Showing posts with label Family Radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family Radio. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2011

No Rapture for You

Diagram of the major tribulation views in Chri...Image via WikipediaLike most Saturday nights I was scheduled to deliver pizza from 5pm until midnight or until it slows down enough that I can leave, usually around 11pm. I was kind of bummed that I was working seeing as how Harold Camping said the world would end at 6 pm. That really is something you would want to be with your family should it occur.

Technically, Camping predicted that the Rapture would occur which consists of Jesus returning to take his follower to heaven in the twinkling of an eye. Still, I have read enough of the Bible, end times theology, and Left Behind books to know you wouldn't want to be out driving around when the Rapture occurs. All of those suddenly unoccupied cars could cause some major traffic headaches.