Showing posts with label Day to Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Day to Day. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2019

Fun at Home

While most of our pictures are of us racing around, we did have a lot of home time too which mostly consisted of children playing in the back yard. Here's a few pictures from our day to day.

Duke rocking the Golden Knights helmet.

Hair cuts!

I think Sprout is cross eyed. Sometimes it's pretty bad, like in this picture and other times he's totally fine. I do wonder if it's a big deal given the fact that this kid can sink hoops and hit baseballs like no other, but it's still something we will get checked out once we get home.

Slip n slides and water fight to boot!!!
Sprout "digging." The mess was photographed, quickly cleaned and the tree was promptly moved to another corner of the house.

Pout Pout Fish game. Duke's reading has really improved this summer!

Music time with Pa. I think Duke will be our musical one. He was all about clapping along and making some music on drums while Pa played.

He even sat through all of band practice and danced and sat quietly while he drummed away.

 There was food prep.

 Such great helpers.

 Sprout eating bread products. This is a BIG deal people!!

 Peanut making some cookies. She is going to be an excellent baker!

 Sometimes we would just pretend. 

 E wanted to do an experiment, Pa was a good sport!

Watering the turtle.

Pa rescuing a marble!

Sig is growing!! 

So much fun at Grammy and Pa's. I really need to work on my backyard it has been so wonderful just shooing them out the door to play and they LOVE it!

Monday, October 23, 2017

This is Life

 I feel lately as though I have crossed a threshold and entered into a new stage of my life. We have moved from young with babies to somewhat established with children. E is is school, my kids are growing, maturing and they are no longer babies and I sit here in amazement, it went by so fast. And while I completely understand that we still have a baby, and are planning on having another one, things are different. Everything with babies isn't new, we have some dirt on our hands. New Mama's call me to ask me for advice and it's a strange feeling to have grown up. 

 I have had a few moments these past few weeks where I had moments of clarity that I'd like to share. The first was this same day that Duke was out playing with his dinosaurs. Duke was on the drive way and E was riding her bike. Jakob was mowing the lawn and I was sitting in a rocking chair, nursing Sprout and watching my family through the window and then it hit me. THIS, this moment right here, is what I had been looking forward to. This is how I imagined my life. This is what I had wanted. When I was a teenager, if anyone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up the answer was always "a mom!" I wanted a family. I wanted a husband who would love and provide for us. I wanted children. I wanted messy faces, silly smiles and piles of laundry. I saw my life through taht window and while it isn't perfect, and there are still things we want, this is amazing. This is it's own perfect. This is what I wanted! 

 I have had a few people come to our home and comment  and say "I hope I have a home like this when I grow up!" Its so strange to be the one who younger people look to as a goal. I remember those women in my life who I admired, who I wanted to pattern my life after, who's homes I looked into and that is what I wanted. It just took me by surprise that I had arrived to that stage of my life, and to be honest, I couldn't love it more. 

Every stage thus far has been fun. I loved being a newlywed and the challenges that came with finances  (and continue, because lets be serious, there are always challenges), and learning each other and finding your role as a wife. I loved being a first time Mama and the awe and wonder that came with that. I loved having two, moving and meeting new people, shaking things up and embracing the chaos. I love the faith that it took to reach outside of our wants and accept a job with so many uncertainties in a city we knew nothing about. I loved settling in, trying to get pregnant again and making new friends. I loved finding our first home and the excitement and terror that came with that! I loved welcoming Sprout into our lives and I love our family, our lives and this stage. This stage is good! And I love that there is SOOOO much more to come. I have been so blessed. My heart is so full and I can see the Lord's hand through every step of our journey. I know that he loves us. I know that he cares, that he leads and protects us. I know that the best is yet to come and I am loving finding the joy in our journey!!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

September Phone Favorites

September? Where have you gone?! School started and POOF! We are into OCTOBLER!! Seriously though time is zoooooommmmming! Doesn't anyone have any tricks to slow things down? Here's a round up of this months phone favorites! 

This boy makes my heart happy. He would do just about anything to help me. Here he is giving me a push on the swing. I actually had to get off of the swing so he would go play because he didn't like me sitting alone.

Leif is into all this food and he will take it in all shapes and forms. It didn't take him long to figure out how to use a straw!

Sunday afternoon naps are the best!
Sprout was in a needy mood and didn't want to get set down. So he got wrapped up. I love having my wrap! It is such a games changer!

Plus he usually falls asleep within 5 minutes. 

Boys' Alfa Alfa game is on point!

Sprout has started the scrunchy nose sniff and it makes me laugh every time!!

This boy is not a snuggler, he's much to busy for that noise. So moments like these are pretty precious!

Sprout's hair is starting to fill in but all of these little patches are rather funny.

E made this unicorn all by herself and she did a great job! I love seeing her creativity and all of her projects! She is the best!

E earned her Elena dress by being a good helper and babysitting Leif while Mama had some work to do around the house. She is the BEST big sister and I am so thankful for her!

I have started watching Dresdin and Faith every other Thursday. Duke isn't very excited to have "more girls" in the house but he is excited to have people to play with. 

A cow and a blueberry bush. 

And now onto OcTOBLER!! Bring on the pumpkin patches, carving, costumes and trick or treating! This season is passing by much too quickly!!!