Showing posts with label Coco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coco. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hammie Mail!

There was even more mail today! It was for me and Coco.

It turned out to be from Hammie. He send us a beautiful Mandala card made by G.

And Stroopwafels!
Stroopwafels are some kind of cookies with syrup between them, like maple syrup but made out of beet-sugar if I'm not mistaken.

And there was a brilliant piggy ice scoop. I love it!

A small piggy bank just like the ones I saw when we were in town a couple of weeks ago! It even had a coin in it for good luck.

Thank you so much Hammie and G.
I must tell you that coincidentally we posted something small to you just this morning.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More Hammie Mail!

Today there was a package for me and Coco!

It turned out to be from Hammie, who had send us really cool souvenirs from his trip to France. Just look at all the yummie and beautiful stuff!

There was even a bag of special pig candy. I think the picture on it will be clear enough for you to figure out what kind of pig item this candy is supposed to look like ;-)

And there was a pig card holder in the package too. Isn't it great!

and lastly a picture of the pig card holder together with the beautiful Mandala card Hammie send us and which was made by G.

Thanks Hammie and G.!
We love our souvenirs!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


There was a package from Beanie today for me and Coco. I immediately took out our letteropener to see what was inside.

Here Coco is checking if we didn't leave anything in the envelope. Wouldn't want to throw anything away by accident.

We got souvenirs from Beanie's trip to Lille!
I love the magnet Beanie send and there was a hippo bookmark too that me and my owner can use when we're reading books together. Luckily Coco liked the crayons and the hedgehog thingie more so we didn't have to fight over deviding the souvenirs.

I did try out the hedgehog thingie though, it cuts really cool hedgehog shapes in paper. I think I'll borrow it from time to time and then Coco can borrow my spiky stamp roller thingie I got from Beanie awhile ago.

Thanks Beanie, we love it!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Almost my birthday and mail

Tomorrow it's the birthday of me and my owner, so we brought something yummy to eat for everyone at work today to celebrate. I got a pastry with pecans.

And look! There was some good news for pigs in the paper today. A large supermarket chain is going to only sell pork that is from pigs that lived a good life from now on so that means lots of pigs are getting a better treatment from now on.

When we got home there was mail for me and my owner that is for our birthday. I think it's from Hammie, but we'll know for sure tomorrow.

And what's this?
Mail for me and Coco? That means it isn't for my birthday and can be opened now!

It was a beautiful card from Beanie!
Thanks Beanie, we love it!

Angus made a paper hat out of the envelope!

This is fun!

Tonight we'll be going to the movies and than tomorrow it's my birthday!! I'll tell you all about it soon.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A very cool package!!

Today my owner finally had time to collect our package from the post office!
It was send to us by Hammie and G. as we were the 1000th visitor to Hammie's blog. The package was for me, Coco and our owner's, but Domo and Angus were very curious to what was in it too.

It said 'Hip, hip, hurray, 100th visitor' on the side of the package!

Ooooh, a piggy sticker!

We opened the package together and it was full of cool things!!

There were two new housmates! And a cool cross stitch card that my owner really loved and balloons among other things.

There was also a balloon pump. Angus used it to blow up some balloons.

I tried to make one of them into a flower or animal, but it was hard work I can tell you.

The end result did make a nice seat though.

Domo tried it on as a necklace thingie, but it was too big for that.

There was a cool frog in the package too, which was meant for my owner's OH, but Angus absolutely loved the frog so he hogged it.

If you press on the back of the frog, it sticks out it's tongue!

The eyes of the frog have flies on them! Scary!
(And if you want to see what Coco got and can't make it out in this picture: go to Coco's blog, he'll be making a post too about this package.)

And even more new animals: A hippo for my owner! The hippo and Domo got along quite well from the start.

Here's an overview of us and the cool contents of the package! There was also very yummie Sinterklaas chocolate and kruidnoten in it! Hmmm....
Hammie: you spoiled us! Thanks!

And closing with a picture of the two new pigs that Hammie send to us. The small one is called Spot and the bigger pig is called Babs.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chocolate Letter

My owner's OH bought a chocolate letter for my owner yesterday. Chocolate letters are a tradional gift for Sinterklaas, but ofcourse my owner couldn't wait that long in eating it so started on it today.Me and Coco also tried to steal a bite as you can see.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sign in tree and Clouds

First I want to show you a very weird sign/poster. We saw it when we made a walk yesterday, it was stuck in a tree. Today when we past the tree on the way to work it was gone.

This evening we had another barbeque as the weather was lovely. There were lots of beautiful clouds. Here you can see me and Coco

More pretty clouds

Having a nice rest on Coco's traveling bag.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Another fun Bbq

My owner and her OH decided to have another waterside bbq yesterday evening and me, Voodoo Bride and Coco came along.

I helped out with preparing the mushrooms and onions.

Some of the tasty things we brought to eat.

Me and Coco playing around on and in the picknick basket.

When the sun was almost gone we made a fire to keep warm.

The sky looked beautiful and we lay on our picknick blanket for a long time admiring it.