Here are some every day highlights from the spring at our house...
Miles LOVES to do the dishes. When he hears the sink on, he runs to get a chair yelling, "dishes" "wash" "soap" It's an easy way to keep him entertained and get one of my main chores done, and waste a lot of water...
These boys spend a good chunk of their day in the sandbox. They love having a brother. Miles raids Olly's drawer a few times a day to wear all his cool Spiderman (me-mon if you're Miles) shirts. We've tried lots of different sandbox covers, I'm liking this plastic lattice- let's the rain through, lightweight and bendable, and keeps the cats out, and semi-cute.
TV the great peace maker.
This is what it looks like when you bring all the toys into the house in one place. Yes, this was on purpose. I have done a few decluttering challenges with my sister and some friends. One tip that has really helped is the bring every thing from one category all in the same place and then hold each item and decide if you really love it or if you can let it go to a new home for someone who might need/want it more. If you try this I want to see if your pile of toys was as horrifying as mine. I can remember when Charlotte was a baby and all our toys and board books fit in one basket!
Miles will sometimes fold arms and bow head and say "amen"
Olly climbing the orange tree. These pictures stressed Matt out. I'm more of the philosophy that kids need to climb trees etc even if there are some injuries involved.
Love this one in the leaves!
Lots of messy eating.
Still struggling without nap time. Man I miss it!
Hard to tell but he decided to pile all his applesauce on his left arm. No idea why?
Miles visits our tortoises often. Here one of them has an extra bell pepper shell. He also loves to put them in the water dish and color on them with sidewalk chalk. Overall he is very good with them but there were tears after he sent one of them down the kiddie slide. Luckily the tortoise was just fine. All pets should come with shells! Still the best pets!
We tried to make peep fruit kabobs for Abby's preschool snack via pinterest. It was kind of a disaster. I felt like I should snip off the sharp pointy end, the watermelon made the peep marshmallows color bleed/wet. Live and learn, oh well. We went with Cheez-its for Olly's snack the next month!
Why sleep in your bed when you can have a slumber party on your floor with your twin! Charlotte was still awake, she just wanted to lay next to them for the picture! We just moved Olly over to Miles room. I'll let you know how that goes.
A costco trip always involves some fun towers. And sugar if Matt goes!
Abby saw me line up my shoes during my declutter challenge so I found the kid shoes similarly organized! Ha! That's my mini-me organizer!
Yogurt head...
Miles loved our cupboard clean-out. If you ever get to design a kitchen we highly recommend our big corner shelf with the pull-out cupboard door to reach all our pots and pans. Way better than a lazy susan.
We've loved the beautiful spring weather. We've had a really nice May, with a few thunder storms. Summer heat will come to stay soon I'm sure.