A report by Hope Not Hate...
Ah. We can usually safely ignore anything produced by this bunch of charlatans, can't we?
...seen exclusively by The Independent before its release, said that years of dominance by Tommy Robinson and other figures focused on Muslims was giving way to rising white nationalism.
When we've seen the rise of black nationalism with the BLM movement, and also observed the obsequiousness of the establishment, why wouldn't this happen?
“There’s this move from people previously focused on other topics like Islam, and alongside that is a contingent of the young British far right who have been embracing more extreme and traditionally fascist, white nationalist and antisemitic ideas,”
Mr Murdoch said.
He warned that the younger group are active in online networks that have greater reach than the “old guard” of National Front and British National Party (BNP) supporters.
In other words, the younger generation are smarter, more social-media savvy, then the old guard.
So let's see what their message is, and whether it could really gain popular support with mainstreamers?
On its website, Patriotic Alternative claims that “native British” people are being eradicated and proposes extreme measures to protect “the indigenous peoples of the United Kingdom”.
It says it would call a “complete halt” to immigration and pay people “of immigrant descent … to return to their ancestral homelands”.
Patriotic Alternative claims that children are being exposed to pro-LGBT and anti-white “propaganda” and advocates home-schooling using its own package of hateful material on “history and culture”.
Well, I leave you to your own conclusions. But if I was an establishment figure, I'd be very, very worried.