Showing posts with label utah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label utah. Show all posts

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Countdown to Christmas

Our Christmas countdown started out a little differently than the average countdown.
We headed to "the big city" for an archery tournament.
We started our big journey with this beautiful view:
 We then continued on our journey and made it to our destination.
Unfortunatly all of the pictures here were of the back of the husbands head. 
We did manage to squeeze in a little Christmas though- we hopped on the train and headed to Temple Square to see all of the Christmas lights.
Where, as usual, all of my pictures were a blur.
So sister kindly took a family photo for us-the first since....well, probably since the boy was born.
We came home and decorated (and ate) sugar cookies
And of course-we cant forget poor Darth at Christmas time, so this afternoon the boy and I threw together a quick treat for Darth's stocking
If you feel like baking one day but want need to give your own waste-line a break from the cookie madness this time of year, here is the recipe:
2 1/2 c whole wheat flour (I used regular all purpose flour)
1/2 c milk
1 tsp garlic powder
1 large egg
2 Tbsp flavoring (bacon grease, chicken/beef stock, tuna juice....whatever. we used chicken)

Mix together dry ingredients, then add the rest. mix well. Will be thick. If its too thick for your liking, add more chicken stock (if thats what you used)
Roll dough on floured surface to about 1/4" thickness and cut into shapes of your liking. We did snowflakes and triangles (I got tired of cutting "cute"cookies for the dog, so finished up with a pizza cutter)
Bake for 30 min. at 350*. Let them sit in the oven while it cools off to make them extra crisp.
Darth taste tested (even though they are for Christmas. We'll assume he'll forget about them by Christmas) and loved them.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Zoo Adventures

Sister took us to the zoo.
There was so much to see and do.
We zipped from place to place.
And saw a little bit of everything.
The boy was intrigued by the gorillas. I however, find them a little too creepy.
 I do, however, find this little pony quite cute. I wonder if my mountain man could make me one?
Juice breaks are always a welcome time.
The dinosaurs were fun.
As long as you kept a distance.
His dream came true when he hopped on the train and sped around the zoo.
But the highlight of the day was the carousel. I have never seen such a big smile....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Day in the Park

Because the kids were all a little hesitant to slide down the pole.....
Aunt Sheena had to go first.
Racing down the slide is always fun....
And there's nothing like playing in a pile of wood chips.
And who wouldn't have fun playing tree fort?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

super duper tasty treat

Hey, how are those chocolate bananas?


Oh, you like them?

Good to know.

We'll have to make those again....
