Viser innlegg med etiketten Bean Goose. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Bean Goose. Vis alle innlegg

søndag 26. mai 2013

May 2013, this far.

May is a wonderfull month when it comes to birds, amd here are some of the more interesting birds that I have had the pleasure of seeing this far in may.

May 11th:

The first goose of the year had arrived at Hotellneset. This was a Canadagoose, ssp. parvipes (Kanadagås, underarten parvipes). We were not expecting it to be this species, so both Vegard and I were surprised when the "Pink-footed Goose" (Kortnebbgås) showed a clear white cheek.......

May 13th:

One of the first unusual gulls that I have gotten to see this year. A Black-headed Gull (Hettemåke) spent a few days in the delta before disappearing again.

May 18th:

Another interesting gull up here in the High Arctic, a Common Gull (Fiskemåke) was seen for only one day before it had disappeared again.

May 19th:

American birds are a rare treat in Svalbard, and after the Canada Goose on the 11th of May, a sighting of a Pectoral Sandpiper (Alaskasnipe) was very nice.

And to make it even better, just next to it a Lapland Longspur (Lappspurv) was feeding at the edge of the pond.

May 20th:

Another bird from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean showed itself in Adventdalen, a Greater White-Fronted Goose, subspecies flavirostris (Tundragås, underarten flavirostris) was sitting in between a flock of Pink-Footed Geese (Kortnebbgås).

May 21st:

A total of three good birds photographed this day. The first is a Pectoral Sandpiper (Alaskasnipe) male that chased of a second male, and then kept displaying on the tundra. This is not a species that should be breeding on this side of the Atlantic, so there could be something really interesting going on here.

A Great Black-Backed Gull (Svartbak) was sleeping next to a little flock of Gaucous Gulls (Polarmåke).

And finally a pair of Long-Tailed Ducks (Havelle) were resting in the harbour on my way back home. 

May 22nd:

A male Tufted Duck (Toppand) was the highlight of this day.

May 23rd:

A Taiga Bean Goose (sædgås, underarten rossicus) gave great views for when sat in the car only 25 meters away from it.

May 25th:

Another sighting of the Viking Gull (Vikingmåke) was a cery nice experience. It came in to eat bread together with the Galucous Gulls (Polarmåke). This hybrid between Herring Gull (Gråmåke) and Glaucous Gull (Polarmåke) is very little described in the litterature, so pictures like these are very good to have for future ID-ing of individuals.

Looking very much like a Herring Gull.

Very little markings on right underwing and left upperwing.

Very little markings on right upperwing and left underwing.

torsdag 26. mai 2011

May 24th

This was a day dominated by ducks and geese. First out today I have got this picture of two male Mallards (Stokkand). This might two of the three males that came up here some weeks ago. But nobody knows, the birds have got wings and can fly pretty much where they want.

Finally I also managed to get a photo of the Bean Goose (Sædgås) at Hotellneset. To find one goose with orange legs in amongst 70 others with pink feet is not as simple as it may seem, but I did manage to get of some record-shots of it.

Another pleasant bird to get on my list of birds on Svalbard was these Canada Geese (Kanadagås). This was my species number 36 (!) on Svalbard in 2011, and my species number 63 on Svalbard in total. Unfortunately these two are probably of subspecies interior, but anyway it is nice to be able to put another species on my list here, way up north on 78 degrees North.