It's finally arrived! We've been driving to Gilbert since May 2018 waiting for the renovations to be done, then COVID and hot summer delays. I ran, rode my bike and car around the Mesa temple and the new visitor's center and housing often to see the updates!
When they asked for volunteer 2x a week for 4 hours each time I knew it would be a big commitment- but we'd just read about the sacrifice to build Kirtland temple and never getting to build the temples in Independence and Far West so covering shoes in the low 90s for 8 hours a week feels like a small sacrifice in comparison.
I made some new friends working for 4 hours at a time every Monday and Friday 11am-3pm. I mostly opened shoe coverings and refilled baskets, covered shoes for 2-3 shifts, helped wipe down wheelchairs 1 shift, and got pulled inside one very busy Friday to follow 5 tours. They were so packed I was the only person in the waiting room for tour guides
Overall I got to go through the temple open house 5 times with friends or family and 5 times helping with tours. I was hoping for lucky #13 but 10 times was pretty amazing. I feel so lucky to have our close temple opening again!
First Day October 18 |
Every area and shift had the sweetest and most dedicated shift leaders who had to attend meetings for months figuring out all the ever-changing details. |
My parents were sealed here on Dec. 20, 1975, and they were both sealed to their parents and siblings as kids in this temple. |
I snuck into a tour with mom and dad on October 29th when they came down to see Kori! |
We went through as a family with the Gammons and Marti and Oct 30th |
We love our family! |
Gammons! Tanner is not a hugger ;-) |
Married here May 13, 2005- 16 years ago! |
These kids are so lucky to have Aunti Marti! |
Played at the newly redone Pioneer park after. The woodchips flying was fun! |
We got Chic-fil-et and met up with our Tayrin cousins and Grand and Donnie at Freestone park for lunch. We always love an excuse to see them. Uncle Grand came around the corner with 12 kids on the train by himself! What a fun Grandpa!
Cute girl cousins! |
Best cousin friends Erin and Stefani! |
Megan and Marti even got to be roommates! Megan was a trooper to come with her newborn Conner! |
We had trunk or treat after this. My kids said it felt like 4 days rolled into one. Usually we have chores and not much else on Saturdays!