The Arctic Fox is a cute little mammal that I have seen quite a few of during the summer, but I have never had the opportunity or time to really try to photograph them. When I was out counting birds in the middle of September I came across this little fox. It was just as friendly as I am used to up here, and to get in to a good photo-distance. This is a fox that was born this year, possibly in the den that lies just a couple of kilometres away from where I photographed it.
It showed off as good as it could as the photos show. I sat down with it for about twenty minutes before I got cold and had to head back to the car before I got frostbite on my fingers. Photographibg in several minus-degrees without good gloves on is not to recomend. But I got satisfied with my pictures, and I hope to be able to meet this or another one when they are in full winter plumage.