Viser innlegg med etiketten Grey Crowned Crane. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Grey Crowned Crane. Vis alle innlegg

lørdag 9. februar 2013

Kenya 22/12 -12 Part 3

Everybody likes to look at cute ducks in parks, and the opportunity I got here at Lake Nakuru, to get the rest of the family interested in these birds, was perfect!

Red-Billed Duck/Rødnebband
Hottentot Teal/Hottentottand
Raptors are allways among my favourites when it comes to birds, and around Lake Nakuru we got to see a few at a very good distance.


Tawny Eagle/Savanneørn

A couple of birds with interesting head-ornaments allso showed up. Helmeted Guineafowl(Hjelmperlehøne) looks like it has got some kind of dinosaur-horn onn its head, whike the Grey Crowned Crane(Gråkrontrane) looks like it has borrowed a posh hat from a high-end woman.

Helmeted Guineafowl/Hjelmperlehøne

Helmeted Guineafowl/Hjelmperlehøne
Grey Crowned Crane/Gråkrontrane

Grey Crowned Crane/Gråkrontrane
As many may have seen earlier in the blog, shorebirds are among my absolute favourite birds, and to get to see some species that I have wanted to see for a long time up close eas amazing. It was also a little surprise to get to see some very familiar species here as well.

Black-Winged Stilt, female/Stylteløper, hunn

Black-Winged Stilt, male/Stylteløper, hann

Pied Avocet/Avosett
Spur-Winged Lapwing/Sporevipe

Marsk Sandpiper/Damsnipe and Black-Winged Stilt/Stylteløper

Marsh Sandpiper/Damsnipe, note the thin bill
More pictures will be coming soon!