I don’t know about you, but when I picture a dire
wolf, it is not as a creature that shambles along, sloughing pieces of itself
and fertilizing the landscape. My vision of a dire wolf is that of a sleek and
very large canine predator, capable of reducing men to urine soaked pants and
tears just as easily as turning them into bloody ribbons upon which the pack
will feed. One of the latest incarnations of this comes from the mind of George
R.R Martin, in the form of house Stark and their pets, while many years ago my
mind brought to life the descriptions found within the odd Dungeon and Dragon
monster manual. Or, does anyone remember the reference to a
Helping bring this vision to life is the new
“Fenris” wolf kit made by G.W. It is meant as a 40k model, but thanks to the
lack of mechanical bits, and lasers attached to their backs, it can be used so
very easily within a fantasy setting. All that is lacking are cavalry bases,
which I happened to have extra of.
My personal vision for these “dire wolves” is of
massive creatures that roam the hills and forests from whence my undead army
general hails. Instead of undead wolves being raised to serve the master, I
picture an unholy pact between these living creatures and the vampire lord.
Perhaps it’s a mentally sent command, or the ability to speak the tongue of
beasts, but these living creatures roam the outer edges of the army, seeking,
hunting, and hungry, ever hungry.
Speaking of hungry,
here is the first wolf, up to table-top standard...which is as far as I want to
go with him. The rest of the pictures are a bsic step by step, as I made it as
easy on myself as possible to paint these creatures.
Plastic and base, rdy for
undercoat |
White GW
undercoat |
watered down wash of Sepia and
Devlan mud |
Second coat of same
wash |
VERY watered down brown paint
(as glaze) |
Stonewall gray
added |
Badab black wash added over
gray |
Picking out white with ahem,
Skull white and a nose and lips black |
A bit more badab, some white,
eyes and the rock on base |
English Uniform on base and Ivy
(brass), brown edging - done |
Done from
side |
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