Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fresh Paint, Fresh Mud

Not so long ago, the man of the house found this cute little jeep.
After some elbow grease and some long hours of tlc... evolved into this narly beast.

The trial run.....

The real deal....

Chadilac and Tysonator spent the day with their real true loves.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Oh No!

Dad left me alone with her again. She's soooo boring!

Somebody help me!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hi Everyone!

Rogan wants to see his grandma and papa this weekend...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

happy boy

Thursday, March 19, 2009

He Hates It

Yes it's camo.
And yes, he hates it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Today Tiny and I played on the not so clean matted 1960s brown and orange carpet.
This was not today.
This is what they like doing together now....
Imagine what they'll be doing together years from now...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

wouldn't it be nice?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Are You My Mother?

A mother girl sat on her egg. The egg jumped.
"I must get something for my baby boy to eat!" she said. So away she went.

Inside her belly the egg jumped
and jumped
and jumped.

...out came a baby boy!
"Where is my mother?" he said.
He did not see her anywhere."I will go and look for her," he said.
Out of his bed he went. Down, down down!
The baby boy could not walk.But he could belly crawl. "Now I will go and find my mother," he said.

"Are you my mother?" the baby boy asked a hippo.
The hippo just looked and looked. It did not say a thing.
"Are you my mother?" the baby boy asked a pirate.

(again, not sure why its upside down)
"No," said the pirate.
"Are you my mother?" the baby boy asked a dog.
"I am not your mother. I am a dog," said the dog.
"Are you my mother?" the baby boy asked a mighty warrior. "How could I be your mother?" said the mighty warrior. "I am a mighty warrior."
They baby boy stopped to think. The hippo and the pirate were not his mother. The dog and the mighty warrior were not his mother.
"I have a mother," said the baby boy. "I know I do. I will find her. I will. I WILL!"
Just then the baby boy saw a big thing. "You are my mother!" he said.
The big thing said "SNORT!"

"Oh, no!" said the baby boy. "You are not my mother. You are a scary Snort!" The snort lifted the baby boy up, up, up. Then something happened. the Snort put the baby boy right back in his bed. The baby boy was home!
Just then the mother girl came back. "I know who you are," said the baby boy. "You are not a hippo or a pirate or a dog. You are not a mighty warrior or a Snort!"
"You are a girl, and you are my mother!"
(sorry for the thievery sister)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Because You Keep Checking...

Rogan loves his new toys!
We had a fun day.

He likes to dance...

Thanks guys!

Monday, March 9, 2009

That Hair

We started off the day today with a nice, LONG nap.
Then, after some together time, I gave the happy heinie a bath.
The poor boy was then freezing and no longer happy.

So I put on his warm pj's and he slept away the rest of the afternoon.

And yes...his hair naturally goes to that "faux hawk"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

On This Day...

On this day, Rogan got his belly button.On this day, Rogan got dressed up for a long drive to the hearing dr., where he passed his second hearing test.

On this day Rogan got his first swing, from his awesome Grandma.....
And on this day, Rogan's awesome Grandma turns....dah dah dah.....are we allowed to say since everyone who reads this blog knows anyways...?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bath Time

This morning I got a bath. Mommy made me really angry. I screamed and turned bright red and she still didn't seem to understand that I didn't like her yanking on my arms and dumping water over my head and in my ears. Finally she quit and warmed me up. But then she thought it would be fun to put cold, slimey, smelly stuff all over me. Does she know I'm a boy?
But then she put warm clothes on me and I was happy again.

But she kept putting me down and leaving me there, and I didn't want that. I wanted to talk to her all day. Finally we both gave up at trying to accomplish anything and fell asleep on the couch together for a really long time. It was a nice day.

I don't know why I'm upside down in this picture. Mommy has a hard time with some things.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Little Jeep Boy

I know what your thinking....and worried aboutBut you can quit. No, our son is not in there.
Yesterday we bundled up the little one and headed to the desert so the dad could have a day in the sun 'jeepin' his little heart out. Our tiny, however, had to stay in with the girls. While his dad was out doing things like this...

and this...
The tiny little boy was stuck indoors, with his mom and aunt, baking cake and cooking a delicious ham dinner for 'the big boys'. Poor little guy.
But it's ok. He has his whole life ahead of him to terrify his mother with the hobbies we all know he will have.