Charlotte is 16!! It is so hard to believe! This is a big one! Here is how her birthday went down-
It was on a Wednesday so she wanted to stay home but we told her she couldn't handle a short day of school and some classes singing to her. She wanted hashbrowns & eggs for breakfast and to not get up earlier to open presents so we did them in the afternoon.
After school she went with Matt to get her licence. I took her last week to the Institute for Driver's Safety test on Thursday ( I did let her miss 7th hour seminary to go to that early). She was so exicted to be officially licenced!
She really wanted a trip to see Taylor Swift of course or another pair on fancy adidas but instead she got a record player (she's been collecting Taylor Swift albums for awhile- now she can finally play them). She also got 3 new shirts/bodysuit (who knew those would ever come back), a vanity mirror to do her makeup, and Target gift card and money from both grandparents. Her friend Kendra gave her a car! A matchbox car that is, and Adri gave her a nothing bundt cake.
Her good friend Harper also came by the night before and heart attacked our door with fun memories and inside jokes. What a sweet friend! |
We did nothing bundt cakelets for the day off since she's getting a big ice cream cake for her party. |
The day after her birthday she did her first solo trip to drop something off at Elise Millet's a mile or two away. I might have tracked her phone to see where she was but I was proud of myself letting her go alone already.