Over Thanksgiving, this baby girl had her 8 month birthday. She's just so darn cute. (Mom, I may or may not have stole a couple of pictures from you. Meaning, I stole these two pictures. Thanks.)
She is also the same size as her just over 2 month old cousin. She weighed in at 14 lbs 7 oz. Just 2 lbs heavier that little Luke(probably not anymore though). 25in tall. But there is TONS of happiness and so many smiles in that tiny little package.
We had a chance to hike Crown Butte after we ate WAY too much.
It was so much fun! Rogan was pretty tired by the time we were done. OK, he was pretty tired before we got to the top. He said next time maybe he would not go with us. But he does like looking at the pictures.
What a view! I forgot what an awesome view it is from up there. What a gorgeous place.
Look! There is no sign of civilization to be seen. If you can ignore the wind it is such a peaceful place.
And the clouds! (hi Jibsons!)