Saturday, 23 April 2011

[MORDHEIM] Possessed and Warband Completion

 On this Easter Weekend I have finished my possessed warband before I go back up north for family visits and such. 

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

[MORDHEIM] Possessed Colours.... help.

Right I need an opinion on something.  I am unsure what colours to paint the possessed model in.  My first thought was a purple, as that is the themed colour of the warband but as the model doesn't have any cloth he'll be one big lot of purple and I don't know how well that'll turn out.  Then I have considered doing him flesh toned, with a purple wash/shading.  I want him to look good without the colour choice being too much.  Below is my conversion, I went for a more daemonic look about him rather than a daemon mutated human.  I hope.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

[MORDHEIM] Magister

Been working on this guy for a couple of days, I am overall pretty happy with him.  The dagger is different to the axe due to it falling off and the little knife working better, he does however have a mace to protect himself if need be.  Unfortunately the highlights on the scroll and skulls have been washed out a little bit.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

[Mordheim] Possessed Warband

An update on the Possessed Warband from a long time ago.  Trying to finish off some projects, here we have two mutants and a beastman.

Monday, 4 April 2011

"Dice is Our Vice"

As you might have guessed from the title, I have been listening to a certain podcast recently.  Can you guess which...?

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