Friday, March 30, 2012

photo shoot

 Its a good thing the grandma was around this week or we wouldn't have any pictures of our new tiny!
Rogan is loving being a BIG brother and is an awesome helper.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


 In Rogans words, "the dr popped her out" and grandma and papa were taking him "to the post office to get her"

Kya Marie
delivered to the "post office"on march 23. 
a whopping 5 lbs 1 oz and cute as a button. a very small button. but compared to an actual button, she is large. and we are happy for that.

so is Rogan.

Monday, March 19, 2012

for the girl

I have been having so much fun finding ways to use up various fabric scraps. These little onsies are among my latest projects. We'll see how they hold up to all the washings....

AND! we just learned today: one way or another, little sister will be here by the end of the week!