Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sugar Galore

The kiddos were so excited that Taste Buds Kitchen was willing to let them put their gingerbread houses together at home.  

Stella supervised from her throne.  When she was satisfied that everything was under control she took a nap.

They turned out great!

Friday, November 27, 2020

2020 Ornaments

 This year's ornaments have mostly a Star Wars theme:

Little Man: He wanted BB8

Little Lady: Her exploration of cooking and baking this year is represented in this ornament

BB and Little Guy wanted light sabers.  That pretty much fits their personality as well.

We obviously needed to get an ornament for the new kitties.  Stella's ornament fits her personality.  Her curiosity is going to kill my Christmas tree.  I can already tell.

Luna's ornament showed up saying Smokey.  When we reached out to the seller he said the customization was for the year - not the name.  What in the world?  It made us laugh so much we decided to just keep it.  We've playfully been calling her Smokey when she gets in trouble.  

This is our ornament from our New England trip over the summer. 

We have a 2020 ornament coming to memorialize this crazy year.  It's not here yet.  

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

 COVID hijacked our Thanksgiving plans, so it was just the 6 of us.  The ironic part is that the food turned out better than usual when we had no one to share it with.  We played games and stuck with an informal table for dinner.  It was a very pleasant day!

Silly faces and impersonating kitten voices with a British accent were all apart of the entertainment.

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without Little Man devouring his drumstick.  This year BB wanted the other drumstick, and Little Guy even tried the wing.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Before the Break

 I like getting pictures and videos of Little Guy during his preschool time.  Since we're not allowed in the classroom this year they've tried really hard to make the parents feel a part of what's going on.  

Little Man had a word association project for school that was due right before break.  He had to come up with a picture and defense of his reasoning for a list of words.  Some of his choices were hilarious.   This is what he came up with for "Destruction."  He hadn't finished his explanation yet when I took the picture but it contained his usual witticisms.

I love capturing simple moments.  I thought the kiddos were all asleep, but I found Little Lady reading to Little Guy.  How could I get upset with that?  It was so endearing.  

Monday, November 23, 2020


 BB is trying out a new sport this Winter.  It's a version of indoor soccer- Futsal!  He really likes it, and it's teaching him some great skills for the soccer field as well.  

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Happy Birthday, Little Guy!

 It's hard to believe my baby is 5 years old!

It was a very merry Star Wars birthday for this kiddo!  He wanted exactly what the older kiddos did for their birthday.  He wanted a family party with a scavenger hunt to find his gifts.  

His breakfast request was pumpkin pancakes with buttermilk syrup, and he wanted sweet and sour meatballs and rice with a side of broccoli for dinner.  His cake request was highly amusing.  He was very specific.  He didn't overly care about the cake itself (we went with yellow), but he wanted chocolate frosting with strawberries and bananas on top and kitty toppers that looked like Luna and Stella.  He only wanted a "little bit" of strawberry ice cream to go with "a lot" of cake.  We made it happen.  Happy birthday, Little Guy!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Kitty Activities

 Luna and Stella continue to run the household.

Some of their favorite activities include...

Taking over my chair in shifts
Wrestling each other
Practicing their balance on the outside of the railing.  (They like to live on the edge)
Being petted and adored
Interrupting laundry
Cuddling with their favorite human
Napping on his bed while they wait for him to get home from school.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

School Art

 Little Lady has been loving the line art they're been working on at school.

BB informed me this is his best artwork, and he now feels like he's a good artist.  Little Guy had Community Helpers week at school.  His choice of a career caused us a few chuckles.