Hello everyone. Hope all is well with you and yours. What a beautiful day it has been today.
My smalls have been flapping gaily in the sunshine.
Thank you for your lovely comments on my florals on my last card. I really do enjoy making flowers. I always make sympathy cards when needed as I don't like to tempt fate by having them ready made in my card box.......daft, I know.
I've been missing again as Mr D has been hogging the laptop when I have time to sit and blog and I can't upload pics from the tablet to Blogger for some reason.
Anyhoo.......did you miss me? What was that? Like a verruca lol???
The Kitties have been keeping me busy too. Lily has been a bit of a naughty girl. She decided to pee on Mr D's dressing gown. Fortunately (for both of them), he was not wearing it at the time and it will teach him not to just dump it on the chair. She then peed on his socks.........which yet again, he had just dumped on the chair.
Hopefully, she just has a thing about tidiness lol!!!
Needless to say, he has been taking his clothes upstairs since!!!
I've only been trying to get him to do that for 17 years. If only I had realised sooner, that all I needed to do was pee on his stuff.
The Girls have been outside in their harnesses and didn't seem very impressed. Molly in, particular, was wary and was happy to get back inside onto her nice fleecy bed. Lily was a little nervous but then a large fly buzzed past and she nearly dragged me into the wisteria.
They have been good at sitting still to have them put on and taken off so no TCP and Band Aids required as yet.
Now,today's card is an oldie. I found some more unblogged cards in a folder and this one is from November 2016 and was made for my nephew.
White, navy and blue card (Limetree)
John Lockwood Novembers Child sentiment stamp
Couture Creations Swiss Dots embossing folder
Variety of "Happy Birthday" stamps
Variety of blue inks
Blue bling
Teenage boys are a nightmare to make cards for so, although I know some will find this a bit busy, I thought it would be fine for a 17 year old lad and he was happy with it.
Maureen.....tuna scented soap? I always thought that there was something fishy about you or was that just a red herring? But, its not my plaice to judge or carp on about it.
Jayne, hope that knee is improving.
Annie, thanks for the link to PhotoScape. I will check it out.
Well, best get on now as Mr D nearly home and nearly dinner time for The Girls.
Have a great evening.
Ang x