Showing posts with label clouds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clouds. Show all posts

Monday, February 29, 2016

Popcorn and Garnwerd

Last Friday I went to the cinema to see Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. It was entertaining, but there could have been more zombies in my opinion. I did get to eat popcorn!

Yesterday we went for a walk to Garnwerd.

It was a beautiful day.

In Garnwerd we had dinner.

Groninger mustard soup, my favorite!

And patat of course.

I had a great time!

Friday, January 22, 2016

A Birthday Trip to Schiermonnikoog - Day 4

When we woke up on Sunday and looked out the window everything was white!

It had snowed during the night. How cool.

We had to go for a long walk in the snow of course.

It was a beautiful, clear day.

Let's see: where shall we go?

We decided to go to the beach again.
This time we went to another part of the beach than on Friday.

And this time we managed to get close to the sea as well.

After some time on the beach we walked back to the village.

We visited our friends again for lunch, and had a great time.

It was late in the afternoon when we left, and the sun was starting to set.

We decided to walk towards one of the harbors.

With the setting sun and the clouds it was beautiful there.

A lone bird.

Finally we went back to the hotel for dinner.
I had ice cream!

Guess what came next:
More reading and relaxing!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Birthday Trip to Schiermonnikoog - Day 3

On Saturday it was my birthday!
Apart from this wonderful birthday trip my owner and I also got a book, a piggy card, and the new David Bowie CD.
How awesome!

We had a yummy breakfast with croissants, sugar bread and more delicious things.

After a relaxing morning we went for a walk through the small forest on Schiermonnikoog.

Dark clouds were gathering, and we got caught in a hailstorm.

We managed to find our way to the old German bunker and went inside to find cover from the hailstones.

Luckily it didn't take long for the storm to pass.

And the sun was coming out again.

Entering the bunker and climbing on the bunker are at your own risk.

Risk taker that I am, I climbed to the top of the bunker of course.
(There were stairs, so not really dangerous in my opinion.)

We walked towards the beach, but it was really cold and windy there, so we went to the Marlijn instead for a birthday drink!

After our celebratory drink we walked through the forest, back towards the hotel.

At the hotel we found a nice warm spot next to the fireplace.
We relaxed and read until it was time for dinner.

Mustard soup!
My favorite. I wonder if they knew it was my birthday.

Playing around with the candles.

The evening was for more reading and relaxing of course!
What a wonderful birthday.