Showing posts with label Father-Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Father-Kids. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2021

February Phone Favorites

Oh February, there were ups there were some scary times. There were birthdays and snuggles and creations. It was a busy month and I feel like the rest of the year is going to fly by just as fast. Here are a round up of this months favorites. 

These two making the same exact face has me cracking up.

Please let me bottle these moments up forever!

You're children may be half Canadian if they are outside playing when it's -20F. That wind was NO joke!

This was giving me all the feels!

Getting some homework done.

Making our own little roller coaster.

This used to be just a fun shirt (I got this at Savers when Duke was little) now it's a political statement and it makes me cringe. 

Sunday lessons at home give me all the warm fuzzies. I LOVE home church. I love the spirit it brings into our home. I love the peace. My favorite!

Just a boy wearing his Daddy's hat and holy SWOON. This boy melts my heart!

Birthday dinner at Braden's house. Such a fun group. And that's a wrap on February. Now to puphot the finishing touches on E's birthday party. Wooo hooo!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2021


 The snow was perfect so headed out to the tobogganing hill. I was in my happy place. Here are WAY too many pictures but they all make me so dang happy!

Is there anything cuter than a baby who can't put their arms down?

I didn't have to force these smiles. :)

Roo was a big fan too!

Oh snow, I wish you'd stick around a little longer. Such a fun afternoon!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Christmas Jam Jams

We got home from Vegas and Eli & Etta had our jam jams ready for us the next day. they are such wonderful elves. I think these ones may be some of my favorites yet!!And look! They actually fit too!!

Tickle fights and snuggles. 

night like these make me wish I could bottle up the perfection and keep it forever. I love this crew of mine! 

Saturday, October 31, 2020


Happy Halloween from our neck of the woods. This year I decided to go as easy as possible. I wasn't sure what the world would look like with COVID and Halloween and there was no way I was spending a couple hundred dollars on costumes for us not to wear them at all. So we raided closets and pulled together a pretty awesome set if I do say so myself. 

For E's costume I bought the bunny ears because the one's we had were pink. The night before Halloween she came downstairs to tell me that the jacket she had for her dress was too small. So I raced down to my fabric stash and found some left over fur. THANK HEAVENS! I whipped up a really fast shrug and It cam out so dang cute! 

 Perfect little bunny! 

 I let everyone pick their forest animal and when I asked Duke what he wanted to be He told me a walrus. I explained that it wasn't a forest creature and gave him a list. He then said "Still a Walrus." I was a bit torn barbecue gosh darn it it would have been hilarious, but the next day he decided he wanted to be a moose. Then we locked in a hedgehog.

 For Duke's costume i had to buy the felt and the nude hoodie. His actually took a bit of work but it was really straight forward. 

 I should have done a few more rows with some small spikes, but gosh darn it, he is dang cute as he is! 

 I sure love you Duke!

 Sprout's was my easiest and cheapest. Sweats and a sweater from the closet and a mask from the dollar store! I had every intention of either making my own mask or painting his face but then I saw this mask just by chance at the dollar store and I snatched it right up! 

 So perfect. So easy. Also, if Sprout asks you what he is.... the correct answer is a sloth. He asked to be a racoon but Halloween day, he was very insisted that he was a sloth. Sold, you do you buddy!

 And Roo was a fox! The cutest fox you ever did see that I ordered online without hesitation. 

Please enjoy a few pictures of my baby's first Halloween (and his last first holiday. I'm a puddle!) 


 I took a ton of pictures of my snail costume in the forest and none of them actually took, so my pictures are at the end. I was really proud of the snail costume though. 

 Jakob made an excellent lumberjack! 

 Attack of the animals!

 After our pictures we scurried over to the ward trunk or treat. It was so nice to have something "normal" again for the holiday. 

Callie was a squirrel and she fit in perfectly with our family theme!

 Poor boy was so tired. What a trooper!


Papa tried to get a few pictures of my costume for me. I'm not going to lie, I felt like the pretties snail around. My dress was from Savers, left over from a gala that we never attended. My shell was packing paper rolled up and hot glued. And then I added twinkle lights to my shell which really set it over the top IMO. To get a slightly longer train, I ordered a really cheap curtain off of Amazon that matched almost perfectly.

 It was a fun one for sure! 

Originally we decided that we had no intention of going  trick or treating this year. The kids had gotten plenty of candy from trunk or treat. We were just going to stage a picture with Sean handing Roo a candy for his "first Halloween" picture. But then Paula said that she wanted to pop over to the neighbors house really quick so we raided her clostest for costumes for the kids really quick. 

E was the cutest crayon. 

 All Roo wanted to do was jump into the fire pit then had set up on the driveway. The kids went to three houses and they came home with two full sized candy bars and a big handful of mini bars.

I love the Dyches family and I am so glad that the kids get along. We have a lot of fun together. 

 WE came back to food, more treats, movies and games and it was awesome! Happy Halloween everyone!