Viser innlegg med etiketten Africa. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Africa. Vis alle innlegg

mandag 30. desember 2013

24/12 2012 Kenya, the cats!

The big cats of Africa are often the what is displayed on the TV-screen, and ever since I got told I was going to be on a safari I was very excited about the fact that I was to see some of them with my own eyes!
On Christmas Eve we headed out in pursuit of wildlife yet another time, and this was to be the best day when focusing on cats at least. At this point I knew what the lions would do when we found them, they would be sleeping their way through the day after a night of hunting.

When we found this family of Cheetahs they were just as active as the lions. The three cubs were lying in the shadow of a shrub in the middle of the savanna and did not bother about being stressed by the cars with tourists that came along to have a look. After a while the mother figured that she also would like some time in front of all the cameras, and came in to lie down in front of her cubs.
Cheetah/Gepard, cubs/unger

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The happy Family
When Our guide started smiling extra wide (he allways smiled) we understood that there was something good coming up. Then he told us that another car had found a mother Leopard with cub! And I have to say that this big cat is one of the most beautifull animals I have seen. We drove up on the opposite side of where the other cars were parked to get a better view. And the sight that we got was really worth being sat there for about an hour!

Leopard, female

After a short while a tiny tail suddenly appeared.....

Leopard and a tiny tail....
 We drove around the mother and cub to get better views. And to be allowed to watch the interaction between mother and cub at this close range was truly amazing! The cub was crawling around on and around its mother to get to the best place for a rest.

Leopard mother and cub.

After a little while when the cub had gone in and out of the den a few times we atsrted to Wonder if there were more than one cub. It seemed like the cub was able to move very quickly from one side of the den to the other. But all of a sudden there were two cubs outside playing with mother.

Leopard mother with two cubs.

Mother is great to climb onto.....

....because she is the softest spot around to have a rest at!

torsdag 7. november 2013

23/12 2012 Kenya

As we were heading to the MAsai MAra on this day, my hopes were very high to see something interesting. And the morning started off With some great birds around the breakfast table at the Sunbird Lodge.

African Citril/Olivenirisk

Beglafect's Weaver/Bergvever

Beglafect's Weaver/Bergvever

Fischer's Lovebird/Rødhodet dvergpapegøye

Fischer's Lovebird/Rødhodet dvergpapegøye

Great Blue-Eared Starling/Blåøreglansstær

Red-Winged Starling, male/Rødvingestær, hann

Red-Winged Starling, female + male/Rødvingestær, hunn + hann

Rufous Sparrow/Masaispurv

Rufous Sparrow/Masaispurv

Speckled Pigeon/Spragledue

Laughing Dove/Palmedue

Superb Starling/Praktstær

After a bgood breakfast With this great Company we went on, and after a dew hours in the car we entered the Masai Mara. After having dropped Our luggage in the lodge we drove out onto the Plains, and we were not disappointed even though we only had short time before darkness came.

Cape Buffalo + Yellow-Billed Oxpecker/Kafferbøffel + Gulnebboksehakker






One should think that "The King of Beasts" would act like one, but this is how the first male Lion we encountered acted teh entire time we were watching him and his pride.



"Masai"-Giraffe/"Masai" Giraff

And at last, the bird of the day for me, the Secretary Bird. Suddenly this long-legged bird just appeared out of the grass and walked next to us. This is one of the birds I really wanted to see while in Africa, and what great views it gave me!

Secretary Bird/Sekretærfugl

Secretary Bird/Sekretærfugl

Secretary Bird/Sekretærfugl

mandag 28. januar 2013

Kenya 21.12.2012

The first day of traveling in Kenya was a tiny little taste of what was to come. Both me and the rest of the family had high hopes for this journey into what we had only seen on TV before we came there. I did not know what to expect to begin with, due to the totally new setting I found myself in, but I had high hopes for this adventure.

The first thing that I was happy with was that the driving-conditions were very much better than I had feared, and the roads out of Nairobi were like any good road in Europe. The thing that was different was the buildings that we drove past that I dont think anybody would have lived in unless they really had to in Western Europe. But this just added some spice to this experience.

When we were almost out of Nairobi and the surrounding suburbs, we noticed that something was wrong with the car. The driver/guide stopped the car, and we got to confirm that the rear suspension had broken on teh car. The guide told us that we should wait at a small petrol-station/shopping-araea, and that he would be back in an hour. My mother did not believe anything in this, and the rest of us did not really think that this would be the reality, but we needed ther so we waited. I of course used the occasion to look for birds, and got to see several birds where I was able to figure out the species by the help of my bird-guide. This book was lying at my feet all the time we were in the car, and due to all the new birds it was used more or less constantly.

When an hour had passed, and people started to say "I tol you so" and such things, our guide actually came back. In total he had used about five more minutes than the hour he said he would use. And the drive could continue. We drove to Mountain Lodge, situated under Mount Kenya, the highest mountain in Kenya. This lodge was situated next to a waterhole so that we could look at Waterbuck and Bushbuck comming out to lick salts, while the Warthogs and the Giant Bush Hog were grazing just behind. And of course, as a birder, the Marabou that came in to feed on the food that had been laid out for the Common Genet. A great start to the adventure that was to come.

Nice traffic going out of Nairobi

The first Marabous of the Trip, still inside Nairobi

How to stop cars the Kenyan way

Entry to Mountain Lodge

Sykes Monkey

Mantled Guereza

Long-Legged Buzzard(Ørnvåk)

Long-Crested Eagle(Toppørn)

African Dusky Flycatcher (Smussfluesnapper), hiding in the jungle


Marabou, a contestant for the title: "Ugliest bird"
I will be pasting in the list of birds seen every day in the different places, and new birds will be marked with red. These are the bird species that I could recognise.


Pied Crow - Hvitbrystkråke - Corvus albus
Sacred Ibis - Helligibis - Threskiornis aethiopicus
Sunbird sp. - Solfugl sp.
Weaver sp. - Vever sp.
Lanner Falcon - Slagfalk - Falco biarmicus
Marabou - Marabou - Leptoptilos crumeniferus

Nairobi - Maountain Lodge

Black Kite - Svartglente - Milvus migrans
Olive Trush - Auroratrost - Turdus olivaceus
Pied Crow - Hvitbrystkråke - Corvus albus
Marabou - Marabou - Leptoptilos crumeniferus
Common Bulbul - Hagebylbyl - Pycnonotus barbatus
Beglafect Weaver - Bergvever - Ploveus beglafect
African Pied Wagtail - Afrikaerle - Motacilla aguimp
Sacred Ibis - Helligibis - Threskiornis aethiopicus
White-Browed Sparrow-Weaver - Hvitbrynvever - Plocepasser mahali
Lesser Striped swallow - Bredstripesvale - Hirundo abyssinica
Black-Headed Heron - Svarthodehegre - Ardea melanocephala
Yellow-Rumped Seedeater - Gulgumpirisk - Serinus reichenowi
Dusky Turtle Dove - Rustvingedue - Streptopelia lugens
Cattle Egret - Kuhegre - Bubulcus ibis
Scarlet-Chested Sunbird - Skarlagenbrystsolfugl - Chalcomitra senegalensis
Common Fiscal - Svartryggvarsler - Lanius collaris
House Sparrow - Gråspurv - Passer domesticus
Red-Billed Firefinch - Rødnebbamarant - Lagnosticta senegala
Horus Swift - Horusseiler - Apus horus

Mountain Lodge

Crowned Hornbill - Bantutoko - Tockus alboterminatus
Grey Heron - Gråhegre - Ardea cinerea
Red-Billed Oxpecker - Rødnebboksehakker - Buphagus erythrorhynchus
Marabou - Marabou - Leptoptilos crumeniferus
Red-Eyed Dove - Rødøyedue - Streptopelia semitorquata
Eastern Bronze-Naped Dove - Krittnakkedue - Columba delegorguei
Mountain Greenbul - Østfjellbulbul - Andropadus nigriceps
Cabani's Greenbul - Jungelbulbul - Phyllastrephus cabanisi
Green Sandpiper - Skogsnipe - Tringa ochropus
White-Tailed Crested Flycatcher - Hvittippfluesnapper - Trochocercus albonotatus
African Dusky Flycatcher - Smussfluesnapper - Muscicapa adusta
Egyptian Goose - Niland - Alopochen aegyptiacus
Hartlaub's Turaco - Blåkroneturako - Tauraco hartlaubi
Grey Wagtail - Vintererle - Motacilla cinerea
African Pied Wagtail - Afrikaerle - Motacilla aguimp
Cape Wagtail - Askeerle - Motacilla capensis
Rock Martin - Ravinesvale - Hirundo fuligula
Red-Fronted Parrot - Rødpannepapegøye - Poicephalus guliemi
Long-Crested Eagle - Toppørn - Lophaetus occipitalis
Long-Legged Buzzard - Ørnvåk - Buteo rufinus
White-Starred Robin - Stjerneskvett - Pogonocichla stellata
Cinnamon-Chested Bee-Eater - Bergbieter - Merops oerobates
Beglafect Weaver - Bergvever - Ploveus beglafect

Totalt number of bird-species seen after day one: 40

Animlas seen day one:

Waterbuck, Imbabala (Bushbuck), Warthog, Giant Forest Hog, Common Genet, Mongoose sp., Rabbit sp., Duiker sp., African Buffalo, Sykes Monkey, Mantleded Guereza, Bat sp., Squirrel sp. 13 species in total.