Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Food = Love

The way to a teenager's heart is often food.  Little Man and I squeezed in a date this month, and all he wanted was Costa Vida for dinner and Andy's for dessert.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Kitty Love

 Stella LOVES clean clothing.  If there's a pile of laundry to be folded there's a high probability she's nearby.  She also really loves cleaning BB's hair.  If you can't tell, BB also likes it, too.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Unintentional Twinning

 It's always fun when you show up to church and you find out you're twinning it with your friend.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Recital Prep

We're headed to St. Louis next weekend for Mid-America Music Festival.  This weekend is full of recitals for everyone to get practice performing before competing at the festival.  All 4 kiddos played their 3 piano pieces, Little Man played his guitar pieces, and the rest of them sang.  It's a lot of beautiful music.

We celebrated by trying Korean hot dogs for the first time and trying Tiger Milk.  I'm not a huge fan of Boba, but Little Lady loves it.  

We didn't try the donuts, because everyone wanted to go to Betty Rae's to try the new flavor of cinnamon roll with McClain's cinnamon rolls in it.  

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Soccer Camp

 Little Guy and BB were busy at soccer camp this week.  BB even did an extra hour of goalie camp.  Today was the last day with water games.  It's always their favorite day.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Royals Excitement

 Joel took the boys to the Royals vs Diamondbacks with BB's friend Collin.  The boys came home ranting and raving, because it was quite an exciting game.  The Diamondback manager got ejected from the game.  Bobby Witt Jr. was a single away from getting a cycle, so the pitcher intentionally hit him with the ball.  It was wild, and the boys loved it!  The Royals won 10-4.  

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Mormon Trail

 We spent the afternoon at Winter Quarters.  It was the stopping place for pioneers traveling West.  

"An instant city on the plains, Winter Quarters served as Church headquarters for less than a year, until the leadership moved west in 1847. By Christmas 1846, Church members had built a large stockade and about 700 homes ranging from solid, two-story structures to simple dugouts in the bluffs. For many, however, the rigors of the Iowa crossing, exposure, and poor nutrition and sanitation proved too much, and several hundred Saints died during the winter of 1846–47."

We visited the Winter Quarters temple, the cemetery on its grounds, and visited the Mormon Trail museum across the street. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Family Time

We stayed in the coolest VRBO in Omaha.  Everyone loved it.  It included a secret game room and indoor pool.  They entertained themselves jumping off the diving board for hours. 

There was a really cool Medieval Putt Putt by where we were staying.  It's definitely the most creative mini golf we've ever tried.  We had a boys and a girls team. 

There was a lot of laughing and giggling while golfing, and Anna and Little Lady got a couple of hole in ones.