I have enjoyed jumping into this new year. Although my blog has been somewhat neglected, I have been having fun with the family, and of course with my favorite hobby, making beaded jewelry. Even though the 3 Little C's keep me hoppin', the C Family has been very supportive of my artistic endeavors. I have also sold some pieces lately, which has been an added bonus! There was a certain necklace that I made a while back that was one of my favorites, and I got a lot of positive feedback on it. It was a Swarovski starfish necklace that was recently purchased by Mina, one of my mom friends from preschool. (Thanks, Mina, for all your purchases!) You can see that particular piece here. (Lost the original photo file when my hard drive crashed.)

So now I present you with two new Swarovksi starfish necklaces.
"Aquamarine Dreams" and "Golden Sunrise"

Ok I realize that it may seem corny to name the necklaces but people do it all the time on Etsy. Besides, maybe it will add some mystique and appeal for a possible buyer, right? Who knows.

Aquamarine Dreams is made from a 16mm Swarovski starfish pendant, wire wrapped with sterling silver wire. The beads are sea "opal" glass, sterling silver spacers, czech glass coin beads, and 4mm Swarovski crystals. It is finished off with a sterling silver clasp. I will list this for $25.
Golden Sunrise is made from a 16 mm Swarovski crystal starfish with an aurora borealis finish, wire wrapped with gold-filled wire. The white and golden beads are czech glass and brass. The clasp is a gold-plated toggle. This one will be offered at $20.
I will soon have them listed on Etsy. Or give me a call or shoot me an e-mail if you are interested!
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The C Family spend the last moments of 2008 enjoying some long overdue vacation time at the beach.

Here, fearless C1 lets the waves crash over him.
Baby C thoroughly enjoyed being at the beach for the first time ever. Amazingly, she did not eat much sand. Not much.
Daddy C enjoys himself as well. Who do you think the biggest kid at this beach was?
Our second day at the beach was a little chilly, but that did not stop my two older C's from peeling off their clothes and heading for the water (bathing suit underneath, of course).
2008 was a challenging year for us. We started it out with the birth of our third child last January, our amazing little Baby C. We ended it with an amazing 2 day trip. We had many highs and lows in between. But we are thankful that we have been blessed with the love of so many supportive and amazing family members and friends, who have held us up during the hard times. Most of all, we serve a great God who carries us through those valleys and blesses us with abundant love through it all. Happy New Year, may you be blessed even more in 2009.
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