Showing posts with label hunting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hunting. Show all posts

Sunday, October 21, 2012

a few (lots) of random pictures

Tyson recently found his old "trail cam" from a few years ago. It was fun going through it finding pictures we forgot about.
Like this chubby little fella. Look how he's grown!
 And these pictures from a time Tyson and Chad went Jeepin.
Remember, Chad, when you lived close enough that you could go do these fun things with us?
Remember how you were going to move here?
Remember how you didn't, and we never forgave you?
There is still time to redeem yourself...
 Who are these random boys in this one?

There were quite a few pictures of bears...
(well, this ones not a bear. this is the Mountain Man himself)
 This is a bear looking IN the bait barrel.
 This is a bear ON the barrel.
This is a bear CLIMBING the tree.
 This is a bear SPOTTING the camera.
 This is a bear EATING the camera.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

this and that

This one weighed in at 12 lbs 6 oz on Monday.
"Thats right, whats it to ya?"
So, just how do we fatten up our tiny heinies around here? MUFFINS! Thats right. You may have figured out on your own I have a weakness for all baked goods a good muffin. And the only tiny heinie thats getting fattened up is the mom. As in me. Not my mom. How rude. But little "butter ree" heinie [remember when the boy wanted to name her butter? no? well he did.] is getting good and plump, so we'll say its because of all the wonderful things I eat.
To make a good muffin, you need an awesome helper that loves to grind wheat [and of course some wonderful Wheat Montana wheat :)]. He was so excited to make flour because he said he was like a combine [you may remember he desperately wants to be a farmer]. What I didn't tell him was that combines don't actually make the flour...I didn't want to destroy his ambition.
You may be aware that archery season starts on Saturday. You probably aren't aware, nor are you likely affected by the fact. However, hunting season around here is pretty intense, especially since the mountain man opened his shop. ANYWAYS- the mountain boy [who is convinced he needs to go hunting] and myself decided we needed some camo muffins this time to send with the mountain man on his opening weekend excursion.
I used my good old whole wheat banana pumpkin recipe that I make pretty much every time because I can't get enough of them. I don't think I've ever actually posted a recipe for these. Maybe someday if you're lucky I will. Today I am too lazy. Rogan thinks they're "pretty sweet".

And this picture cracks me up

Friday, October 7, 2011

more mountain fun (?)

We (he) spread some top soil.
Planted some trees.
Played in the dirt.
Took down yet another trophy.

Packed it out. 
In the rain and mud.
Still hurting.
But let me tell you about this hike.
We got tired. Very tired.
Then on one of the last steep, tiring hills, my husband started quoting Homer Simpson.
"No I can't. Yes you can. No I can't. Yes you can. Oh shut up. No you shut up."

He's funny.
I'm not sure I would have made it out without him.
(I know I wouldn't have. I would have gotten lost.)
More meat to freeze.
Trying to keep our newly planted trees alive.
Laughed at sisters blog about summer meeting fall. Snow in the mountains.
We are the mountains. 
Summer meets winter in the mountains.
Snowed all day yesterday.
And all night.
Rogan loves the snow.
Woke up this morning to about 6 inches.
Time to dig out winter clothes.

Friday, September 16, 2011

we've been....

(warning: blog overload. its been too long and I have sooo much to tell you)
First of all, congrats to my manly mountain man husband on his recent kill!
We've spent most of this month in hunting mode. While the man was away a few night camping in the back county, all by himself, with no cell service, and only the bears to hear his cries for help, he also let us tag along quite a few night to "spot" for deer. While it makes things a little less practical for him, we are so glad he happily lets us join in the fun of the season.   This mule deer happens to be one of those deer we spotted with him. And the second time he showed his face around my manly man was his last. Fun for us (and I think a little sad-but that's why I don't hunt...) we were with him for the kill. Very pleasing to the mom (that would be me) the boy was asleep before we butchered him. For those of you who have never taken part in this (I'm assuming that's most) I don't recommend it. its not pretty. Especially if you are the one who is expected to eat it.

Up to this point, Tyson had been practicing (and ruining many a good arrow) to prepare for such a shot that would allow the poor innocent woodland creature to die a quick, humane death. Let me just brag on my husband a minute more....he really and truly is an amazingly talented archer....I just though you should know that.

We've also been:
playing some Jenga
Kind of.
Enjoying the last bit of summer as much as we can

Inspecting Grandpa's company tractors

And last, but not least (okay-least. obviously its a rare occasion we do this)
mowing our pasture lawn
Oh yeah-and throw in hours of cutting and canning deer meat (hey, cheap, organic, free range deer meat...)
and some jerky making.
Now its time to go find some elk....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

that time of year...

The air is changing.
The nights are colder.
Mothers are sending their childeren off to school.
Wives are sending their husbands off to the wilderness...

Monday, September 7, 2009

where we've been

You may be wondering what we've been up to. You may not. But either way, I am about to tell you. So if you didn't wonder, go to a different blog.
We've been up to a whole lotta nothing.
Spring cleaning in the fall. Some might call it fall cleaning. Or autumn cleaning to some.
Waiting for the bank to call. Waiting and waiting.
Selling our camp trailer. Anybody want it? Its a real gem...
Waiting for the bank to call. Yes, still waiting.
Remember this fella...?
We sold him. We sold him in hopes of giving the bank some money for a down payment to build a house. The very bank we are waiting for a phone call from. The very bank we are hoping will let us build a house.

We've also been chasing some boys. OK, Tyson has been chasing some boys. Strange? Wait until you see them.......
Still confused? Tyson shot a deer a couple of years ago that looked just like this, only a little smaller, and lopsided on the opposite side. We refer to him as Droopy. Tyson found this deer and has been following him, hoping to start a collection of this odd family. (Sad? Yes. Neat? Yes. I think so anyways. But maybe this hunting family has corrupted my once tender little heart. )However if this deer suddenly disappears or is "taken care of" by someone else, he would be plenty happy with this boy too.

Just one more reason I call him the mountain man.

So what have our Tiny Heinie and I been up to while mountain man is out wingin arrows at innocent creatures? We went to a family dutch oven dinner this weekend. Big Deon cooked up some chicken and potatoes that were not only scrumptious, but most likely extra fattening. But isn't that the way everyone eats their meals cooked over the fire?
