Sunday, November 30, 2008

HELP! What to buy?


-First request.... my husband honestly can't think of anything he wants for Christmas. He just built himself a new computer so he says he doesn't want anything, but I want to get him at least a little something. Any suggestions of things that have been a big hit with your husbands, brothers, dads, etc? I'd especially like suggestions from friends or family of Matt.

-Second request. Charlotte really doesn't need too much, and she won't know it's Christmas anyway. I would still like to get her at least one toy that I know she will like between now and next Christmas. So all you moms out there what did your babies play with for hours, what helped you to keep your sanity? There are so many HUGE baby toys out there I would like to avoid turning my house into a complete baby land but I'm willing to buy maybe one big toy if she'll really use it. I already have a swing but that's about it. So tell me your kid's favorite toys, books, or movies large or small.

Friday, November 21, 2008

2 Months...Where did the time go?

I don't know what happened to our little newborn. I looked down and there was a cute little some-what chubby baby in her place. At her doctor's appointment today she weighed 10lbs 11oz. She is starting to catch up on the growth charts. The doctor was impressed. She got 3 shots poor kid. She did really well, she only screamed for about 2 minutes. I wish I could say as much for the rest of the day... Here are some picture highlights from the last month.

Ooo...I like baths now.

I'm starting to smile for real, especially at my silly daddy's songs and sounds.

Daddy's Girl. Dad turned 27. Happy Birthday Matt!

Bag o' baby ready for bed. I usually only get up once at night now. I've even slept 5 or 6 hours at a time a few times!

I love to put hats on her. I hope the weather actually gets cooler at some point so that I can use all her winter clothes. I keep trying to put sweaters on her then I have to take them off because it is still so warm here. Her eyes are looking much more blue. We love her so much!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Grandmas Galore

What would the world be like without doting grandmothers? Charlotte is blessed to have two Grandmas who would love nothing better than to hold and look at her all day long. She also has three great grandma's who are definitely GREAT as well. I hope that she'll have lots of wonderful memories with them.

Four Generations: Erin Whitmer, Great Grandma Tayrien (my mom's mom), Grandma Diehl (my mom) holding little Charlotte

Grandma Ruth Whitmer

Grandma Diehl holding Charlotte so I could get things done. Thanks for all your help that weekend and Marti too!

We Meet at Last

Charlotte finally got to meet her two friends...

Can you believe the hair on baby Ben? Why is it the boys get all the hair? This is my cousin Brittany holding Charlotte and me with her baby Benjamin. They are only 17 days apart. Brittany and I were only born a month apart. Pretty cool huh?

Cortney and Baby Easton... Our favorite walking buddies.

After all the commiserating during pregnancy it's nice to have all the babies here safe and healthy. I'm sure we have lots of play dates ahead of us.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Step aside Anne Geddes...

These were taken when Charlotte was 2 weeks old. I was more excited about these than Christmas. I had to put the last two in so you would see how much work it was to get the good shots. Before I was even pregnant I knew I wanted pictures like this taken. This was my "must" baby purchase. I have been obsessed with Anne Geddes (famous baby photographer) since I first saw her pictures. When I discovered my friend Micaela just down the street took pictures like this I was thrilled. She was so sweet to take Charlotte's pictures even though she is probably the busiest person I know lately. I really appreciated it. There are a ton more I could post that I am in love with but I figured I should stop. Which one is your favorite?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Halloween Fairytale

Once upon a time there was a handsome prince

(I know he looks like the Burger King but work with me here)

Who wanted to find his true love and make her a princess

(I squeezed into my old prom dress. Let's just say it's a little tighter than it used to be but it was the best princess outfit I had so I was glad it fit after a fashion)

So he put a little sweet pea under a huge stack of mattresses to see if the princess would wake up at night.

Well the sweet pea did an amazing job of keeping the princess up all night (honestly the little sweet pea does such a good job most people would wake up). The prince realized she really was his true love and they all lived happily ever after.

So what I want to know is when the little sweet pea decides it's time to stop doing her job of waking up the princess?

Here was the alternate costume underneath because it was 90 + degrees here making poor Charlotte a pretty sweaty Sweet Pea. The skeleton onesie (it glows in the dark by the way) is from our friends Kenny and Aprilynne and the cute bow (so everyone knows she's a girl not a goth) is from my cousin's wife Melissa.