Viser innlegg med etiketten Gadwall. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Gadwall. Vis alle innlegg

lørdag 18. juni 2011

June 8th

Today I managed to get some closer pictures of the Gadwall (Snadderand), but the sun was shining against me so the pictures did not become as nice as I would have liked them to be. But there is no question to which species it is. The Barnacle Goose (Hvitkinngås) in the bacground is nice for size-comparison. 


The three Mallard (Stokkand) males are still hanging around in the valley, and they also deserved to be put on the blog I think.

I even took the time to take some close-ups of the Common Eiders (Ærfugl) of the ssp. borealis to show theire beauty to those of you who are not fortunate enough to have them as youre closest neighbours.

The Greylag Goose (Grågås) is still hanging around, and it does not seem to have any intentions of leaving the area around town.

The Reg/Grey Phalaropes (Polarsvømmesnipe) have started to lay theire eggs, and this picture shows one of the nests, where the female is lying on teh eggs in the tussoc, and the male is stood in front of her. This nest was found accidentally when I stopped my car, so to not create more disturbance than nessecary I took a few quick photos before I left the place.

The Iceland Gull (Grønlandsmåke) that has been frequenting the delta quite regularly was there again today, and as the two first pictures show it was beeing chased around by the Glaucous Gulls (Polarmåke) in between the times it was feeding along side them.

June 7th

After a few days at the mainland I was back in Longyearbyen again, and through the telephone I found that there was a Gadwall (Snadderand) in the valley. I met up with a friend on the plane who was more than happy to join in re-finding this bird again. On our way out we first encountered a flock of Brent Geese (Ringgås) at Tuedammene. In amongst the regular ssp. hrota were one ssp. bernicla. This subspecies is supposed to be in Siberia, but it is apparently not an entirely uncommon sight in these parts of the Arctic. I have uploaded a picture of it together with two ssp. hrota. 

The Gadwall was not difficult to find, and it was swimming alongside a male Wigeon (Brunnakke). I have uploaded a record-shot of the bird here.