Wednesday, July 28, 2010


There's nothing like a Jeep ride on a warm, sunny day. A Jeep will take you anywhere. You never know where your going to end up.
This particular Jeep ride took us up a hill.
Past some cows.
Through some trees.
Next to a moose.
Then away from the moose.
We scared a fox.
And then headed home.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Delectable Whole Grain Bread

I Have been experimenting with different bread recipes the last couple of months and found one that I am IN LOVE with. It started with this recipe, and a few tweaks here and there and I can't get enough of this bread. Light. Fluffy. Delish.

1 Cup warm water
1 Tbsp milk
2 Tbsp oil
2 Tbsp honey
2 Tbsp brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp salt
1 Cup oat flour
1 1/2 Cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup ground flax seed
3 Tbsp vital wheat gluten
1 Pinch citric acid (a little goes a long ways)
Sprinkle of ginger
2 tsp instant active dry yeast

I just put the ingredients in that order in my bread machine and let it do the mixing/kneading. Take it out when its done rising (double in size), form into a loaf, let it rise until double again (30ish min).  Bake at 350* for 30-35 minutes. Cover with foil if it starts to get too dark on top (I usually cover for the last 10 min). YUM.

Keep in mind I am at ridiculously high altitude and have no idea how to adjust it for you low altitude people-so good luck with that. But I strongly suggest you try it anyways. Britt-your baby is begging you.

I will be making this without the oat flour and using all whole wheat flour and have all the confidence it will be awesome. Go bake and eat!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Singin in the Rain

Rogan: "This is so much fun guys! I never get to do this at my house!"

Rogan:"Hey I have an idea-Lets all stick our head in between the rails like the dogs always do! It'll be fun....I promise."

Jonah: "Uh, I don't think this is such a good idea guys. Our heads could get stuck and then we wont be able to get them out and it will really hurt."
Lucy:"Come on Jonah, everyone's doin it."
Rogan: "Yeah, c'mon. I dare you."

Rogan:"Ha ha ha ha ha! That was so funny! She stuck her head in just like I told her too and she got stuck, just like Jonah knew she would!

Lucy:" me!"
Jonah:"Hold on Lucy, I just need to get my tools and I'll have the railings off this baby in no time..."


Rogan:"This is so much fun guys! I love playing in the rain!"
Jonah:"Yeah, me too. I sure hope they get Lucy unstuck though."

Rogan:"Oh well. I'm going to go have some cake. See ya later Lucy!"


No children were harmed in this story. Lucy's head came free and all the kids were back to sticking their heads through the railing in no time.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I've lived on top of the mountain in Wyoming for 4 years now, but every time we go to Montana, it still feels like home.
And who would have thought this rambunctious girl would one day turn into such a good friend for all the kiddos?
We went to Missoula to see GG and Papa G. We played in the park-
The swings didn't seem so bad at first...
Maybe the slide will be better?
Not really.
Papa G's trains! He has put so much work in to this awesome display-A real artist.
Someday I want to do this.
The kids all watched the train and couldn't seem to get enough of it.

We love going to Montana.
Stay tuned for the adventures of Lucy.

Friday, July 16, 2010

low maintainance

Yards are pretty easy to maintain when they only consist of rocks, alfalfa, and one tree.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

he likes to work

and then there's Darth. He's different. But we love him.
A few weeks ago we went to another archery shoot. For some reason the only pictures I took were of the boy playing in the playground.
The shoot was so fun! Tyson did awesome-I did....ok.
Montana pictures coming soon...