Thursday, October 31, 2019

That time Miles might have broken a bone... again!

I'm not sure what it is about Miles but he has cost us more in medical/dental bills than the other 3 kids combined.  Part of it is the big people around him.  We had a family dinner where I instituted a little kids jumping time and big kids jumping time to avoid how Miles broke his leg last time in Dec 2017.  Which was working great until an uncle wanted to jump and throw kids.  Miles got hurt and I brought him in and iced it.  He continued to not use the arm and complain the next couple days so we got him a sling until we could see the orthopedic doctor (a word Miles knows well and sometimes says he wants to be when he grows up).  I can attest they make good money!  He got to wear his sling for picture day but took it off for the picture!  

They took an x-ray but couldn't see any break.  They decided to cast it anyway based on how he was acting and that we were going our of town for a week for fall break so it would be protected. 

 It hard trying to get him to wear the sling, not run or climb on things for 2 weeks and then another month after that.  When we came back they x-rayed it again and thought their was a tiny micro fracture just above his elbow on his humorous.  We always seem to break things right before breaks with lots of family so he got most of his cousins etc.  in UT and ID to sign it! 

Matt loves that Miles gives him a leg hug every day!

Super Miles!  Good as new!  We hope this is his last break and we can keep the trampoline!  

A Magical Halloween 2019

 I wasn't sure we were going to do a family theme this year.  How could we possibly top Star Wars?!  Then last Christmas Pottery Barn kids had their pricey bug costumes on clearance and it ended up being Miles favorite Christmas present.  So I knew he was going to be a stick bug.  Then I remembered how cute the bowtruckle in Fantastic Beasts is and I knew I wanted to do it.  We couldn't get enough characters everyone liked so we also included Harry Potter characters so it's a half and half mash up!
I was in charge of Miles' 1st grade class party this year!  First graders have shorter attention spans than I remember.  It made me feel better for how many times I have to repeat things to Miles!  

We just sqeezed in carving the pumpkin with dad while we ate dinner before trick or treating!

The Saturday before they got to wear costumes to violin and piano group lessons!  Olly made the cutest Newt Scamander!  I just love his character!  

From L to R Charlotte as Hermione (she didn't want to dress up but she liked dying her hair),
Matt as Hargrid (he thought he looked like a drag queen in his Jesus/Hagrid wig and Santa Belt- the rest we already had!
Abby as Ginny (her red hair turned out more pink and people kept guessing she was Tonks- both Abby and Charlotte already owned the wand for their character,
Erin as Tina Goldstine (people had a hard time guessing me),
Miles as a bowtruckle/stick bug got lots of compliments- the eyes light up!, and
Olly as the perfect Newt Scamander (he did want a wig but I talked him into another bowtruckle toy instead).

Olly really hates pictures right now!  I'm hoping it's just a phase!