Showing posts with label I want my country back. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I want my country back. Show all posts

Monday, 24 August 2020

"Can I Get A Vowel, Please, Carol?"

Vahideh Hojatoleslami, 28, allegedly struck Oluwakemi Tayo after he kicked her fiancé out of the VIP area of Loft Studio in Willesden, north-west London.

Are we not enriched? 

The trial ran out of time and resumes on August 20.

There's time limits now? When did the process of justice become 'Beat The Clock'..? 

Update: It resumed, and....guess what?

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Why Is Anyone Professing Surprise?


A report by Hope Not Hate...

Ah. We can usually safely ignore anything produced by this bunch of charlatans, can't we? 

...seen exclusively by The Independent before its release, said that years of dominance by Tommy Robinson and other figures focused on Muslims was giving way to rising white nationalism.

When we've seen the rise of black nationalism with the BLM movement, and also observed the obsequiousness of the establishment, why wouldn't this happen?  

“There’s this move from people previously focused on other topics like Islam, and alongside that is a contingent of the young British far right who have been embracing more extreme and traditionally fascist, white nationalist and antisemitic ideas,”
Mr Murdoch said. He warned that the younger group are active in online networks that have greater reach than the “old guard” of National Front and British National Party (BNP) supporters.

In other words, the younger generation are smarter, more social-media savvy, then the old guard. 

So let's see what their message is, and whether it could really gain popular support with mainstreamers?  

On its website, Patriotic Alternative claims that “native British” people are being eradicated and proposes extreme measures to protect “the indigenous peoples of the United Kingdom”.
It says it would call a “complete halt” to immigration and pay people “of immigrant descent … to return to their ancestral homelands”.
Patriotic Alternative claims that children are being exposed to pro-LGBT and anti-white “propaganda” and advocates home-schooling using its own package of hateful material on “history and culture”.

Well, I leave you to your own conclusions. But if I was an establishment figure, I'd be very, very worried. 

Thursday, 13 August 2020

How Long Did It Take You To Realise This, Then?

In a statement, Scotland Yard said: 'We want to remind anyone who is taking part in a demonstration in a public place or at a public meeting, not to wear a uniform which is associated with a political purpose, as to do so may be committing an offence under Section 1 of the Public Order Act, 1936.' 
Why didn't you last time it happened, then? 

This is, of course, yet another instance of a certain 'community' feeling that laws shouldn't apply to them: 

On Twitter, BLM UK added: '4Front do vital work in the community advocating for young people being harassed by police daily. This is one day before a commemorative protest for Mark Duggan which 4Front co-organised.'
Speaking outside Colindale Police Station, Temi Mwale of the 4Front Project said: 'Today started calmly, it started peacefully with us as community workers asking why a 14-year-old was being arrested?'

On suspicion of carrying 13 bags of drugs.  

'What has he done so we can inform his mum?'

The police will do that, as he's a minor. 

'I can’t go into too much detail, but this is several times this month this same young person has been harassed and been arrested.' 

With no doubt good reason. As 'community workers', aren't you looking to get drugs off the streets? 

Or do you need people to be high as kites to believe you're anything but professional agitators looking for a fight with the police?

Monday, 10 August 2020

It's 'Answers On A Postcard' Time Again...

 A question is posed:

Well, Reader, over to you. 

Oh, but before I go, let's have a look at these 'refugees', shall we?

One wonders just what it is they are 'fleeing'...

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Changing Faces Of Britain…

Farewell to another pub:
Office manager Julie Delaney, 46, formerly of Canberra Crescent, used to visit the tavern with her father and family.
“It used to be a really nice pub, you’d take your kids and enjoy a day with your family.
“I know pub culture’s changed but it’s sad to see community places go, whether they’re being replaced with Tesco, M&S or whatever.”
In this case, it’s definitely ‘whatever’…
Stella’s Groceries and Vegetables opened earlier this month, selling a range of African and Caribbean produce.
Manager Stella Osunbol, 55, from Forest Hill, Lewisham, has run her own shops for the past 18 years and fell in love with the building when she first saw it.
“It’s a really nice building in a good area,” she said.
“A really good place for my business.
“It’s obvious not everyone wanted to go to the pub for drinking because it closed.
“These days people go to the supermarket and drink at home. Not everyone wants to drink, but everyone wants to eat so we see the change as a good thing. Pubs aren’t always good things – there can be a lot of unpleasant situations.”
I suppose African food shops are always good things, in Stella’s world?
The Bull is the second pub to change its use in three months, despite Barking and Dagenham Council’s “Last Orders? Preserving Public Houses” supplementary planning order. Adopted in June 2014, the order only allows pubs to change use after a 12-month marketing period, if “no interest in the free or leasehold as a pub” is expressed in that time.
In February, councillors overturned recommendations to allow the Farmhouse Tavern, in Dagenham Road, to reopen as a licensed function venue and restaurant.
Catering for up to 200 guests at special events, such as weddings, caterer Gulzar Chowdhury bought the pub in 2011.
No wonder Dagenham is changing fast. For the better?

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Ah, Government By (Foreign) Committee..!

The NHS will be forced to discriminate against the over 70s to meet ‘highly unethical’ UN health targets which seek to reduce premature deaths in younger people, senior medics have warned.
That’s a surprise, isn’t it? That the NHS is being forced, I mean. Usually they are pretty happy to do it of their own free will!
Under the proposed Sustainable Development Goals, UN member states must cut the number of deaths from diseases like cancer, stroke, diabetes and dementia by one third by 2030.
However because many are age-related illnesses people who succumb to those diseases from the age of 70 are not deemed to have died prematurely and so are not included in the target.
Prof Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, professor of social policy and international development at the University of East Anglia, and lead author of the letter, said: “This premature mortality target is highly unethical, since it unjustifiably discriminates against older people.
“We already know that there is age discrimination in cancer care and surgery and these targets give that the stamp of approval.
“The targets are not quite set in stone yet, so we have a final opportunity to impress upon the UN the need to alter this explicitly ageist health target.
“If this doesn’t happen, people aged 70 and over will become second-class citizens as far as health policy is concerned.”
I guess the trick will be to notice any discernable difference from current practice…
Although the guidelines are not binding, health experts warn that the UN is likely to take a dim view of countries who fail to comply.
Indeed? Gosh. Does that mean a sternly-worded letter to the DoH?
In 2013, the Government introduced age discrimination laws which mean patients should not be denied procedures on grounds of age. Doctors are supposed to assess patients based on their fitness for an operation, and likely benefit from it.
A spokesman for the Department of health said: “It is wrong to deny people treatment just because of their age, which is why we made it illegal.
“Decisions on care should only ever be based on clinical need.”
Yeah. And I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Decision Day

Well, it's here. And I know most of my readers won't be voting Labour.

But....on the offchance that someone you know is voting Labour, please remind them that this will be what they are voting for:

Gender politics being thrown under the bus when there's a medieval death cult to pander to -
Harriet Harman has given a partial justification of a gender-segregated Labour election rally, saying it was “better than a men-only meeting” and it would have been “rude” to boycott it.
'Islamaphobia' to become a crime -
...if it becomes an offence in English law to experience and express fear of Islam, many more of us may be unable to tell the truth without becoming criminals.
And as a result of that, this sort of behaviour to become commonplace in the UK -
“It would take me much longer than I’ve got to explain biraderi politics in Bradford, clan-based politics, and people actually do deliver 20, 30, 50 votes. Through their extended families, what tends to happen is, the kind of head of the household, or the kind of head of the clan, makes a decision how they’ll vote. So if somebody, in I don’t know, Penge (South London) said I could deliver you 50 votes you would laugh. But here . . . it’s true. They deliver bundles of votes.”
And if they are OK with that as a consequence of what they no doubt see as Labour rewarding them with someone else's money, then that's fine. But they can't say they've not been warned.

Do I think Call Me Dave will necessarily be better placed to stem the tide? No, frankly. I'm with DumbJon on that score. It seems we have an unenviable task of deciding between a quick capitulation to the forces of progressivism, or a slower, longer drawn out one.

So I'm casting my vote accordingly. Good luck, everyone. I think this might well turn out to be one of the most important elections of the 21st century.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Tell Me Again How Our ‘Housing Crisis’ Has Nothing To Do With Immigration…

Go on. I dare you:
Two thirds of the new homes created in Britain since 1997 have a foreign–born head of the household, according to a new survey.
Figures based on a national survey showed that out of 2.7 million households created in the country over the period, nearly 1.8 million had a senior figure who was born outside the UK.
Hmmm. What happened in 1997, I wonder?
The report was based on data from the Labour Force Survey, compiled by the Office for National Statistics, which showed that in 1997 there were just under 24 million households with birthplace data available.
Of those, 1.98 million were headed by a foreign-born person. In data from 2014 the number of households had risen to 26.5 million and the number foreign-born to 3.73 million.
*snaps fingers* Oh! That’s right! Labour decided to import themselves a whole new electorate!

Now I remember…

Thursday, 2 April 2015


Police formally objected to the proposals for the centre in Ashfield Road, Deeplish, citing that the applicant has family connections to suspects under investigation for alleged immigration offences.
But despite the concerns Rochdale Township planning committee approved the plans at a meeting this week.
Good grief! What would they do th....

Coun Mohammed Zaman said: “I have been approached by a number of residents.
“There are anti-social behaviour and drug issues in the area.
“This teaching centre will provide somewhere for them to go.
“I know the family and they have been teaching for a long time - they provide a good service. There have been more than 30 letters of support.”
Coun Sameena Zaheer added: “If we refuse it these children will go somewhere else for learning.
“Do we not think it would be a good idea if we recommend that all the authorities know children are learning here? If they go somewhere else we will not be able to check the people that are teaching them.”
Say no more.

H/T: wiggia via email

Thursday, 29 January 2015


Nurses were forced to call in police after a large group visiting a mother and newborn baby became aggressive and threw objects at them.
The group of 30, who were trying to visit the same patient, had to be dispersed from the Royal Bolton Hospital's postnatal ward by officers.
An eyewitness said they were "screaming" at staff and police and even waited outside to throw objects at staff as they were leaving.
How odd that there’s no description given of these people, eh? And also how telling…
Heather Edwards, director of communications at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, said: "We have a policy that no more than three visitors per bed should be on the postnatal ward.
"This is for the safety of mothers and babies.
"Unfortunately on Saturday a large number of people arrived to visit a small number of new mums and their babies, and staff had to remind them of our policy.
"Some visitors objected to this and our staff were subjected to aggressive and threatening behaviour. Staff called security who called the police. We would like to remind visitors to the maternity unit not only to abide by our policy, which is for the safety of mothers and babies, but also that we will not tolerate verbal or physical aggression towards our staff."
So…you’ll be pursuing the matter via the criminal justice system or the civil courts, will you? Or is this boilerplate platitude dished out to the local press by your PA all you intend to do?
A police spokesman said: "There was a large group of people that had become aggressive.
"About 20 to 30 people had wanted to visit someone and the nurses had stepped in to say they could not do that.
"We dispersed the group, who left the ward, and did not make any arrests."
Why not? I’d expect arrest if I took part in a group attack on staff trying to do their job.

*Screaming Mob Of No Appearance

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

A Sad Sign Of The Times...

Assistant Chief Constable Wayne Mawson, Local Policing Commander for the West, said investigations into what caused the crash were ongoing.
'We can however confirm that this is not a terrorism-related incident,' he said.
I can see why he felt the need to say it, in view of recent incidents in France, but still, I can remember a time when the first thought on anyone's mind would have been 'driver must have been taken ill at the wheel'.

I wish we could go back to those times.

Monday, 10 November 2014

That’s A Funny ‘Improvement’ To Make, Isn’t It?

Trevor Meegan, defending, said Hussain is still a young man, trying to improve himself.
He added: “He is Somalian and been here for 10 years and has had jobs as a warehouse worker.
“He lives with his parents and has taken a college course at Birmingham College. ”
Gosh, aren’t we lucky to have this man adding to the UK’s rich diversity?
“He doesn’t accept his guilt but accepts the conviction against him.”
Hmmm, Ched Evans gets a lot of stick for ‘not accepting his guilt’ in the progressive press – can I expect anguished CiF columns about this chap too?
Mr Recorder Kelly added: “You became friends with Miss Ahmed and were a regular visitor to her home.
“This was a terrible thing to do to someone who showed you nothing but friendship and hospitality.
“It looks at the moment as if you are embarking on a life where you are in and out of courts and prison.
“I urge you to reflect on what you are going to do with your life while you are in prison.”
Let’s hope the answer is ‘Go back to Somalia’…

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

All The Old Familiar Vignettes…

The escalating violence:
The teenager has a history of violence including convictions for two attempted robberies at the age of 12*, one when armed with a screwdriver. He had been excluded from school three times including once which a teacher described as “unparalleled violence not seen before.”
The ghetto culture:
The boy claimed he had been given the gun to look after by someone else – whom he refused to name because “I am not a snitch.”
The lenient sentence due to age:
Today Judge Charles Wide QC imposed a nine year sentence and added a five year extension to the period he must serve on licence to protect the public. He told the Old Bailey that the boy posed “a significant risk to members of the public of significant harm.”
More of that wonderful enriching ghetto culture:
He insisted he had never quarrelled with the schoolgirl he called his BM - or baby mother - and had no reason to harm her.
And finally - the names, my god, the names!
In an impact statement read to the court today Shereka’s mother Shyrine Mills
A very modern crime tale, in all respects. Not quite the sort of thing Agatha Christie might have written about, though, eh?

*At 12, eh? No doubt he’s one of those ‘children’ that the police need to pander to much more:
Negative experiences, such as arrest and stop and search procedures, breeds "frustration and anger", it warned.
As much anger as seeing your daughter on a slab for consorting with the local bad boy..?

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

I Don't Know What Makes Me Want To Weep More...

Mr Greaney said the boy told other pupils he was going to attack Mrs Maguire on the morning of the murder. The boy showed some of them the knives he had with him.
Or this:
Due to the young age of the defendant, the judge and barristers did not wear their wigs and gowns during the hearing.
We get the society we deserve, don't we?

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Social Media: A Godsend For Local Newspapers...

Two women have been photographed fighting in intu Bromley shopping centre, in a confrontation that saw a wig "snatched off" one of their heads.
Photographs of the incident show a security guard attempting to break the women up, while they appear to thrash about on the floor.
Meanwhile a wig lies redundant on the floor nearby.
They were posted on Twitter on September 5 by @BellzLa, who tweeted: "Ratchet girls beefing in Bromley, one girl's wig got snatched off."
Police said they were not called, but intu Bromley confirmed an incident did take place.
And of course, just in case we didn't believe this incredible story, look, here's the photo!

The Commentariat revs up for action:
Harold Larwood says...
I hope the aggressor will be made toupée compensation.
Gypo.Joe says...
My Dyslexia must be getting worse. I had to read this a few times as I thought the wig came off her snatch at first glance.
Harold Larwood says...
Gypo.Joe wrote: My Dyslexia must be getting worse. I had to read this a few times as I thought the wig came off her snatch at first glance.
Stop merkin about...
Well played, sir!
read20000 says...
Someone must have taken those photos syrup titiously
*groans again*
derby1971 says...
what does 'ratchet girls beefing' mean ?.....or does this mean i am now officially old not knowing this ?
Yup. Nice, isn't it?
Fisherman Pete says...
Not sure security guards get paid enough to be dealing with hairy situations like that IMHO
OK, enough!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

So, Bribery Is The Future?

Primary school pupils are to be given toys for good behaviour. The new scheme at Estcourt Primary, Mersey Primary and Craven Primary allows students to earn vouchers for good behaviour and taking part in school activities.
They can then use those vouchers to buy treats from Toys 'R' Us.
Nikki Leslie, a co-ordinator at Estcourt Primary and Mersey Primary, said the scheme will encourage children to take part in school life.
"Pupils earn credits for things like always having their PE kit or opening a door for a member of staff," she said. "It's not just based on behaviour though. Every child will be given the chance to earn credits.
"This is something new that we have never done before, but we think it has a lot of potential."
Shouldn’t kids be brought up to do these things as a matter of course, and not for the reward?

Or am I just hopelessly out of touch?

Thursday, 18 September 2014

And Mr Dinu's Not Wrong, Is He...?

Mr Dinu had told the Channel 5 programme that he and other Romanians had come to the UK because it was a “soft touch” the court heard.
And what happens when people object? Why, the fearless guardians of society spring into action .... to see the complainers punished:
Hawksby was arrested after his picture was taken by University of York Professor Nick Brown, who shared the images with North Yorkshire Police on Facebook.
Hawksby told officers: “He is not even from York. It costs 23 to 25 quid on the train so he must be earning some right money busking.”
Hawksby denied racially aggravated threatening behaviour but was convicted.
He was given a four month suspended jail sentence and ordered to pay £100 costs and an £80 surcharge.
If he takes up busking to pay for it, will North Yorkshire Police tolerate him, I wonder?

Monday, 25 August 2014

If You Look Up The Phrase 'Useful Idiot' In The Dictionary...'ll probably find a photo of 'Guardian' columnist Michael White:
It's horrible to contemplate the state of mind of a young man like Bary – formerly a would-be rapper called Jinny but son of a radical Bin Laden associate – or fellow jihadis, some from eminently upright British immigrant families. How can they move so easily from suburban London or Cardiff to a world where mass executions of perceived Isis enemies, complete with decapitations, can become both normal and morally right?
Well, probably because progressives like you and your colleagues have assured them time and time again that they are right to nurture grievances against the West, Michael.
...let's not over-react, let's not do some of the brutally counterproductive and brutal things we've done in the past. We want the lucky Kevins to survive, to come home for clean underwear, chastened not angry, and keen to go to college.
'We' do, do we? You don't speak for me. Or for many others.

I want Kevin to lie in the sand of some bombed-flat hellhole, bubbles of blood collecting on his lips as he expires, slowly, from a sucking chest wound.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

I Beg To Differ…

They made unlikely jihadis; Amal el-Wahabi was described by her own barrister as a "foul-mouthed, phone-addicted, weed-smoking kaffir", Nawal Msaad a glamorous university student who had to be warned by the judge for associating with a male defendant in another court.
Actually, they sound like just the sort of dim-witted airheads who would fall for something like this…
Wahabi was held in the sway of her husband who had swapped drug-dealing and criminality in the UK for jihad in Syria, while her old schoolfriend Msaad was accused of being an unquestioning mule who was drawn by the promise of €1,000 (£800) to carry money to Turkey.
Their appearance in court reveals just how wide the net is being cast by anti-terrorist officers to deter those who are lured to fight in Syria and those who might choose to support them back home. Sources confirm that these two women were not extremists; and were not a threat in any way to this country.
Oh, I don't think you need to be a card-carrying jihadi fighter or supporter to be that, do you? Being enough of an airhead or petty criminal that you can be duped into this sort of thing makes you a threat too.

Monday, 18 August 2014

It’s Like A Choice Between Being Shot Or Poisoned…

Southend’s councillors hold the key to the future of a disused studio building at the centre of rival bids to turn it into an “alternative school”, or an Islamic centre.
Ye gods! Hippy kids or Islamowhackjobs? What a choice…
One of the bidders is the Muslim charity which ran an Islamic centre in a Westcliff bungalow for four years without planning permission.
The other group wants to reopen the building as the One Love Centre, housing an Epic Quest “alternative school”, which would share music and dance facilities with the public outside lesson times.
Southend Council will consider both applications in the coming months, and could approve one, both or neither.
Might I suggest a fourth option? There’s still the Dale Farm hangers-on to house, after all…

*evil grin*