Thematic Photographic #3: Another Shot of Mill Creek
We went back to one of our favorite spots on Labor Day. You guessed it! Mill Creek again. It is just so darn close and such a fun outing, not to mention, every time we go I get to take more pictures. This first one is looking downstream in the early evening.
The second shot is C2, scrambling across the "roaring rapids". The water was full of sediment and not nearly as clear as seen in the photos of our previous trip. Daddy C pointed out to us that there was recently flash flood .
We ran into some locals while the kids and I trudged through the mud. They confirmed that there was in fact a recent flood, two days earlier, and that the creek changed paths completely. This left a muddy wonderland for us to explore. Let me just say that this was the coolest, stickiest, gloppiest mud I have ever sunk my feet into!
So that's where our feet took us to spend our last day of summer vacation.
Today, our precious eldest son officially began his school career. It was a good, full day, and all three have conked out earlier than normal, giving me time to ponder the last day of summer, the last day with all three kids at home under my wings.
Stay tuned for "Muddy Wonderland Part 2" tomorrow. (Hopefully!)