I suppose calling Around The Horn, which airs at 4 p.m. CDT M-F, a completion is a stretch. For the show involves four sports journalists
trying to make points (both literally and figuratively) on a number of
different sports-related topics, with the one with the lowest total being
eliminated each round. Subsequently, the
last one left standing is declared the winner, and they are given 30 seconds to
mouth off about anything they want.
the fact that ESPN doesn’t even have a specific section for Around The Horn on
their website, you may come to the conclusion that it is not to be taken all that seriously. I do find it rather entertaining
most of the time, however.
of this has to do with the “competitors” often taking shots at each other, and
[Woody Paige] is usually a hoot and a half.
[Bomani Jones] is another favorite of mine.
the other hand, you won’t be seeing Ryan having too much fun on the show. Well, at least not as far as appearances
go. For his face stays in the same stoic
expression as in that picture of him over there.
I do not think that it is a Boston thing.
For [Jackie MacMullan] hails from the same area, and she has come close
to cackling with laughter more than a few times on the show.
I have seen Ryan acting almost gregarious on ESPN’s [The Sports Reporters], which airs at 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, and
[Pardon The Interruption], which airs at 4:30 p.m. CDT M-F. Hence, the
title to this piece.
course, after searching for the specific sections for The Sports Reporters and
Pardon The Interruption, I may have unfairly portrayed Around The Horn in a
poor light. For with there apparently
being none to be found, it looks like the powers that be at ESPN aren’t taking
any of their individual shows all that seriously. Yeah, maybe I am the one who needs to get out
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