Monday, December 29, 2014

Snow Much Fun!

 Of all the things we did while we were in Vegas I think my favorite activity was heading up the mountain to play in the snow. It was around 20F and it was chilly. We bundled the kids up in the car and headed out to explore!

 This little man was not all that excited to be dressed in so many layers. Try explaining it's too cold to a one year old poor boy. I passed him off to Daddy and E and I had fun!

 I tried to get E to blow some snowflakes too but it just wasn't working so well. She then asked if we could build a snowman. 

 Here we are with our snowman! There was about 1/2" of snow on top of ice. It was pathetic and I bet you can't even see it but she was pretty excited about it! 

 Jakob wasn't all that thrilled about being out in the snow. 

 Once we set Duke down he got rather excited. He was a bit top heavy fun all of his layers but gosh darn it he was cute!!!

 This was his second experience with snow. (The first being the tiny drift we got in Nashville.) He was pretty skeptical at first. 

 There you have it! The picture of the day!

Proof that Grammy came with us! I also happen to {love} this picture of these two!

 All E kept asking for was "Anoder snowman Mommy!" (Another) so we made another pile of snow for her to stick sticks in. Poor girl! Hopefully it will be a white Christmas in Canada next year!

 We had to be extra careful! It was super slickery out!

 By this point everyone was cold. E's fingers were frozen and Duke was done. It can't hurt trying to take a family photo with two cranky kids though right?!

 It was a fun winter adventure! It was beautiful out, the snow was falling and E was super excited to play in the snow like Elsa. Before we went up she asked if she could wear her Elsa dress in the snow. I told her that it was chilly. She agreed once we got up the hill.


Ashley Brickner said...

This is so much fun!! Just found your blog, I am excited to follow along!!

Janet said...

Tell E that I totally see her snowman!!!! :)