Good morning my little Duckadees, I do hope this finds you well.
Thank you, as always for your lovely comments, always encouraging and always appreciated.
Nesta did love the gift bag but I think she was more interested in the contents lol!!! For my overseas chums, Cadburys Chocolate Buttons are milk thin chocolate discs, about the size of an average button, that melt very nicely on the tongue.
Whilst we are on a Nesta theme, I thought I would show you the bangle box that I made for Nesta to give her niece for the blessing last weekend.
She had asked a male friend to find an A4 size purple box (as she didn't want to bother me) but he hadn't much sense of urgency and so I was seconded at the last minute.
As part of a Hindu blessing, the bride has to be presented with saris and bangles from various relatives. These were the ones Nesta was handing over.
A beautiful array of colours but the box had to be A4 and sturdy and the lid had to be cut away in areas to show off the bangles.
Fortunately, I had kept some purple cardboard boxes that had housed some card I had ordered from C & C ages ago, so I made a sturdy base for the box (it wasn't big enough to make the entire box from)
I then used some PMD A3 purple card to cover this and make the sides deeper.
I then popped a doubled over piece of the cardboard down the centre to stop the bangles moving in the box.
The lid was also made from purple PMD card out of which I cut rectangles, squares and the wonderful Striplet and backed with acetate.
It meant that you could see just enough of the bangles inside.
I also used a Hobbycraft punch around the edge of the lid and backed the aperture with gold card (you can see this on the very top photo)
I apologise for the picture heavy post but I was rather pleased with how this turned out and apparantly, it drew some admiring glances from Nestas family and the blessing guests, some of whom just handed over bangles in clear plastic bags.
One last snap. . . . . . . . . .
That's it now, I promise, before you overdose on bangles and boxes photos lol!!!
The official wedding is in October so I have an order for the wedding card for then.
Charity shop for me today. At least some little cherub won't have gone smooshing a cerise pink pigment ink pad on several paper pads, some wooden stamps and 2 pots of Modge Podge in there. . . . . . . .yes, that was yesterday's delight at work.
Whatever you're up to this week, enjoy!!!
Ang x