Sunday, July 24, 2011

Discovered By Me Recently (or the last year)

Awesome Movies-
Mostly animated. Granted this is the genre I watch 99% of the time but I honestly think it's the easiest to find clean movies
1. How to Train Your Dragon- lame title, awesome sense of humor and story!  Love it!
2. The Princess and the Frog- such great songs!  Makes me so happy Disney came out with another beautifully animated movie
3. Tangled- There's a reason everyone raves about this one! I love that this princess isn't a supermodel- freckles, modest clothes, teeth a little larger. It also has great songs- the style really reminded me of a Broadway play soundtrack- I'm sure it will be soon
4. Toy Story 3- Who knew a #3 movie could be that good!
5.  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Matt and I actually saw this together on opening weekend at 8am.  We woke up to go to a movie- it felt weird!  So worth it!  So sad that both the books and movies are over!  Thanks again Marti for changing a double dirty diaper disaster (say that 5 times fast)!  
At the midnight party for book 7- from L to R Molly (Alyn) Weasley, Hermione (Madi), Fred (Erin), and Luna (Lia)
6. Young Victoria.  Awesome! If you like Jane Austen movies you'll like this.  Such a great story- especially because it's true.  Beautiful costumes and scenery.  Made me want to read a biography of Queen Victoria.

Websites I've Tried!!! Can I tell you how in love I am with this site!  It's like a humongous book club!  I have been in a reading slump for years.  I just keep reading the same books over and over again and rarely finding anything else I love!  Until I discovered goodreads!
Favorite features:
  • See what your friends are currently reading
  • Compare your book list with your friends' list and see your compatibility
  • Rate and review books- I have found a ton (48 to be exact) of books to put on my "to read" list based on the top ratings by friends that have similar taste
  • Keep track of all the books you've read
  • Sends you lists of new books coming out from authors you've already read or similar to books you've rated
  • Now whenever I go to the library with the kids I can just look at my "to read" list and check out a book or three.  I'm having a reading Renaissance!
The only downside is that not very many of my friends (even the avid readers) are on there yet.  So if you want to make my day (and you'll love it too I promise) get on find me and start rating books you've read!  cough cough Gail, Paula, Janae, Kelli, Emilee, Marjie...  Aprilynne and Kenny- I'd love to get some ideas for books Matt would like.

I was going to make a list of books I've liked and disliked but I want to give you some incentive to GO TO goodreads and see for yourself!

So much fun!  It's a like a huge bulletin board of wonderful ideas and beautiful pictures.  It makes me happy just to look at my "boards".  Anytime you find something on any site you want to remember you "pin it" to a board and then you can always find it again.  Super easy to organize anyway you want.  I have boards like "photography ideas", "My style" with cute clothes I see online, "Girl room decorating ideas", "Party ideas", "Cute crafts for the kiddos", "Recipes".  So instead of a jumble of bookmarks you can't remember why you saved it's all organized.  And if you're looking for something like a paint color to go with your green couch or rainbow party ideas just type it in and you will have more amazing ideas than you can believe!  If you're on let me know so I can follow you!

Any new discoveries you're excited about? Movies, websites or otherwise...

Friday, July 1, 2011

To Oliver and Abigail on their 1st birthday

**Warning long and sentimental poem ahead.  If short on time skip to the bottom for the long and sentimental video instead!

It's the kind of thing that happens to other people
"That looks like twins."
A statement not a question to the doctor
peering across the dim room
two distinct blobs on the ultrasound screen

Baby A on the right.
Crazy mover, noticeable hair fuzz
Of course he is.
Oliver Matthew
apt middle name-5lbs 6oz, perfect mini carbon copy of Matt's face
Papa's knack for early mobility and fearlessness
Scaling couches and tables with obvious delight
Attempting to descend via cliff jumping
"He's your son!"
downy tow-head hair perfect for gelling with sweet potatoes
Wiry, skinny little mover, dirt devourer
Speed eater- fruit, fruit and more fruit please!
Olly Jolly Doodle all day, our handsome man, sweet disposition
until the food or snuggles don't come fast enough- 
then boy soprano screams
cranky pants, Mr. Grumpy
Independent. (essential in at least one twin)
Often found hiding in closets contentedly making messes.
Our snuggler, hugger, open mouth kisser.
Until nap time- then "put me down, give me my thumb and blanket and leave me alone"
The perfect napper.
First smiles for mama.  Adores papa and aunties
Willing to hug anyone for a few minutes.
"C'mon Olly Jolly!" Charlotte's buddy and foe.
Our little son- mischievousness, adventurous, ever Jolly

Calm Baby B on the left.
Unbelievably tiny breech baby to watch over- triumphant petite healthy 4#1oz!
A voracious persistent eater
Hater of bottles
Heartbreaking leaving our precious bundle in the care of strangers
The longest 2 days and nights of our lives.
Beautiful, delicate, content, sleepy, watchful, sometimes sassy Abigail
Finally mom's small contribution to the gene pool, a mama's baby
And a papa's girl "Father is Joy"- for first smiles, looks of adoration
See-my-reflection-in-your-head bald
Your face is too pretty to be allowed to have hair too
Sleepy angel- who says tiny babies can’t sleep well?
sleeping through the night early, sleeping in ‘til 8
Heartbroken for bedtime
Tough as nails and good-natured to a fault
Squeezed, sat-on, head-locked, bumped, pushed down- rarely a squeak
Babble and talk, growl and grunt
Loves most food- gobbles up meat like a carnivore her mother
Pleasantly plump legs and belly! Round little face!
Our little rocker and swatter
Methodically putting things together
Sweet patient lovely bonus baby-
Miss Abby-zawatty-gail

Born with a best friend
37.5 weeks to share a womb
5 months to share a crib
A lifetime to share milestones- hopefully a special bond
A constant friend to...
Babble with on the floor
Double volume crying for, "Mamama!"
Empty cupboards
Make a diversion while you escape out the back door
Grab faces while you nurse
Hold hands and tag along
Taking turns being "good baby" "bad baby"

Upset little Abby squawking in protest
Olly rolled, crawled and toddled away first
Pushing our content bumblebee to roll, crawl and toddle after him

Oh how much fun to have 2 babies together
It was meant to be this way.
An act of congress to leave the house.
Endless diapers and feedings
A circus act everywhere we go
"Yes, they're twins. No, they're not identical."
I should make a sign for our limousine neon green stroller.
Thinking, "I-have-20-minutes-before-someone-has-a-meltdown-or blow-out-or-needs-fed-and-this-is- the-first-time-I've-been-to-the-store-in-2-months-so-could-you-please-notice-I'm-speed-walking-as-I shop!"
"Sorry should I call back at a better time?"
The repeated phrase of our occasional callers-
There isn't a better time- this is life- please talk to me!
Someone is always crying- sometimes it's mom's turn
Only one kiddo wailing that's par for the course!
But someone is always laughing or sleeping, 
cooing, smiling, learning something new
Breathtaking to watch 2 little humans 
make the largest growth-spurt of their lives together
Absolute perfection to see your faces light up when you've been apart
To see you wrestle and play and squeal together- always someone doing what you're doing

Papa- you came together to divide-up your over-adoring and boisterous sister's attention
Mama- you were too good to be allowed to come alone 
You needed an accomplice, snuggle buddy, nemesis
Sharing and stealing toys, food, attention
Our hearts

May you always love each other the way you do now.
"If you think our hands are full imagine our hearts"
Oh how we love you. 
Our sweet double blessing
Oliver and Abigail
Happy First Birthday!

*Mandatory excuses.   I forget how long it takes to make a movie of a whole year.  Charlotte's 1 year video was a whopping 5 min.  After many painful hours of editing late into the night and during precious nap time I managed to trim this one down to  7min 34 sec.  Ridiculous I know- but there are two babies!  Feel free to stop when you get bored but the end is the best part in my opinion!  Let me know if you have a favorite clip since I've been so bad about posting any videos of the twins.  Turn up the sound, double click on the video to go to you tube and press the four arrows button on the bottom right corner of the video picture to make it full screen- it's worth it trust me!