I must admit that the headline to this piece is meant for dramatic effect. For the heart of the [Confederacy] did not
stop beating when the last shot in the Civil War was fired.
assured that I know this from personal experience. For I was raised in an area where many refused to
recognize the sovereignty of the United States federal government, and they
were quite proud of the fact that [Cassville] served as the Confederate capitol
of Missouri for a day or so after [Governor Claiborne Fox Jackson] called for
the secession of the state in 1861.
a more personal note, I was right in there with them until our Heavenly Father
started changing me. Quite honestly, I
still find the thought of the Union being much more in the right rather
I have never been in favor of slavery. I
was, however, a very strong supporter of state’s rights, and now being more of
a [Federalist] is another thing that doesn’t sit all that well with me.
do believe that more would be more inclined toward federalism if we could elect
a president who wanted the federal government to truly work with the states
instead of just issue mandates that do not take regional wants and needs into
account. For I cannot imagine any state
legislature refusing what the vast resources of the federal government could
help with, and if anyone thinks that we would be better off with each state
acting like its own sovereign entity, they have not thought things completely
through. After all, why should tax
dollars from California help pay for the dredging of the Mississippi River when
they have docks on the Pacific coast to send and receive their own trade goods?
I suppose I should come down off of my soapbox for a little bit and get to what
moved me (naturally-speaking, of course) to write about such. For our own Republican candidate for the
United States Senate, [Todd Akin], is not the only candidate in the general
area causing the “stuff” to hit the proverbial fan on a national scale. For the news has been breaking that [Jon Hubbard] considers the being of a slave in this country a blessing to those who
were able to endure it. Along with [Loy Mauch] calling President Abraham Lincoln a war criminal for committing
premeditated murder on the United States Constitution. As well as [Charlie Fuqua] insisting that disrespectful
children should face the death penalty in a court of law.
the execution of disrespectful children was not an obscure clause in the
Confederate Constitution, but it most definitely fits under the state’s rights
heading. Alas, Mr. Fuqua must have skipped
over: So
speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. For he shall have judgment without mercy,
that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment. [James 2:12-13 KJV]
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