Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rogan Says

The other day the dad's car wouldn't start, so he took our pickup to work. Rogan looked in the garage, and questioned why daddy didn't take the car.
I told him the car was broke today.
He simply said: "Fix it. Daddy fix it."

Monday, April 25, 2011

Our Easter Story

The day before:
Eggs + dye + mess= very happy little boys

Easter Morning:
The boy found some eggs....
the chocolate one was his favorite...
The bunny brought him a tractor book. He LOVES tractors more than anything.
Except maybe chocolate.....

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Real Robin Hood

Yes, he does exist. Yes, he is amazing. And, yes, I am married to him.
I wanted to post a video to prove it happened, but I don't know how. If you are dying to see it, check out his new website, and click on video reviews, G5 Prime Centroid.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

little man

Modern Art

Materials needed:
Canvas (size of your choice)
Washable paints
Paper plates
Tiny little artistic fingers

Step 1:
Prepare canvas and little fingers.

Step 2:
Give little fingers paint on the paper plate.
Let little fingers go to work.

Step 3:
Make sure little fingers has his artist face on.

My new favorite piece of art!
We can't wait to create more!