Saturday, April 26, 2014

1st Ever Fathers and Sons!

While the boys are away the girls will play...
The girls were sad that Olly got to go on a camping trip with dad so I told them we would do "girl" things.  So we went to Sweet Tooth Fairy Cupcakes and to Target to buy summer sandals.  They wondered why Miles got to come on our girls outing too.  We also bought a new Tinkerbell movie and painted our nails!  They seemed to have fun but they were still a little jealous of Olly.

The first thing they did was give Olly and Dad the cupcakes we saved for them.  I almost ate them.  It was very tempting.
When I asked Matt how it went he said, "I just told myself I wasn't going to get any sleep and it wasn't so bad."  He's discovered the secret to happy parenting!  They seemed like they had a fun time, despite or maybe because of the snow!

Matt said he was glad he brought the "froggy" potty.  Olly thought he needed to pee all night and hadn't mastered peeing on a tree yet!

He came home in the same outfit he left in!  They got home really early, because they were freezing and tired and woke up super early.  Olly talked about this all the time.  Now we just need to take the girls so Olly will stop rubbing it in that he was the first one to play in the snow and go camping!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Just a little phone picture of some Easter cuteness.  I couldn't help myself for $1!  My kids all wore them all over the store and to Chic-fil-et for lunch too! I'll post more official pictures later.  This guy is 37 weeks 2 days old on Easter and he was 37 weeks 2 days old when he was born!  

We were glad to do all the commercial Easter stuff last week so we could focus on the real meaning of Easter and our Savior this week. Happy Easter!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Break Livin' it Up!

One of the hardest parts of hitting the 4 kids at home mark is how hard it is to go on outing with all of them.  The probability of someone having a major meltdown with 4 kids this young is about 400% (meaning each of them will have at least one meltdown).  It helps that Charlotte has preschool 3x a week but that also limits the mornings I can go on longer outings.  On Spring break I was determined to actually do some fun things even if we don't do big trips very often.

Monday-Wednesday I drove up to Cornville while Matt stayed home and worked.
We made it in time for our St. Patrick's day nephew's 8th birthday!  We came back up for his baptism 2 weeks later but I forgot the camera!

I love watching my kids get to know their grandparents.

Abby always remembers to bring her boots to Cornville because granddad wears boots!

The new fish pond is coming along nicely- the grass around the edges is filling in.  Next up- water slide!  I like their reflections in the pond.

The neighbor always has baby lambs this time of year.  I was surprised how strong it was- and very soft!
I was able to meet up with 3 friends for lunch one day! It was so much fun getting to catch up with my childhood friends Lyndsay, Corina and Gail.  Some people will always be easy to talk to no matter how long it's been since you've seen them. I was planning to bring all the kids with me but my dad offered to watch them- and then he amended it and said, "Maybe you should bring the baby!"  I did get a text message on my way back that Olly was doing his business so I should hurry!  Having granddad babysit is always funny!  Thanks dad!

Granddad took them fishing in the pond and they all kissed the fish.  I even went fishing!  I can't remember the last time I did that! I have never kissed a fish before but my kids talked me into it!

Olly was the most enthusiastic kisser!

Grand kid rite of passage, finding the grand kid cupboard.  He hasn't climbed in yet though.  Miles stopped army crawling and started going faster on all fours while we were up there.
 The next day after we got back we used our groupon to go to the Phoenix Children's museum.  It's usually $11/person but we got 4 of us in for $25!  We usually go 2-3x per year.  It's so much fun!  The girls played the longest in the grocery store section.

Olly always loves the ballroom- with tons of ball ramps all around the room.

My sweet friend Donna made this trip possible.  She has been such a blessing helping me.  I hope she doesn't mind me sharing her picture.  She was my mentor teacher when I student taught in Mesa and now she's retired.  We've been getting together more often, she's a great friend!

McCormick Stillman Railroad Park
The Friday of Spring break we met up with some friends from the mom's group I was in when Charlotte was a baby.  We were all first time moms and had lots of time to go on outings, and it was so fun to make so many friends.
The little train is a big hit!

Saturday we went to Uncle Jerry's for a family party on Matt's Fife side.  He's the uncle who got our tortoises for us.
I love the texture of their scales.

One of his three Galapagos tortoises.  They are finally laying eggs pretty regularly.  Now Matt wants one of these!  It is pretty awesome watching them walk around the yard.  They are HUGE and have a lot of personality.

They love when you rub the underside of their neck and the top of their shell.

Matt, and Miles Fife with Grandma and Grandpa Fife.  We sure love them!

I think I definitely met my goal of going on some outings. Nap times were almost non-existent but we had a ton of fun living it up for Spring Break in the beautiful Arizona weather!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Miles of Milestones- 7 months

Our baby just turned 8 months and he seems to be determined to do everything faster than his siblings.  7 months was a big one for him.
Sitting up alone.  He did take a little longer to get sturdy.

Getting into crawling position.  He's been slowly army crawling for awhile but he finally got up on all fours and started to take off quickly over spring break on March 18th.  Now he goes from room to room.
He would cry when it got too hard! 
Chillin' with grandad.  His eczema is still pretty bad unless I use the prescription cream all the time.

We had to move the poor turtles because he wouldn't leave them alone!

Eating lots of solids!  He's still not a huge eater but he seems to like everything he's tried so far.  He loves to use his pincher skills to eat cheerios and baby puffs.

I love this sweet moment I caught of him and Auntie Marti looking at each other.  He really does recognize and love her.  She has been such a blessing to us!

Pulling up to standing. "MUST get turtles!"  It seems like as soon as he could pull up to his knees he could also pull up to his feet.  It's been MUCH harder to baby proof with 3 older kids leaving things on the floor all day.  But they are also good police, "Miles is getting into (fill in the blank)"

Crawling into bouncer and then not being able to get out!

Our babies always love our low windows.  I loved this shot!

Crazy hair Miles!  

Also during his 7th month:
Charlotte taught him to clap! Super cute!
He is SO close to saying "hi".  When you say hi to him he is definitely trying to say it back.  He also makes the "Ahh" noise and "dadadada" he's gotten very vocal babbling away all day
He is happier now that he's mobile.  
We started cloth diapers some of the time (I usually wait until 6 months because I only have the larger size that will expand until he potty trains... forever from now!)
He's also a big fan of the jumper- he's almost past the stage of the swing and bouncer.
He sleeps like a champ usually 9 or 10pm - 6:30 or a little earlier.  He takes consistent naps 9:30-11am and 2:30-4.

Having a baby is the BEST!  I wish it would go more slowly!

Meet our new niece Madilyn Lucille!

Currently our oldest niece (on my side) and our youngest niece (on Matt's side) are both named Madilyn!  The similarities don't stop there.  They are both the oldest child, both have dark hair, spelled the same, both with great-grandmother's names for middle names, same weight, very similar birth stories, and both came a little later than their due dates!  We'll have to see if the similarities continue!  Both Matt and I took turns going to the hospital on her birthday to meet her, here are some of the pictures! 
Madilyn Lucille
born March 2, 2014 
(same day the Gilbert Temple was dedicated!)
21.3" LONG!
7lbs 13oz

Look at that dark hair!

Proud Grandpa
 Proud Grandma
Audrey and Dillon are going to be wonderful parents!  She's a very lucky little girl!

Uncle Matt showing off his newborn holding skills.
I was excited to get to hold a newborn!  They grow up so fast!  She's only the 3rd niece (out of 10 now!) I've been able to hold as a newborn!
We're so happy for Audrey and Dillon to add this little person to their family and to have a cousin closer to us again. We hope we get to see her often so our kids can be great friends!