Good morning mon petit pois. Hope that you are all well?
I've been busy pottering in the garden whilst I am feeling up to it as there is 2 years of cutting back shrubs to do. Mr D was not allowed to wield his chopper in my flower beds........only the lawn is his department.
Have also been busy doing more samples for Mr Lockwood ready for Thursday and also, I've had a few birthday cards this month too and I also have our anniversary card to sort out for next week and a workshop with John on Sunday...............phew!!!!!!!!
And what heat we have had. Its ok during the day but on a muggy night, I'm sweating more than a turkey in December. Goodness knows what will happen when menopause strikes.
I have been having a fan wafting over me in bed (an electric one rather than someone who likes my blog), despite Mr D's protests about "the horrendous draught". I have set it on a plug in timer so it switches off after I have, hopefully, dropped off to sleep rather than it going all night.
The poor Girls have been searching out every cool nook too. They are 10 months old now so its their first Summer and what a scorcher for them.
Now, back to the official stuff and another one of the samples I made for John's last shows, again going with the non Christmas use of a Christmas stamp set.
White and grey card
Paper from DCWV (I think as it was a loose scrap)
JND Media Plate Rectangle Frame dies
JND Christmas Music stamps (Man & lady)
JND Anniversary Sentiments stamps
Bling on a string (on my website)
Memento Dewdrop Grey Flannel ink
On this one, you can pick up some of the sparkle from the diamante.
I just thought that the carol singers looked like they could be a bride and groom so I stamped them without their baton and song book and used a grey fine liner to make them look like they were holding hands.
My mind works in strange ways most days but I thought I'd run with it.
I shall be back on Friday with a card from John's new collection.
Hope you enjoy the shows on Thursday and Friday.
Ang x