Friday, August 4, 2023

Hottest July in Human History 2023

July in Mesa Arizona was a doozy- here is a fun fact for you
"Phoenix, Arizona, recorded the hottest month ever in a U.S. city, as it hit 110 degrees Fahrenheit for 31 days straight, from June 30 to July 30."

Here are a few highlights from the end of the month!

Gotcha day!  We brought Lizzy home 5 years ago!

We checked off a few more items off our summer 2023 list- 
The boys had been waiting all summer to go to Mesa High pool and we finally made it happen with their friend Spencer.  We love the lazy river!

Miles flip off the diving board

Olly doing a flip off the diving board

Primary had a fun day to play with orbeez and wash primary chairs at 5pm, at the end of July. In Mesa.  It was HOT.  Two of the ladies running it were pregnant, bless then and we were the only ones that showed up that weren't in the presidency.  But we had fun and the chairs were way better!

We've missed getting to see my brother Jesse and his family for a while.  So glad they came down to get a steer turn (had to learn what that was!) so we could go to lunch together. 
Adults table!  Marti is starting to have some flex Fridays so she could come!

Girl table, Charlotte, Maya, & Abby

Boy table- Miles, Olly & Trac

Sunday, April 2, 2023

March Happenings

March is a beautiful month in Mesa!  Here are some highlights!

The Mesa temple was closed for cleaning so I got to attend the Gilbert temple two times in March.  They recently updated the endowment and it's been wonderful to go a few times to hear the new parts!

Matt took the kids to the Red Mountain carnival right by their school while I set up for Bob Slade's funeral then I came to meet them.  Matt's been having terrible hives often when he goes outside so he went home with Abby who was done and I stayed with Charlotte and the boys.  I didn't ride any rides this time, maybe next time.  Miles liked this humongous Hershey's syrup.  The carnival food was pricey but the kids really loved the carnival.  Charlotte paid to go the next night with Melody.

The girls had an orchestra competition- they got "Superior with Distinction" rating- the highest you can get.  It's been fun to have the girls practicing the same songs together.  They had a school performance also then we went to Cafe Rio and waited way too long for our food.

High the hill on Brown  a few times with Angie and Emily- trying to get in good shape for my Italy trip coming up.

Miles fell down walking to get on the bus and scraped up his arm. The bus driver called the nurse and she came on the bus to patch him up then called me.  He likes to wrap it up in gauze.

Met these ladies at Swig and Kylee brought Saland and Go.  I loved serving with these ladies and miss getting to see them more often.  They've all had a baby either while we were serving or Amanda will have one this year!  So happy for them!

Finally made it to one of Brooklyn Blake's softball games now that she's a senior.  She got an awesome hit but they caught it.  They played Mt. View and I think Westwood lost 10-0 but it was fun to watch her and visit with her grandma Michelle who just got called as my counselor and her aunt Andrea.

Our March activity was on gardening.  We also did a service swap where everyone wrote something they'd like done for or with them and then we exchanged them!

Yummy dirt cups and fruit.  Melba Miskin did the most amazing singing and shared her homegrown sugar snap peas.


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Chandra Goodman

The day before my 38th birthday my sweet friend Chandra Goodman passed away after almost 11 years of fighting cancer off and on.  Even though she'd been sick for so long it still hit me pretty hard.  She was born the same year I was, and her only daughter Kaydence is right between my girls' ages.  She lived near the end of Nevada Way from August 2015-May 2019 when she got cancer for the last time and moved to her parents and then Eastmark.   She was my ministering sister and we served in young women's together for a few years.  I feel so blessed by her example and friendship.  She was such a light.  She lived life so fully and joyfully.  She didn't waste the precious time she has with negativity or worry.  She loved and served and had tons of fun and included everyone.  I learned so much from the way she lived her life and handled her trials of cancer and infertility.  She was one of the most Christlike people I know. 

Her funeral was January 28th, it was so hard to watch Kaydence cry during the musical number and realize she won't have her mom on this earth.  The musical number by Rachel DesVergnes was perfect and her dad had the funniest stories about Chandra growing up.  

I have an alarm on my phone to pray for her for years at 9am. The first time it went off on my birthday, I started praying for Tanner and Kaydence instead and in gratitude for Chandra being such a magnification of Christ's love for me and so many others.  I took pictures of pictures from the album her mom made for her last birthday on earth so the quality isn't the best.  

Our Last Night of Excellence with Liahona ward, right after the ward's separated in Chandra's backyard in November 2017  We had so much fun putting on fundraisers, having parties at her parent's house, movie nights, couples Valentine parties, and Book of Mormon photo shoots.  She took our Whitmer family pictures also in 2017.  She hosted a few Princess Balls and Abby, Charlotte and Matt got to go to one.

She took all the curveballs of life and showed us all how to go through hard trials with joy and so much faith.  She had such a strong child-like faith and she loved to share her testimony.

Chandra always planned the best birthdays.  We did a staycation at a hotel, dinner, massages, a movie, and breakfast.  It was so much fun!  R to L Rachel DesVergnes, Mica Mckee, Chandra Goodman, Erin Whitmer, Lori Wood, Sarah Done, Angie Papa, Sarah Blake.  I love these ladies!

Chandra loved to host parties, especially karaoke nights at her parents!  

I think this is at Chandra's house but I don't remember the occasion.

Soda/Swig shop walk, Chandra met us there in her golf cart- she loved to drive around!  R to L Sarah Done, Cayleen Lyons, Rachel DesVergnes, Chandra Goodman, Jami Hatch, Michelle Parker, Erin Whitmerrr

I took these pictures to be able to find her grave and visit her in Mesa Cemetary since it's one of my favorite things to do.  I'm so glad her grave is close to my house.  


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January Gems


9AM Church on New Year's Day is a bit rough.  We were definitely a little bit late but it's nice to have so much time in the afternoon.  Since there is no Survivor right now we've been watching Bobba Fett for our Sunday evening family show- the boys love it, the girls not so much.

More often we've been seeing some sister love/bonding.  It gives me hope- even if this was half wrestling/half hug.

All 4 kids had dentist appointments before school started back!  No cavities!  They still played for a few minutes on the playground!

No cavity tradition we go out for treats!  I took them to Crepes au Chocolate in Dana Park.  So yummy!

Youth Program kick-off!  Here is Charlotte's class!  I'll add Abby's and Olly's if I can find them!  So grateful for good friends and leaders for my kids!

We had a hilarious slack chat about dressing in neon 80s workout gear.  When Kristin Bowler showed up with these for the walking group Lindsay McRae and I had to try them out!

Date Night to Outback and amazing Arizona sunsets!  So grateful our kids are older and we can go on dates more often! We love spending time together!

The boys made these blanket hammocks under the bunk bed!

First Official Sleepover for the girls!
We don't do sleepovers with friends, only cousins but we don't have many cousins close.  So after the Tayriend Christmas party, my girls asked if 2nd cousins count.  My dear cousin Stefani and I spend so many weeks at each other's houses growing up so it feels appropriate our girls would love each other too!  Holland and Gracie are right in between my girl's ages.  There was a lot of talking & giggling late at night, Watching sweet home Alabama and yummy breakfast and stores the next day.  We met Stefani for lunch at Panera bread and some shopping.

Erin turns 38!

Angie did my hair and we went to Crackers for breakfast! I had so many sweet messages, flowers treats, and gifts dropped off. Matt got me my calendar and some good battery chargers for Italy.  I volunteered at the kids' school too.  Matt and I did a Cheesecake Factory date on Friday, January 13th.

Went to Freshman night with Charlotte!  She officially chose Mountain View High School!
It feels like the beginning of the end of her childhood.

I'd lost track of Donna, my mentor teacher, for a couple years.  It was so fun to meet up for lunch at Red Robin and catch up!

Miles is still a fruit fiend.  The strawberries from Costco were so much better!

Abby and I got new helmets!

We've taken a few family bike rides in the beautiful weather.  My bike is broken so I borrow the girl's bike.

Charlotte loves babysitting Paige!

The boys really needed haircuts!  Miles is protesting showers too these days.

Another walking group with my new friend Kristen.

FFFF- Fourth Fridays at four at the field.  Fun ward play day at the field.   Missionary tag!

Cute Matt and Miles.  Matt got them a big thing of Jelly beans!

January does feel like a really long month after all the holidays, luckily my birthday helps break it up!

Friday, January 14, 2022

January 2022- first half

The kids went back to school on January 3rd which felt very fast so I feel like I'm still adjusting to the new year!

First to finish off the break...
We watch the 3rd 2020 version of Emma at Marti's house!  We all love the tension in the dance scene.  Love that Abby loved Pride and Prejudice and now Emma!
Trying to start a new tradition/habit of going to the temple to do scriptures and journal 1x a month.  We ran into Marti by accident at the temple too.  Started their sibling loom journals.  Love having the temple open!

Miles went to school Monday, Jan 3rd after the break then stayed home the rest of the week throwing up just 1x per day and acting totally normal the rest of the time.  He wore the teddy bear costume most of the kids wore when they were 1.  This boy still loves to dress up.  We cleaned out his room, took a nap, and watched shows.  I had a bad cold the same 4 days- Matt did an at home COVID test on me- it came back negative.
Abby and Olly start young men and young women!  Transitions are always exciting and a little sad but so far they're handling it well!  I loved these years, I hope they love them too!  Abby playing musical chairs.  I love the young women!

Abby's best friends Olivia and Hadlie are all on a team for Battle of the Books.  They did awesome in the January battle- only missed one question.

It was weird to be sick so much the first week but I'm so grateful to be feeling well again and Miles back at school.  We had our first Relief Society lesson and activity this week only 23 on Sunday and 15 at the activity.  COVID omicron variant is definitely surging along with colds and a stomach bug.  So far no positive covid tests.  Life is still not normal but we're more used to it now.  

Excited for the fresh start a new year brings!