Putting up lights for our reception.
Adjusting to life in the city has had it's bumps:
Putting up lights for our reception.
Tucson apt. (all borrowed furniture/TV)
We actually got it really cheap thanks to my friend Macey. The couple who lived in the apartment had an internship in Vegas for the summer. So they gave us cheap rent and we let them keep all their stuff in the extra bedroom. Plus we used all their furniture, TV, and nice digital piano. Sweet! Less moving of heavy objects all around. After 3 months of marriage Matt's IBM Tucson internship was up and we needed to find an apartment in the Valley before school started.
August 2005-May 2007
"it was the worst of times."
Our Mesa apartment had an awesome L.D.S. (Latter Day Saint- it's the abbreviation for our religion) landlord who let us have the place for $400 because he wanted good tenants.
-2 bedroom
-1 bathroom
-Good sized kitchen with tile and tons of cupboard space
-Carport with storage room and washer/dryer hook-ups
-NO Dishwasher- first and hopefully the last time that happens. Matt and I would take turns NOT doing the dishes for a week and then do all of them when we ran out!
-Smack dab in a rundown old Mesa neighborhood.
We never parked in the carport because it was a pain to drive around. One day Matt caught some guys smoking pot back there.
Matt starting our first little, I mean really little, garden.
Despite all this I realize our apartment was a blessing. We had a lot of good memories there as a newlywed couple. Graduating college and starting our first real jobs.
We were also able to save money more quickly for a house. We were so excited to buy our first house 1.5 years after Matt finished college and 1 year after I finished at the ages of 25 and 22 respectively. Too bad we couldn't hold out a little longer until after the house market plunged; but that's another story. We miss the young couples that lived on the street and the cheap rent but that's about all we miss. I now know why location is the biggest rule of real estate.
Anyone have any good stories about the worst (or best) places you've lived?
We had a marvelous Easter weekend! On Saturday we had an Easter egg hunt with all the Diehl relatives in the state. Charlotte couldn't really hunt eggs and eat candy alone so I kindly assisted her with both of those activities. It was fun to see the cousins play together. Charlotte was so thoroughly amused by them. I have never heard her laugh that hard. Jesse and Mindy- I'll take Cai any day to keep Charlotte entertained! On the way back we got to stop and see Matt's parents as well. I love going home and getting to visit our families! That's what makes holidays so much fun!
Cai was so sweet with Charlotte and she loved him!
Click to zoom in to see Kori and Jesse's faces! Who looks the most excited?
Sweet Maya. She's at such a cute age where her walking is still a little wobbly! Her dad calls it the drunken sailor walk! She's almost exactly a year older than Charlotte so this is what Charlotte will be like next year! Hard for me to believe she'll ever be mobile.
I took this pictures for Alyn and Marti. Dad posing with his latest project. He's so proud of his water wheel. He's been talking about making one for years. Our adopted Grandma and Grandpa Beebe had the best water wheel. (That's the irrigation ditch that runs through my parent's property not the creek.)
I couldn't decide which one I liked better?
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 5
Cute little diaper model
Now don't you want your little fuzzy buns to be a bum genius and have a happy heiny? Someone needs to give their marketing department a big pat on the back for the cute names. I know not a very big reason but still. They come in colors like blossom and have flower covers, are made of everything from fleece to organic cotton.
That's Good
Will the cuteness make cleaning them any less disgusting?
That's Bad
I love the idea of never buying diapers again and laundry is not a chore I mind too much.
That's Good
Laundry might become a big chore if I have to wash diapers all the time.
That's Bad
Some sources say cloth diapers are more environmentally friendly even taking into account electricity and water (estimated at $608 for the length a kid is in diapers). Apparently you're technically supposed to flush diaper contents in the toilet. It's technically not legal to put human waste in a garbage can to pollute our water and food sources and fill up our landfills with billions of disposable diapers every year that take forever to disintegrate. I have to say that I personally have never emptied a disposable diaper before throwing it away.
Other sources disagree...If you read disposable diaper information it says that water contamination really happens most often in 3rd world countries where the landfills aren't set up as well as ours. It's all about who's writing it so who knows?
That's Good
Matt says he could care less about the environmental factor. Let's just say Matt doesn't "GO GREEN". We pay our taxes we deserve our landfill space right? Everyone else is throwing away dirty diapers why not us? I'll admit that while I cringe when I think of piles of stinking diapers in landfills this is not the biggest factor for me.
That's Bad
I could use them on more than one kid saving even more money, they come in 1 size expandable that last from 8-35 pounds so you really can just buy once and use until they potty train. That's Good
So join me on this journey as I see if the GOOD or the BAD conquer.
*I credit my sister's sister-in-law Randi's blog for the phrase