Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I did a 10K and LOVED it!

I LOVED running my first 10K!!  I was surprised I loved it as much as I did.  When Phoenix marathon race started a few years ago and runs right through Mesa near our house I've wanted to do it but they only have a 10K, Half, and Full so I knew I needed to train more than I am willing to train when I am pregnant or nursing and then my running buddies both had a baby pretty soon after Miles was older.  

When my friend Sunny, who is as cheerful as her name suggests, wanted to train for it I was thrilled. We both had sick kids and kids sleeping badly and we stay up too late and get up too early, but we did it!  Sunny said if we're going to be sleep deprived anyway we might as well get our running in too! January we ran 26.15 miles mostly Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 5:45 increasing our distance by .5 mile each week.  February we tried to start upping our pace which is harder than distance in my book.  We ran 46 miles in February and ran the race the last Saturday of the month.  We trained at about a 10 min mile. 

At the start line

 I got up at 3:45 or something crazy so we would have time to park and ride the bus to the start line by 6:30. I hydrated a little too much and we were in line for the bathroom right before it started but I didn't want to wait anymore so I just ran it and went pee after!  I was very confidant we could run the whole thing I wanted to get under an hour or a 10 min pace.  I was so proud of my 9:17 pace and 57:19 time, I was 16 our of 91 for my division!  Sunny was awesome, she stuck with me for most of the race but I could tell she had more in her so I told her she needed to sprint the last stretch and she came in 12th I think in our division.

I loved the training and getting to exercise and have a therapy session with my good friend again. It was a little cold/dark but it made us be more consistent to have a race to train for.  They started something new this year where each medal with have a different of the Arizona 5 Cs on it each year.  This year was copper, next year will be cattle, then  citrus, climate, cotton.  When you put all 5 together they will make a star.  I totally want them, this is one I want to run every year if I can.  I love that it's close to my house, all my training can happen in the winter when it's not hot here and they run a great race with cool stations at each mile and an awesome finish line.  They had Kneaders french toast, Dave's BBQ and all kinds of other free stuff. 

Sunny wants to do the half marathon next year.  I'm still not convinced I want to double my distance and training time.   I'm still impressed we did the 10K!

Awesome feeling at the finish!

Erin  Whitmer 

bib number:
overall place:
F 30-34 
division place:
16  out of 91 
gender place:
110  out of 810 
clock time:
net time:
9:15  (based on net time)
We made a sign for Matt winning a contest at work the day before, they turned the dad paper over and changed it to mom for me!  

Thursday, May 5, 2016

November 2015

November definitely reminds us of the things we're thankful for.  We usually start with a birthday celebration for this guy who works so hard for us and loves us so well!  We are thankful for Matt!  I love the look on their faces in the candlelight.

Next we celebrate our awesome Auntie Marti. I am grateful daily for having such a wonderful little sister to be my friend my whole life and love my kids like she does.  She is such a blessing to us!
I couldn't decide between Marti's happy smile and Miles so I had to post 2 pictures

Our thankful tree I made a few years back
We are thankful for Jesus!

Miles turkey wouldn't cooperate for this picture.  The kids wanted to get out the Christmas decorations but I told them we needed a happy Thanksgiving picture first!  

Ho Ho Ho!  Poor Olly was sick for Thanksgiving with a fever and croup cough so he I and I stayed home and had something really boring for lunch and Matt took the other 3 kids to his parents most of the day.  It was a weird/sad day and made me thankful for my usually healthy kids and lots of family to be with on holidays.  My kids have been sick more this year than the past 5 I think put together.  I blame 3 little ones in public school.  If it happens again I think I'd rather try just doing our family at home instead of splitting up like that.  It was harder than I thought.

My new give thanks banner.  I added the burlap flowers and clothes pins with pictures obviously.

One day we realized they had Halloween, Thanksgiving the Christmas outfits on!  That is how that time of year feels all squished together!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Lyndsay's Bridal Shower

When I heard my good friend Lynsday was engaged I knew I wanted to throw the bridal shower for her.  Her and her mom threw my bridal shower and her mom threw one for my 2 older sisters as well.  My mom and dad did a ton of work getting their house ready and helping with lots of the food too.  It was a great party.  I was a little nervous when I sent out over 100 invites but we had about 30 people there which was perfect!

Miles did this during the shower and my sweet sister-in-law Mindy took my other kids home with her after she stopped by for a while.

Corina and Andi!

Lyndsay said she only wanted one game that didn't focus on her so we came up with lots of couples and taped a card to everyone's back, they had to ask questions to figure out who they were and then find their match, like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, or Ken and Barbie Doll.

Sister Earnshaw was our Sunday school teacher for 2 or 3 years.

Denise, Lyndsay's awesome mother-in-law and my mom

Lyndsay said Mike could wear this apron!

I had such a terrible cold this day.  I took a lot of ibuprofen and made it through, I couldn't miss it, especially since I was throwing it!  Our good friend Elysia came the night before and helped to get ready since she couldn't make it to the shower.  It was fun to see old friends!

The best of friends!

The bride!

Madilyn Turns 2!

One of our sweet nieces Madilyn turned 2 and had a party at the park nearby.  It was fun to see all the little cousins together but we missed Darrell and Rachel's family.
Ring a round the roise!

We all fall down!  I love their faces!

Kiera, Madilyn and Grandpa

These kids take their water balloon races very seriously.

The water balloons were a big hit!

Cute Bubble Guppy cake with some Grandma embellishments on top!
It was a fun day for a sweet girl with great spring weather!

Easter Hunt and Easter Best 2016

I think this was the 8th annual Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Granddads!  We waited until evening to do the hunt so Marti could be there.
Matt and mini Matt

Abby cutie

Abby, Grandma, Cai, Trac, Granddad, Miles, Oliver and Maya and Charlotte in the back

Attempted to take some Easter morning pictures.  Olly complained for weeks after he saw what I bought him for Easter clothes but after a pep talk from Matt and lots of complements from everyone else he has worn it to every "Sunday best" event since then!  Ha!

Miles is usually just fine with whatever clothes threw the biggest fit when I got him dressed.  Abby wanted Marti in the picture so she was mad.  Classic half-happy/half-grumpy picture.

Marti!  Now Abby is happy!

I forgot to tell Matt to bring his Sunday clothes since we were driving home before church so he wasn't in these!

They both wanted a shot with their Auntie!

Beautiful Abby!

Olly cutie!

"No hugs!"

Beautiful Charlotte

After church he was much happier and I got a few smiley ones!