Tyson recently found his old "trail cam" from a few years ago. It was fun going through it finding pictures we forgot about.
Like this chubby little fella. Look how he's grown!
And these pictures from a time Tyson and Chad went Jeepin.
Remember, Chad, when you lived close enough that you could go do these fun things with us?
Remember how you were going to move here?
Remember how you didn't, and we never forgave you?
There is still time to redeem yourself...
Who are these random boys in this one?
There were quite a few pictures of bears...
(well, this ones not a bear. this is the Mountain Man himself)
This is a bear looking IN the bait barrel.
This is a bear ON the barrel.
This is a bear CLIMBING the tree.
This is a bear SPOTTING the camera.
This is a bear EATING the camera.