick-me-ups from a woman who is the exact opposite of the kind of Christian speaker who tries to prove she has it altogether, then Kristen is your woman. And Don't Make Me Come Up There! is your book.

I'm going to give away a copy to a commenter on this post, so leave your name (and fill out the contact part in the comment form) if you want to enter. I'll be drawing the winner next Thursday (May 12)! And remember to visit Kristen at We are THAT Family. You'll be blessed!

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Thursday Thoughts: Prizes, Shielding Kids, and more!
Hello, friends!

I'm busy editing chapter 10 of "The Good Girl's Guide to Sex" today, but I have a few things I want to tell you about, and a prize to give away!

First, the prize. Last week I asked you all what the worst piece of advice you've ever received was. One lucky commenter would win a copy of To Love, Honor and Vacuum, and this morning I used a random number generator to pick a comment. It was Michelle from How to Eat an Apple! Thanks, Michelle, and congratulations! She participated yesterday in Wifey Wednesday, too. I'll try to offer prizes more often, because I like giving things away!

Now for something not so fun. I'm royally ticked at the moment with our disgusting society. As readers of this blog know, I'm pretty picky about what media comes into our house. We don't have cable, and get no TV channels. We only watch movies that we rent or borrow, and thus think about first. The girls listen to lots of music, but they're very discerning and don't listen to stuff I'd hate. The computer has controls. They're allowed on Facebook, but I know their passwords and can see what they're doing.

So I think I'm pretty safe.

Well, on Tuesday we went to the library and rented some Agatha Christie Miss Marple movies. Agatha Christie, people! That's safe, right?

Apparently not. I remember all these movies I saw from the seventies and eighties that were fine, but apparently the BBC is now producing a new series that is not fine. We were watching A Pocketful of Rye, and right in the middle of it, with no warning, is a scene of a couple having sex in not exactly the missionary position. You couldn't see body parts, but it was obvious what they were doing. It was only about a 15 second clip, but boy was it jarring.

Then the next day I got a chat message on Facebook from a friend asking me if I knew what Facebook group my 13yo had just joined. I took a look--it was one of these groups for Christian girls about how beauty is on the inside, and tell each other we're beautiful, etc. etc. Pretty harmless stuff. A bunch of teen girls that she knew had joined, so she joined.

The group had 125,000 members.

Well, somebody decided to post some extremely graphic disgusting porn pictures on that group's wall. I saw them; Katie hadn't. So I made Katie remove it from her profile, and all was "well", I suppose.

But what it reinforced to me is that I can't protect my kids from everything. Even when I think I'm taking a ton of precautions, stuff still gets through.

So I've had to sit down with my girls again and have a talk about it. We're very open in this house, so it's not like they don't know about things, but I don't want them to have gross pictures in their head, or a distorted view of what sex is supposed to be. They're at the age when they're starting to first experience sexual feelings, and when it's tied to stuff like that, it can do long term damage.

It's bad enough with girls. I can't imagine what those of you with boys go through.

Now, I know many parents who have just decided to say no to Facebook for their kids, and I understand. But honestly, it's the only way for my girls to keep in touch with some of the amazing Christian kids they meet at all the quiz meets we go to, and they've developed some awesome friendships out of it. I know it has its dark side, but it has its plus side, too, and sometimes when Rebecca feels like none of her friends near home understand her, she can go online and talk and pray with someone from Florida or Kentucky and she feels much better. That's worth something to me.

It's all just a giant balancing act, and I guess we have to realize that a parent's job is not only to shield--for we cannot completely shield--but also help them process things when bad stuff gets through.

I understand that. I'm just not all that happy about it!

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What's the Worst Advice You've Ever Received?
I'm busy working on my manuscript for "A Good Girl's Guide to Sex" today, so I don't have time to write a real post.

So instead, I want to ask you to write something!

I'm putting together a column on "The Worst Advice You've Ever Received". So let me ask you: What's the worst advice you've received? Let me know, and I'll choose one respondent to win a copy of my book, "To Love, Honor and Vacuum"!

I'll make the draw next Tuesday! Thanks for your help!

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Winner Announcements!
Here at Simplify Your LIfe month we've been running some contests and drawing some prizes! And today I want to announce the winner to our decluttering contest: Ellen from 2 Little Monkeys! She decluttered a bedside table, and our readers found you most impressive, Ellen! Congratulations! You'll get my audio downloads for my talks, To Love, Honor and Vacuum, and Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight, and $10 in Amazon gift cards!

And one more winner: Heather from TG Magazine won for spreading the news about Simplify Your Life month! She's going to get an audio download of my 45 minute talk, To Love, Honor and Vacuum, too! It's funny, highly practical, and if you've enjoyed my blog, I know you'll like hearing me speak! You can find more about it here.

Thanks for entering, ladies, and next week we'll have some more contests! And don't forget to check in at my Facebook Page where I have contests every weekend! You win just by commenting!

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It's WINNER Time!

For Simplify Your Life month we've had two contests so far, and I think it's time to give out some prizes! First, though, we have to vote!

I had three entries for my declutter contest, and here they are:

A Sanctuary Sought decluttered a mantel

Transformations decluttered a corner of the kitchen

2 Little Monkeys decluttered a bedside table & nook
So it's up to you, my readers, to decide who won! We'll close the voting Thursday at 10 pm EST, so in the meantime, view the pictures and vote away!

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Comment on my Facebook Page to Win!
I hold a lot of contests over at my Facebook page, Sheila Wray Gregoire's Books. Are you a Fan yet? Just head on over here and hit like, and you could win next week!

This week, one fan won a download of "Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight" just by commenting! You could be next!


What Would You Most Like to Win?
I've been asked to donate prizes to a bunch of different blogs lately, and it occurs to me that I'd like to start giving more to my regular readers!

I already mail a book every month to the blog that sends me the most new readers, but it's a bit of a hassle to have to go to the post office all the time.

I do, however, have a bunch of audio downloads of talks I've given that are funny and really practical! They're all about 45 minutes long, and you can download them and save them on your iPod, burn them to a CD, or just listen off of your computer.

So here's my question: if you were to win one, which would you prefer?

Want to listen to a download now? You can find them all here!


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Prize to my Bestest Referral Blog Last Month!
Every month I award one of my books to the blog that sent me the most new readers in the previous month. The only conditions? They have to have me on their blogroll or their Google reader list on the sidebar. It's super easy! You don't even have to let me know that you're doing it, because I use Google Analytics to track my traffic sources.

And here's the best bit: you could win, too! Even if you think your blog is too small to matter. The big blogs have already won, so the field is wide open!

So here we go! Drumroll, please!

The winner for March is Wiegold's Words! She can't get the book right now since she's in Prague on vacation (that's the best thing about adding me. You do it once and then you could find yourself a lucky winner sometime in the future when you're not expecting it!).

You could be the winner for April! Just put me on your blogroll, and next month I could be sending you a book!


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Family Feasts on $75 a Week--You Can Do It!
A few weeks ago Mary Ostyn joined us! Mary is the mom of a busy family of 10, and she's written a number of books on how to juggle that many kids and still have an awesome family life.

One of the things that I'm always amazed at in our Twitter conversations with all the friends I have is how many of you moms out there are so frugal! You know where to get the best deals, and you know how to stretch a dollar. So you're going to really appreciate this interview today. So let's get started.

Grocery Store AisleImage by Jeff Keen via Flickr

Mary, you’ve written a book that many of my readers will just drool over, called Family Feasts for $75 a Week. Are you serious? Can you feed that many that cheaply without resorting to all lentils and dried beans?

The $75 a week quoted in my book is for a family of 4. With 10+ people to feed, I spend more like $200 a week. But most of them eat like adults—I don’t think many people could feed the numbers I do for that amount. And we eat really well—lots of good tasting food, lots of variety. I could get by on a little less if we needed to—in fact, one month every year I challenge myself to spend as little as possible. Last year I fed our whole family for a month for $350. But it would be hard to feed that many people every month for that cost, and I don’t think our diet would be as varied

I think if more people realized that if you plan your meals and plan your shopping, you could live for so much less, there would be less of a need for two incomes. Do you think that groceries is one of the main ways that people throw money away?

Absolutely. If your budget is tight, look at your grocery spending first. I wrote my book to help the ‘average’ family waste less money. But I’ve had confirmed tightwads tell me they learned new tricks from my book. I think that just goes to show that most of us could be spending less, whether we realize it or not

I have to admit, Mary, that I have expensive tastes. I like salmon, but it ain’t cheap. What do you do with foods that you just can’t afford? Do you ever treat yourself?

I love salmon too, and I splurge once a month or so. (It’s generally cheapest in the freezer case, by the way!) The trick is to balance your splurges with affordable meals. For every splurge meal I serve 2-3 vegetarian or almost-vegetarian meals. For example, potato corn chowder and pasta carbonera can both be made with a dollar’s worth of bacon, and yet the flavours are very rich and satisfying.

Another trick is to incorporate a flavor you love in a more affordable form. We eat steak maybe 4 or 5 times a year – it’s just too expensive to be a regular at our house. But I make a wonderful steak fajita with caramelized onions and bell peppers, served in flour tortillas with salsa and sour cream. That meal offers the flavour of steak for half the cost

Restaurants are so expensive, especially with large families, but it’s hard to cook all the time. Do you have a plan so that on those nights when you just want a treat or a break, you can get one inexpensively? Do you make up frozen meals for that purpose, or do you have another trick up your sleeve?

I love to cook, but I have days where I’m burned out too. At least once a week I make a pot of soup big enough to last two meals. Once a week I also double a casserole recipe, and stick the second one in the freezer. I try to have 2-3 casseroles in the freezer all the time, for variety.The crock pot can be a time saver on a busy day. And almost every meal, I make 2 or 3 servings extra. Then a couple times a week I serve ‘pot-luck’ for lunch. I pull all the leftovers out of the fridge and let kids pick what they want to zap in the microwave. Like you mentioned, planning really is at the heart of keeping the grocery budget in check.

You have a daughter who is married now. Is she frugal, too?

I think so. Once before she and her husband were married, they went to the store for candy. They opted for the bulk food bins and their entire purchase totalled 37 cents. I laughed when they told me that story. Of course that they’re buying more than candy they’re spending more. But they’re doing a great job being careful with their money. Last summer Amanda canned fruit and made jam. And she’s always trying out new recipes, expanding her repertoire. I think that’s a big key to being content with eating at home: mix it up, keep it interesting, both for the cook and for the rest of the family.

Image of Mary Ostyn from FacebookImage of Mary Ostyn

I know you'll love this book! I'm excited to get my hands on it, and Mary has generously offered one as a prize to a commenter! So leave a comment, and in one week, on April 12, we'll draw for a winner!

While you're busy leaving a comment, though, why not leave us your favourite frugal grocery tip, too? I have a couple that I'll leave for you:

1. Don't buy cereal. It's horrendously expensive. Make up your own pancake mix, or choose smoothies for breakfast instead.

2. Make lots of soups. They last a long time, and you can use leftover meats to fill them out. They're cheap and filling! We often do a potato-leek soup with homemade buns and salad as a vegetarian meal.

Now, what are yours? And good luck on the contest!

UPDATE: Do read the comments! Great tips there! Here's a really good one from Charline, that I try to emulate, too:

I cook something big and prepare extra potatoes, then I stretch it as long as I can by using everything up in very simple recipes. For example: Roasted chicken with sides of potatoes and carrots on the first night; using the liquid, some leftover chicken (with fresh potatoes), I can make a soup; using half of the leftover potatoes (with cream corn and hamburg), I have sheppard's pie; using the second half of the potatoes with leftover chicken and carrots, fried together in a pan with salt and pepper, I have what we call hash; and then with whatever chicken that's left, we can make sandwiches. So, with only a few extra ingredients, a very large meal can make an additional 4 to 5 meals.

Now read the comments, and remember to leave one if you want to win!


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Random Weekend Musings--and Prizes!
I've got some prizes of my own to tell you about, and then one that I get to give to a lucky winner! Read to the end to find out how you can win a free copy of one my books!

First, my friend Terry from Breathing Grace gave me an award for being a Beautiful Blogger! Thanks, Terry! I now get to give the award back to seven other bloggers who I read faithfully, who make me think, or who just provide awesome content!

I need to give it back to Terry, because she is such a godly woman and writes amazingly well thought out posts! If you haven't bookmarked her, you need to!

Next is Teri-Lynne (guess I have a thing for Terrys!) at Pleasing to You, who writes very intelligently and insightfully about things of faith.

Courtney is one of my young readers, and frequent contributors to Wifey Wednesday, who blogs frequently about what it means to be newly married and newly mom. She's working through things that many twenty-somethings can relate to, and while she's moving right now and has guest posts up, you'll appreciate reading some of her older stuff!

Barbara at MommyLife updates frequently and often with plenty of humour! A Catholic blogger with a ton of kids, she's bright and loving and inspirational. Maybe I'm partial to her because of her kids with Down Syndrome (our son was a Down's baby).

Christie, another Catholic blogger, writes about anything and everything at Garden of Holiness. What I really appreciate are her marriage posts. Scan the archives for them, and then breathe them in. They're lovely.

Donetta at My Quiet Corner tries to find peace there in her busy family with health concerns.

Joanne at One so Blessed writes a ton and has a lot of fun!

And now I have to tell you seven random things about myself, so here goes:

1. I am trying to break my Diet Pepsi habit. It's not going well.
2. I used to hate my oily skin. Now I love it. Almost 40 and no wrinkles!
3. I don't actually know what my natural hair colour is anymore. In the last year I've been a blonde, brunette, and a redhead!
4. I love lipstick. Absolutely love it. It makes me feel so feminine! (and my hubby loves leaving the house with kiss marks on his cheek).
5. I still fight with my husband sometimes. The difference is that now we pray about it and work it out.
6. I am incapable of growing grass. Whenever I move into a new house, the grass automatically dies.
7. My 12-year-old daughter makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. Jealous yet?

I've also been named one of the top 100 Christian women's blogs by A Woman Inspired! See the list here!

Now, do you want to win something? You can! Every month I award a book to the blog that sent me the most new readers in the previous month. The only conditions? They have to have me on their blogroll or their Google reader list on the sidebar. And you can't win twice, so the blogs that win now aren't overly big. They're just women blogging, just like you. For February, the winner is:

Ria from Life as a Wife! She's a newlywed writing about the transition to being married, and she's awesome! Thanks, Ria! She gets to choose from one of my books, which I'll mail to her for free!

You could be the winner for March! Just put me on your blogroll, and next month I could be sending you a book!

That's about it for prizes for this weekend. Hope you're a winner soon!


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You Can Win One of My Books!
If you've always wanted to get yourself a copy of To Love, Honor and Vacuum, or Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight, or one of my other books, here's an easy way!

Every month, I mail a book to the blogger who sends me the most new visitors. They just have to have me on their blogroll. Now here's the neat part: a lot of big bloggers, with lots of traffic, have already won. The people who have been winning lately are small-medium blogs. There are a bunch that link to me, and it's not hard to win!

In January, the big winner was Shiloah at The Homemaking Cottage, such a great blog with a wealth of resources for homemakers to share ideas. She's got recipes, advice, and tons of organization tips (she's on an organization kick right now!). She asked for To Love, Honor and Vacuum, and I stuffed it in an envelope and mailed it out.

You could be next! Just add me to your blogroll, or if you have Google Followers, just follow me and then display the blogs you follow. Then, if you want to increase your chances, participate in Wifey Wednesdays, or write a post that comments on one of my posts.

You could win for February! It's not too late! Thanks for helping, and I hope that I can get one of my books into your hands soon.


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How to Win a Book in the New Year
If you've wanted to win one of my books, I've got an easy way for you to do it!

Every month I give away a FREE book to whichever blog sends the most number of new visitors my way! No one can ever win twice, so you could win for January!

All you have to do is put me on your blog roll on your blog, and tell people to click through. Maybe next month you'll be the winner! When you win, you get to choose from: To Love, Honor and Vacuum, Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight, How Big Is Your Umbrella, or Reality Check!

This month, the winner is:

Abi from 4 The Love of Books! She's got a great blog with tons of book reviews and giveaways. Thanks, Abi!

And next month, maybe I'll be thanking you!


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Wrapping Up from our Party
Thanks all of you who participated in our party! We had a great time over on Facebook with a bunch of discussion topics, and the replies were flying so fast it was hard to keep up! I think I might post a weekly discussion topic over there from now on, and then award a prize or something. It's kind of fun! But if you haven't been there yet, here's my Facebook Fan page.

Now, let's do a couple more giveaways! I just gave away more books from the people who entered on my entry form, and emailed them off notifying them, but their email addresses are cryptic and I can't tell what their names are, so it's hard to announce here. But they have been notified, and they won Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight!

I also need to give away some prizes for those who participated in Wifey Wednesday! So without further ado, The Shades of Pink won an audio download of "Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight". She has a great marriage blog, so you can check it out!

Carla also won! She's got a great post from the perspective of a "married single mom". What to do when your husband is away at work for long periods of time (weeks, months), and you only see him sporadically. Great thoughts!

The prizes were all awarded randomly, and congratulations to the winners! I like giving prizes. I think I'll do it more often!

In the meantime, if you didn't win, my talk Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight is a great resource to check out anyway! If you've wanted the book, but don't have the money, and don't want to wait, this is inexpensive and you can download it immediately and listen in! (It's also funnier because you hear me talking, rather than just reading it). Hope it blesses you!

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I've Got My First Winner!
I wrote in an update of the post below that I've got my first winner! Melissa G. won my talk To Love, Honor and Vacuum, a 50-minute hilarious and practical look at how we can reorganize our homes and make sure they reflect Jesus' priorities (and make sure our kids pick up their backpacks!).

Now that we're linked up with my main website, though, why not have a look around? Click on Columns/Articles, and then click on marriage, since it's Wifey Wednesday day here at To Love, Honor and Vacuum! I've got a bunch of stuff there on marriage, including how to handle hubbies when they don't want to do chores, how to have romance while married, how to handle troubles with children, and more!

And don't forget my Facebook party and Twitter party tonight! Facebook party: 8 p.m. EST at my Fan Page, and Twitter Party 9 p.m. EST, hashtag #tlhv!

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SOOO.....What do you all think?

It's party day! And I've now unveiled my new look!

What do you all think? The banner is different, but the best part is all the links so that you can go back and forth to my main website.

I liked the old banner, too. Really liked it. But it had to go because (this gets technical, sorry :) it had a curved bottom that was part of the graphic, and I couldn't put the links to my website there.

So now that we're unveiled, I want to start giving prizes! So here's all you have to do. Comment on this post and tell me how long you've been reading this blog, and I'll pick a random winner sometime later this morning EST!

And what do you win?

A copy of my audio download, To Love, Honor and Vacuum. It's hilarious, it's practical, and it will help you organize your life and take things a little more easily. I'm going to give away a bunch of them today, and a bunch of books (it's not too late to enter a draw to win a book; you can do so at this entry form).

So go ahead and comment, and you could win my talk!

UPDATE: And my first winner of the day is....Melissa G.! Thanks, Melissa! She's from Northern Ireland, and does blog designs here. I've sent her an audio download of my To Love, Honor and Vacuum talk, a 50 minute hilarious and practical presentation of what to do when you feel more like a maid than a wife and a mother. If you liked the book, or if you've always wanted it but haven't purchased it yet, this is a great introduction, that even includes some stuff that isn't in the book!

Now, for the rest of you, don't forget you can enter to win the books here, and if you link up your Wifey Wednesday post in the post below, you can win my audio download of Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight!

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It's Almost Party Time!

On Wednesday, I'm doing a revamp of this blog! It will be linked in with my main website, and you'll be able to read my columns and articles easier, download my free stuff, and more!

And to celebrate, I'm throwing a Facebook party at 8 pm EST, a Twitter party at 9 pm EST (follow using #tlhv), and I'm giving away copies of my books and audio downloads throughout the day!

Fill out this entry form to win one of my books! I'll announce the winners throughout the day on Wednesday!

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It's a Bloggy Contest! Win Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight!

UPDATE: I'm moving this post to the top of the blog again so more people can enter!

Okay, ladies! It's time for another bloggy contest! I'm really excited about this one!

And I'm going to write the rest of this post sort of in the third person so it's easier for you to copy and paste it to your blog (as you'll see below). So if I start calling myself "Sheila", instead of "me", don't think I've gone loopy, okay?

Father's Day is coming up, and this year, why not get something that YOU read (or listen to), and HE reaps the rewards from?

If you want to stop your marriage from fizzling and start it sizzling, I've got the answer for you!

He says, "you’re never in the mood." She says, "That's all you ever think about!" It’s a conflict as old as time. We’re told "opposites attract", but given time and circumstance, what once lured you in, can quickly lure you out.

But you don't have to be stuck in this trap!

Sheila's book, Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight: Help for women who want to feel more in the mood, can help you solve this impasse! It's fun, real, and extremely practical.

I love this book, and I know it can help your marriage.

I know, because Sheila, the author, didn't always have a great marriage. She's not "talking down" to you. She wrote it as a research project to help herself. And her husband says he definitely liked the research!

So often we find intimacy difficult because men and women ARE different. Women wonder why men were created with the switch always turned on, and men wonder why women were created with so many different switches and no instruction manual.

Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight helps us bridge this gap by helping us to understand our husbands better, get more energy, heal past hurts, and increase romance & respect in our marriages! You'll also learn why understanding God's view of sexuality can actually make you more in the mood--even if that sounds strange!

Filled with practical advice, Honey I Don't Have a Headache Tonight tackles these issues:

  • How change in the sexual relationship requires change elsewhere.
  • Why sex for women is often a "head thing."
  • How television is the biggest enemy to intimacy.
  • Why forgiveness and letting go of the need to be right is so important.
  • How self-image issues and past hurts can throw intimacy into a tailspin.
  • The repercussions of everyday energy zappers.
  • The threats to Godly sexuality.
  • The roadblocks of respect.
  • The cultural attacks on gender.

And more! And best of all, it's fun to read!

It's Sheila's Father's Day special this month, along with a 45-minute hilarious and practical talk Sheila's given on the subject.

But here's how you can win it! You have three choices:

1. Blog post. Just copy this post (or write your own), and enter it in your blog. Then go here, and fill out the form! Enter your email address and the URL of your post! Remember to include this bottom part in the post about how they can enter!

2. Share on Facebook. Just click the "Share This" button below to share on Facebook! It couldn't be easier! Then head on over here and fill out the contest entry, including your name on Facebook in the right spot.

3. Twitter Tweet. Or you can post on Twitter. Just tweet something like this:
Turn the heat in your marriage up! Win a free copy of Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight just by tweeting!

Then head on over here and enter your email address and your Twitter ID!

It's that easy!

NOTE: Remember, to enter, you must fill out this form! It's really short (just your email and which way you entered), but I'll be drawing the winners from there!

Sheila will be drawing a winner one week from today, on next week's Wifey Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. EST June 10. So enter now to win!

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To Love, Honor and Vacuum

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We Have a Winner!
Hi everybody! I have a really deep post going on in my head about what the phrase "the works of our hands" means, and I'm going to write that in a little bit.

But first something to celebrate June! Every month I award a prize to the blog that has sent me the most new visitors and has me blogrolled (meaning that I'm listed on their list of blogs they read). You can't win twice, so everybody has a chance every month!

And this month, the winner is....

The Adventures of Supermom!

Thanks so much, Kelli! She gets to choose from one of the books I've written:

To Love, Honor and Vacuum (about how to organize your home and your relationships)
Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight (about how to get in the mood)
How Big Is Your Umbrella (how to handle hard times)
Reality Check (85 of my favourite columns)

You can win next week! All you have to do is put the link to To Love, Honor and Vacuum on your blog! And then at the end of June, I'll check my stats and see who sent me the most new visitors! It's not hard to add a blogroll or just to enter something on your column. If you need help, just email me!

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To Love, Honor and Vacuum

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My March Winner!
We have a new winner!

Every month I give away a FREE book to whichever blog sends the most number of new visitors my way! No one can ever win twice, so you could win for April!

All you have to do is put me on your blog roll on your blog, and tell people to click through. Maybe next month you'll be the winner! When you win, you get to choose from: To Love, Honor and Vacuum, Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight, How Big Is Your Umbrella, or Reality Check!

This month, the winner is:

Laura from MadEnoughTips. Thanks Laura!

She's got some great posts up right now on how to make an awesome smoothie, which I'm going to try for breakfast tomorrow morning. So check her out!

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To Love, Honor and Vacuum

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About Me

Name: Sheila

Home: Belleville, Ontario, Canada

About Me: I'm a Christian author of a bunch of books, and a frequent speaker to women's groups and marriage conferences. Best of all, I love homeschooling my daughters, Rebecca and Katie. And I love to knit. Preferably simultaneously.

See my complete profile

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