Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Kindergarten is a Hit!

This goofball is loving Kindergarten.  In true Little Guy style he says he can't remember what he did during the day, but he loved it. 
I loved his apple and worm.

He's lately been only doing "scribble scrabble" for coloring, because he can't be bothered with details and wants to get it done. 

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Cactus Pear

 We tried a new fruit - the cactus pear.  We cut off the skin and tried it.  Nobody liked it.  Hahaha.  I think the hard seeds were a turn off and honestly, it didn't have much flavor.  E for Effort though, right? 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Date Nights

This month I took Little Lady out on a Mommy/Daughter date.  She wanted to play mini-golf and then get dessert at I AM (a shaved ice place).  We both definitely need to brush up on our putting skills. 

She proclaimed the Oreo shaved ice as amazing!

Little Man had a date night with his dad.  He got dessert and they brought it home to binge watch "Stranger Things."  They only made it through 2 episodes, but now they're both hooked. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

do.Good Stitches

 For August and September we made Crosscut Blocks.  The 2 for August used low volume backgrounds with bright rainbow colors for crosses.  The 2 for September used gray backgrounds and blue and green colors for crosses.  I like these blocks.  

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Season Has Begun

Little Man has started Cross Country, and Little Lady has started Volleyball.  It's so fun to watch them improve and grow in their sport of choice.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

A Year Late

Because of restrictions with Covid I never got a picture of the kiddos with their teacher last year.  During Open House we ran in and had BB and Little Lady get a quick picture.  It's a bit late, but it's better than never.

(4th grade - Mrs. Hafford)
(1st grade - Miss Moriarty)

Friday, August 20, 2021


Since Little Guy had one extra day with his Momma I took him to My Play Cafe.  It's meant for 0-5 years old.  I couldn't help but chuckle, because Little Guy played for about 20 minutes, and then he told me he was ready to go home.  Yep.  He's all grown up and ready for school.

The day has finally come - look out, World!  Little Guy is officially in Kindergarten.

Our Kindergartener: Mrs. Boeckmann

My best friend's name is: Benny
My favorite thing to play: Legos
My favorite color: Green
My favorite book: My Star Wars Readers
My favorite TV show: Miraculous
My favorite food: Cereal or pop tarts
When I grow up I want to be: a doctor
Something I really like: playing and playing games
Something I really don't like: stuff that looks and tastes gross
My favorite thing about myself: I'm good at exercising
Something I want to do this year:I want to makeup a new game

Thursday, August 19, 2021

First Day Success

All the kiddos were happy with their first day of school.  Little Guy even had an hour long orientation of Kindergarten that he really liked.  We met dad after dinner at Betty Rae's for our celebratory 1st day of school ice cream.

I got a little chuckle over how quickly tastes change as the kiddos grow.  Little Guy's flavor choice was Cotton Candy and Little Man's choice was Creme Brulee.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

First Day of School

Our 8th grader: He gets to take a Design & Robotics elective this year. (He barely tolerated first day pictures)

My best friend's name is: Connor (from school) & Landon (from church)
My favorite thing to play: Terraria
My favorite color: Black
My favorite book: Shadow and Bone Trilogy
My favorite TV show: Lego Masters
My favorite food: Tacos
When I grow up I want to be: Astrophysicist
Something I really like: Reading
Something I really don't like: Noise
My favorite thing about myself: I'm smart
Something I want to do this year: get an iPad (good luck with that)

Our 5th grader: Mrs. Schooley (We're super excited, because we loved her when Little Man had her for 5th grade)

My best friend's name is: Audrey
My favorite thing to play: Legos
My favorite color: Teal
My favorite book: Percy Jackson series
My favorite TV show: Miraculous
My favorite food: Chicken Cord en Bleu Casserole
When I grow up I want to be: a chef or a teacher
Something I really like: Books
Something I really don't like: Brussel Sprouts
My favorite thing about myself: my musical talent
Something I want to do this year:go to Worlds of Fun

Our 3rd grader: Mrs. Dominguez

My best friend's name is: Luke Blanchard
My favorite thing to play: Legos
My favorite color: Gold
My favorite book: Micheal Vey series
My favorite TV show: Miraculous
My favorite food: Sweet and Sour Meatballs
When I grow up I want to be: Chef
Something I really like: Soccer
Something I really don't like: Onions and Peppers
My favorite thing about myself: I'm funny and fast
Something I want to do this year: Make a huge Star Destroyer Lego Set

I have a feeling it's going to be a great year!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Last Hurrah

School starts tomorrow, so we decided to have one last water day.  We went to the Olathe Splashpad in the morning and then headed over to our last swim lesson from there.  BB was at soccer camp the last time, so he was excited to come for the first time. 

I seriously wish I had the energy of my boys.  Their feet barely ever tough the ground!
Little Lady was a sweet big sister and helped Little Guy travel through the entirety of the stream.  She held his hand and they made it all the way up the waterfall.
The only downer of the day is that Little Man slipped and landed hard on his knees in the stream, and he bruised up his kneecap.  It's putting his first day of Cross Country practice into question, so he's not very happy about that.  Hopefully, it will heal quickly, but right now he's having a hard time bending it. 
Little Guy has made huge swimming strides this Summer.  He's now jumping in the deep end of the pool!  He likes to jump into the "ring of fire!"

We love Mrs. Sara so much!