Friday, July 29, 2011

swimming lessons

The boy LOVED swimming with his dad.
The dog was thoroughly enjoying himself as well, as you will notice in a few pictures...
 The dad gave the boy a few swimming lessons.
But he preferred being up high...
After a long day in the sun and water, the boy crashed. Hard. Nothing could wake him up.
Notice his blue bandaged hand....why is it people feel the need to break glass beer bottles all around the fire pit and leave it for poor little boys to fall in?

Now for the important part of camping....preparing for smores.
The grand finale of the evening...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

sunny afternoon date

(One of our few family photos...)

Went for a quick afternoon 4-wheeler ride.
Had a few "road blocks" but didn't let that stop us.
Played in ice cold water with the dad.
Headed home.
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011


We started off our July 4th celebrations with a big bang. You may remember when my talented mountain man pulled this shot off.  Well, I'm proud to say, he's done it again....
After all the excitement, we got in some food, a lot of sun, some yard work, more food and sun, and then the big town firework show. The boy loved the "so amazing" fireworks and thought they were "pwitty".

Friday, July 1, 2011

A good laugh

Last night, laying on bed, boy comes and sits on my stomach, bouncing, making driving noises. 
Ask him what he's doing.
His reply: "driving you crazy!"

to the mom: I think I stole your socks.