Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

we've been...

The girl turned 1!!!
how did that happen?
how did she go from this:
to this:
She is such a happy girl- and Rogan has already taught her his strange sense of humor.
We're going to have our hands full.

The gramma got some great pictures of her big day...

IMG_5630-001 IMG_5465-001 IMG_5618 IMG_5562
IMG_5532 IMG_5517IMG_5490 IMG_5483 Glamor 3-23-2013 9-32-49 AM 2988x4503

Besides birthday partying we've just been playing...
He made a snowman...and was pretty excited about it.
It was in the 50s that day. The poor guy had a short life...
We also did the easter thing. The snow is melting fast and the weather was awesome so we dyed eggs outside. The Mountain Man sold his archery shop so he could focus on his Kwik-Shooter business. We don't know what to do with all his free nights, and he even got to dye eggs with us! 
Untitled Untitled
Easter day we ate a delicious dinner at the castle, followed by a quick trip to the emergency room.
Because whats a beautiful spring day without a trip to the hospital?
Rogan slipped and hit his head. Hard.
The lump on the back of his head looked something like a black and blue easter egg.
For real.
But he's ok. He got to lay on ice in the hospital and watch some college basketball for a n hour or so.
And was back to his crazy self that night.
And boy are we glad!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

His Day

I still have a hard time with the fact that my baby is 4. Talk about weird.
Speaking of weird....
This kid cracks me up.
His special Birthday breakfast he requested Cheerios and pears.
For lunch he wanted a peanut butter sandwich. Then changed his mind to a ham and cheese quesadilla.
Talk about easy to please!
He loves trains now.
He wanted a Thomas the train cake. Specifically a Toby cake. 
This is the gem he was blessed with.
At least he thought it was awesome.


Trick candles are the best...
A  happy day for him... this morning he said "I wish I could have a birthday again today!"

Oh, and happy Valentines Day to you!!
(Does anyone even celebrate Valentines Day?)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

All About Him

Can you believe this little guy is 4 today?
And what an entertaining 4 years he has given us.
I had a very hard time picking just a few pictures to share today. I'm sure you have seen all of them, but this kid know how to put a smile on your face. Do yourself a favor and click on his name in the labels section. You will smile alot.



Monday, September 24, 2012


To the man of the family!
You are old.
But we still love you.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


 In Rogans words, "the dr popped her out" and grandma and papa were taking him "to the post office to get her"

Kya Marie
delivered to the "post office"on march 23. 
a whopping 5 lbs 1 oz and cute as a button. a very small button. but compared to an actual button, she is large. and we are happy for that.

so is Rogan.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

what happened?

This is my baby 2 summers ago. As in summer of 2010. He was a tiny, chubby 1 1/2 years old.
 This is my baby now.
He is not a baby now.
Yesterday we woke up bright and early for his #3 birthday.
He LOVED his birthday.
 And a whole day of birthday it was.
After presents, Grandma and Papa met us for birthday play and lunch.

Then we went home and had pizza with "Grandma Sheriff and Grandpa Deon"

Then it was cake time.
We opted for the trick candles, which completely baffled the poor boy. But he loved it.

Birthdays are fun.
But sometimes he tells me "I don't want to get big. I want to stay little."
I think I'd be OK with that, too.