Showing posts with label home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home. Show all posts

Visit "Works For Me Wednesday" at Rocks in My Dryer for lots of fun household tips!

Have you ever noticed that things go from order to chaos, with very little effort? But going from chaos to order takes very deliberate effort by a creative force. Just so you know, I do NOT consider myself "creative" when it comes to home decorating and arrangement, but I was proud of my little triumph illustrated below.

These first two photos show how this room looked when I had only one baby. Lots of time to tidy up. Looked cute at the time, but the sofa really blocked the view from the adjoining eating area and kitchen, where we spend the majority of our time.
circa 2003:

This next photo shows what this room regularly looked like when I had a 1 and a 3 year old. This is only a mild mess. It was usually much, much worse. Note that this sofa is a dumping ground for laundry, and the TV cabinet top dumping ground for clutter. During this phase, I usually stayed out of this room if I could help it.
circa 2006:
Last Saturday I spent the day moving EVERYTHING out of the room, (except TV cabinet). I steam cleaned the carpet, because really scary stuff was hanging out there. Then I put the room back together. I got rid of A LOT of toys. I moved the sectional sofa in front of the fireplace, because really, with a crawling baby, do I need another thing to worry about?
last week:

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I can't believe what a huge difference it made in my daily life to rearrange this one room. It looks so much bigger, and I can see the kids now, where as before the room was blocked off by the sofa. It was like unclogging an artery in my home. I love hanging out in this room now. Even Baby C enjoys her new crawling space, and as you can see, she can stand now, too!

I'm sure over time this room will revert back to chaos. But at least it will be easier to clean!

My "deep thought" quote of the day:

"Would it not be strange if a universe without purpose accidentally created humans who are so obsessed with purpose?"
-Sir John Templeton
John Templeton, The Humble Approach: Scientists Discover God
(Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation, 1998), 19.

So, what summer goals do you have going on right now? I'd love to hear from you!

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