Showing posts with label Reddrick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reddrick. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2022

March Phone Favorites


Duke had to give a presentation in school about Arctic Foxes. He did a great job telling everyone facts about his fox. Way to go buddy!

Duke and Roo have really bonded these past couple of weeks! These moments make my heart so happy!

Park days with the babes!

This reminds me of 101 Dalmatians. 

Oh my heart!!!!!!!

SPIKEY HAIR!!!! He was so excited!

We are officially into spring! Ready for those bunnies!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Redd's Bread

Papa Hensley makes some yummy banana bread and my kids are big fans! I came into the living room and here was Redd pounding the bread. He had claimed it and it was the cutest!

Time to help Mama with dinner. Roo loves to cook. He's a great helper.

Oh sweet baby, you are so loved!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Science City

You've got to either be crazy or desperate to take your kids to Science City during spring break. These babies did such a great job. We have been practicing when I whistle they come running no matter what. A few years ago we lost Duke in Science City. It was the longest 24 minutes of my life. One Mama with four kiddos, the math just doesn't add up. They did such a wonderful job coming when I whistled. I am so grateful that they know how to listen. It makes my job as a Mama so much easier. It was a fun morning!


Thursday, March 3, 2022

Zoo Day

 Papa was kind enough to let us use his membership and come with us for a date to the zoo. It was a much needed day out of the house!

We asked Sprout which animal he wanted to see and without question he wanted to see tigers. They were sleeping but he was very excited. 
 We just about had the zoo to ourselves as it was a chilly day. 

Petting the sharks and sting rays.

We rode the carousel a few times. 

We conviced Papa to come too. 

I could not stop laughing at him sitting on the tiniest Red Panda. ahah

We took Roo to Find Dory. I don't think you could have found a better baby.

It was such a great morning!!! Thanks Papa!

Monday, February 28, 2022

February Phone Favorites

February, I started off kicking butt and then things rapidly deteriorated. I feel like I'm sitting behind the 8 ball. I started projects and was on a rolllllllll but then things came up and we had to hit pause. Regardless, it went by all to fast. Here is a round up of our Phone Favs.

this boy could push the button on his my vest for hours. 

There's something about a baby wearing your shoes. 

A sweet little gift from Gram. She's been sick with Covid and this was the sweetest little surprise. 

We made a million trips to Home Depot.

The sunrises in KC are some of my favorite sunrises ever!

2 pancakes for 2.22.22 & 2.2.22

Some of the cutest sword fights ever!

Jakob had Lasick surgery and he says it's a total game changer. His eyes were dry and scratchy for a few days, but now they feel great. Still dry some days but he's loving it and I'm not going to lie, I am obsessed. He looks so much younger without his glasses. My husband is a fox!

He had to sleep with little night sheilds for the first few nights and they made me giggle. 

Obsessed with his cowboy boots.

My amazing helpers cleaning the van at the car wash. 

Sending funny faces to Daddy at work.

Sprout could eat pop corn for every meal. Okay, March, we've got this! Time to finish up some projects, and kick some butt. (spoiler alert, I did not kick butt ;))